China has been leading the way in cashless payment since the introduction of Alipay’s mobile payment platform in 2014. In Shanghai, convenience for consumers is at an all-time high — the scan of a single QR code eliminates the need to carry cash or fumble around your wallet for every purchase. Fittingly, Shanghai has now become the first city in China to host a completely staff-less convenience store that is open 24/7 in the former French Concession area.
自从支付宝手机支付平台在 2014 年推出以来, 中国成为了无现金支付领域的引领者。在上海, 消费者购物极为便利——只需要扫描付款二维码就可以完成付款,无需随身携带现金,也不用每次付款时手忙脚乱地在钱包里找零钱。现在,在上海法租界开设了中國第一家24小时无人便利店。
From their Weihai Road store, Wheelys 247 hopes to provide customers with a “no lines and no checkout” shopping experience. Shoppers just need to download the Wheelys 247 app and scan the barcode of the products that they wish to purchase. Whether it be for breakfast, lunch, dinner or groceries, customers are able to literally just grab what they need and go. After leaving the store, a pre-registered card is charged and Wheelys automatically sends a receipt. This 500-square-foot store is just the beginning for a new era of convenience stores that will change the way we shop forever.
位于威海路的Wheelys 247 便利店,希望为消费者提供 “无须排队、无须结帐 ”的购物体验。消费者下载 Wheelys 247 应用程序后, 扫描想要购买的产品的条形码,无论是早餐、午餐、晚餐还是杂货,拿起购买的商品就可以离开。离开便利店后,Wheelys 会从消费者预先登记的卡中扣取结账金额,并自动发送收据。这个占地500平方英尺的便利店代表我们的购物体验将再一次迎来前所未有的变革。

Website: wheelyscafe.com/wheelys247
Contributor: Whitney Ng
Video and Images Courtesy of Wheelys 247