For the unveiling of Chinese designer Xander Zhou‘s latest collection, the runaway was transformed into an office-like environment, or more specifically, the headquarters of an imaginary corporation called “Supernatural, Extraterrestrial & Co.” But instead of white-collared workers, Zhou’s office is populated with uniformed staff in glittery tracksuits, bowling uniforms, oriental garments, and other outlandish outfits. Every outfit is a “standardized uniform” in Zhou’s reimagining of modern society in an alternate reality, but the details in each design help draw attention to the diverse origins and cultural backgrounds of Zhou’s imaginary characters. For every single one of his collections, Zhou has described his design approach to be similar to producing a movie, with each look helping to build a cohesive and compelling narrative.
新一季的Xander Zhou的T台被打造成一个巨大的办公室场景,但里面可不仅仅只有西装革履的上班族,更充满了外星人、餐厅服务生、神秘的东方法师等各种角色,乍一看他们隐藏在现代文明之下,却在各自的着装细节里透露着自己身份的线索。对设计师而言,整个系列就像一次个人电影创作,所有look一起构建出最终完整的剧情。一起来看看这场Xander Zhou SS18台前幕后精彩的“演出”。

Website: www.xanderzhou.com
Instagram: @XanderZhou
Contributor: Shou Xing
Images Courtesy of Xander Zhou