To mark the launch of Skullcandy‘s wireless Push™ earphones, we teamed up with the brand to present a series of stories celebrating those in the creative community who push themselves to the limit and break boundaries.
In the first story of the series, we caught up with professional skateboarder Wang Di to chat about skating, perseverance, and the meaning of courage. For the second installment, we met up with tattoo artist Miho (Yao Meihui).
为庆祝蓝牙无线耳机 Push™ 的重磅推出,Skullcandy 与 Neocha正式携手合作,为你带来几位艺术家、运动员和音乐人,打破极限,自我出声的故事。
作为我们的专题人物的第一位,我们有幸请到了职业滑手王玓,请他与我们聊一聊关于滑板背后的故事,以及他对滑板与“Pushing Limits”的理解。而在下一期,我们则将与纹身艺术家姚美惠相约,讲述更多故事。
“The spirit of skateboarding is courage plus perseverance.”
Every skater has a stubborn, tenacious side. From popping ollies on the street to landing tricks on ramps and rails, learning to skate takes perseverance. For professional skateboarder Wang Di, the constant challenge is part of the sport’s allure. “Pushing limits is the only way to become one of the best,” he says. “I don’t give up easily. If I can’t figure something out today, I’ll push myself tomorrow.”
Born in 1995, Wang’s already been skating for over a decade. While his former classmates are stuck in the rat race, slaving away in front of a computer, he’s making a name for himself as a professional athlete. He owes his success to his refusal to give in, no matter how tired or frustrated he gets. “Skateboarding takes courage,” he says. “You have to be willing to challenge everything, you can’t back down.”
生于 1995 年的王玓,现在已经有十多年滑龄了。在他的同学们按部就班地读书、应聘、工作,走着规划好的人生路时,他却让自己的名字成为了滑板界的一道风采。王玓的成功归功于无论遭遇了多少疲惫或沮丧他都拒绝屈服。 “滑板它需要的就是你的勇气。”他说,“你要敢于挑战这一切,不要缩。”

“I don’t give up easily. If I can’t figure something out today, I’ll push myself tomorrow.”
Wang learned perseverance from his father, who gave him his first board at age 12. When his son showed a talent for skating, he encouraged him to follow his passion as far as he could—and then keep going. Before long, Wang was taking home prizes at competitions.
Back in school, whenever a skateboarding event fell on a weekday, his family let him take time off to compete. “The longest I ever took off was a week. When I look back now, it’s hard to believe,” he says. “Compared to other parents of that generation, my dad was really open-minded. And he knows a lot about skateboarding—he started getting into it at the same time I did.” So when Wang announced he wanted to take the leap and skate professionally, his dad had his back.
王玓是从他父亲那里学会的坚持。也正是他父亲,在他 12 岁时送给了他人生第一块滑板。当王玓表现出滑板天赋时,父亲鼓励他尽可能地追随这爱好和激情——然后继续前进。不久之后,王玓就带回了在滑板比赛中赢得的奖品。
“Pushing limits is the only way to become one of the best.”

In China, skateboarding is still viewed with suspicion, and even finding a spot to skate is hard—you never know when you’ll be chased away by an overzealous security guard. So telling people you’re a professional skater raises more than a few eyebrows.
But thanks to the determination of skaters like Wang, things are changing. Skateboarding recently won Olympic recognition, and China will field a team in the 2020 Summer Games in Tokyo. Wang’s courage in defying convention has helped the sport go mainstream—though he puts it in much humbler terms. “The path was right for me,” he says. “All I wanted to do was focus on this one thing.”
但得益于越来越多像王玓这样致力于滑板的选手们的努力,现在滑板运动为国际奥林匹克所认可,中国也将在 2020 年的东京奥运会组建一支专业滑板队。王玓敢于违抗先例的勇气,也帮助了这项运动的推广——尽管他以更加谦逊的方式表达了这一点。 “这条路很适合我,”他说, “就不要做别的了,就专注于一件事情。”
“All I wanted to do was focus on this one single thing.”

For Wang, doggedly training and daring to outperform the competition are at the sport’s heart. “The spirit of skateboarding is courage plus perseverance.” Mastering a new trick can take days or even months. Some take ten times as long as others. At its worst, it’s repetitive, tedious, and painful: you try the same trick over and over again, you keep falling on the unforgiving concrete. But diehard skaters keep getting up, bruised and bloodied, and hop back on their boards to try again. The feeling of finally landing that trick, says Wang, “is the rush of your life.”
Pushing limits doesn’t mean attempting flashy, dangerous maneuvers, he says. It means overcoming doubt. And the confidence and perseverance he’s gained on his board extend far beyond skating. “On my board, I don’t have a care in the world,” he says. “I feel there’s nothing I can’t do. Skating’s made me optimistic about life.”
“Skateboarding takes courage. You have to be willing to challenge everything, you can’t back down.”

Shop the Push™ wireless earphones at Skullcandy’s Tmall page or official website.
Weibo: ~/王玓WD
Instagram: @wangdi_1995
Contributor: Chen Yuan
Videographer: Damien Louise, Paul Gardette, Ni Zhaoyu
Photographer: David Yen
微博: ~/王玓WD
Instagram: @wangdi_1995
供稿人: Chen Yuan
摄像师: Damien Louise, Paul Gardette, Ni Zhaoyu
摄影师: David Yen