Blackbridge Motorcycles is the custom motorcycle workshop of Adrien Macera which focuses on racing and building bespoke motorcycles for China’s budding scene. Named after the artist colony of Blackbridge on the outskirts of Beijing, the shop is a real wonderland for motorcycle aficionados. Every detail is a reflection of Adrien’s passions and interests.
黑桥摩托车是Adrien Macera的定制摩托车工作室,它专注于赛车和为中国正在萌芽的摩托车界打造定制车。这个以北京郊区黑桥这块艺术家聚居地命名的店,是摩托车死忠粉们的仙境。这里的每个细节都是Adrien的激情与爱好的映射。
Born in Egypt and raised in Italy and France, Adrien considers Beijing his home of the past 20 years. After art school in Beijing, Adrien had a number of office jobs before his interest in motorcycles took over. Four years ago he started his private workshop in the Blackbridge area, a self-sufficient creative community where spaces like the shop can exist.
His dogs and pet pig roam the grounds where racing bikes, vintage bikes, and custom builds are worked on by his three-person team. Besides crafting custom builds, Adrien also leads track races in Ordos, Inner Mongolia, and in Zhuhai, Guangdong for his friends and customers.

“If you really like motorcycles and it is going to be your form of transportation, you’re going to want to have more than one,” Adrien says, “which is OK, because they don’t get jealous of each other. You can have different motorcycles for different purposes.”
“如果你喜欢摩托车,并且它会成为你的交通工具的话,你将想拥有不仅一辆的车。” 他说,“也没事就是,因为它们之间不会互相妒忌。你可以为不同的用途配置不同的车辆。”
China is quickly catching up to the global trend of more and more custom shops. “In Beijing, I know 200, maybe 300, people who spend a lot of time customizing and building their motorcycles,” he says.
中国正在快速赶上全球的定制大潮。他说: “在北京,我就认识了两三百个这样的人,他们花大量的时间个性化和铸造自己的摩托车。”
These days, motorcycles are still considered dangerous and somewhat unsavory in public opinion, but that is an attitude which is shifting as more and more people are influenced by BMW and Harley culture seeing it as a sign of wealth. While custom builds can take years and become very expensive, Adrien says some of his favorite bikes are passion projects that are more about taste and self-expression than luxury.