Doc Guthrie’s is a barbershop in the Jing’an district of Shanghai catering to men who want a no-fuss, traditional old school style barber experience. Created by three expats who want to bring a different sort of barbershop to Shanghai’s hair scene, the shop is beautifully designed with subway tiling, vintage barber chairs imported from Japan, rockabilly tunes on the stereo, and a selection of whiskeys and beers on the house.
Doc Guthrie’s是位于静安区的一家复古男式理发店,如果你想拥有正宗又老式的男士发型,那这家店会是不二之选。这家理发店由三位外籍人士主理,三人的初衷是想为上海的理发店文化带来一些不同的风格。Doc Guthrie’s的店铺装修非常精美,地板和墙壁都贴着复古的瓷砖,复古理发椅也是从日本进口的,耳畔伴随着摇滚乐,你可以一边享用威士忌一边享受理发服务。

Anna hails from Scotland via New York and she started the shop as a tribute to her grandfather, an American army doctor during the war who enjoyed the finer things in life. Bringing barbershop culture to Shanghai is an ongoing process that is little known in China yet rapidly gaining popularity in the rest of the world.
主理人之一的Anna来自苏格兰,曾经在纽约生活过一段时间。Doc Guthrie这个店名是来自于Anna的祖父,曾经是一位很享受生活的美军军医,为了纪念他,Anna开了这家理发店。在上海,想要推广这种鲜为人知的西式理发店文化,还有一段路要走。

873 Kangding Road (near Yanping Road)
Jing’an District, Shanghai
People’s Republic of China
Phone: +86 185 1600 3079
Hours: 12am~8pm
Website: docguthries.com