Caster Dance Studio is one of the top dance studios in China. Widely respected in the Chinese hip-hop dance community, Caster has trained and hosted some of the most talented and well-known dancers in the world with their classes, workshops, and competitions.
Caster Dance Studio是国内全方面条件最优秀的舞蹈培训机构之一,具有国内最强大的舞蹈文化资讯网络,与世界专业街舞资讯和流行趋势保持同步。工作室目前所有的一线导师均曾受训于美国和欧洲各种舞蹈风格创始大师或具有代表性的国际顶尖舞者,在国内和世界舞台上获得殊荣无数。
In this video profile of Caster, some of the people behind China’s leading hip-hop and street dance studio talk about being pioneers in the dance scene for the last ten years.
Caster Dance Studio也一直不遗余力地在中国推广hip-hop文化,已经成为上海乃至中国最重要的一支舞蹈工作室了。
Contributor: Ross Donovan
Videographers: Jia Li, Leon Yan
Photographer: Leon Yan