Youth & Beauty in Taiwan

May 30, 2017 2017年5月30日

Cielo Yu is a Taiwanese photographer and a student at the Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology. Although she has only been involved in photography for three years, Yu has developed a strong visual style with a keen sensitivity to subject, color, and composition. According to Yu, “After beginning photography, I’ve developed a deeper interest in exploring all things. I feel like the best part of photography is it motivates me to keep contemplating. That’s what I’ve gained the most, the feeling of being alive through contemplation.” See below for a selection of Yu’s works.

台湾摄影师 Cielo Yu 目前就读于南台科技大学。虽然开始摄影仅三年时间,她已经形成个人强烈的视觉风格,对摄影对象、颜色和构图展现敏锐的触觉。Yu说:“开始摄影之后,我对于探索各种事物越来越感兴趣。我觉得摄影最大的好处之一,是激励我不断思考,这是我最大的收获,通过思考感受活着。“下面一起来欣赏一下Yu的作品吧。

Flickr: ~/cieloyu
Instagram: @cielo_yu


Contributor: George Zhi Zhao

Flickr: ~/cieloyu
Instagram: @cielo_yu


供稿人: George Zhi Zhao

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