Surreal and hyper-realistic, these seemingly contradictory traits have become the signature aesthetic of Xooang Choi‘s sculptures.His approach of incorporating anatomically correct human features, crafted with excruciating attention to detail, makes for an in-person viewing of his works a nightmarish experience. From the head of a Great Dane sewn onto the neck of a life-sized male to a pair of wings formed by disembodied hands, the South Korean artist seems to know no bounds in deforming and contorting familiar human bodies and body parts into deeply disturbing works of art. But through invoking discomfort, Choi’s goal is to draw attention to important societal issues such as human rights, discrimination, and isolation. Scroll down and see more of Choi’s haunting sculptures below.
看似矛盾的虚幻与现实相结合,成为了韩国艺术家Xooang Choi的雕塑作品的标志性超现实主义风格。他所精雕细琢的人像拥有符合现实比例的身体,与梦魇般的元素相结合后,每一件雕塑作品更具震撼力。大丹犬的头像被缝接在真人大小的人类身体上,无数的手臂堆叠成一双翅膀——他在作品中无所顾忌地扭曲、变形人们所熟悉的人体和身体部位, 最终呈现出令人不安的作品。这些雕塑看上去可能令人不安,但Xooang Choi的真正意图是引起人们对人权、歧视和孤立等重要社会问题的关注。接下来,再来欣赏他其它的一些雕塑作品吧。