This story is part of a content partnership and media exchange between Neocha and VSCO. VSCO’s membership program is designed to help you reach your creative potential. Take the next step in your creative journey by starting your free 7-day trial today and gain access to the complete VSCO preset library, the newest editing tools, and inspiring educational content.
With high saturation, you can transform ordinary surroundings into mosaics of color and contrast. Rich, tonal hues define this look and color takes the center stage. Achieving this look yourself can be done with a few simple tricks. Check out these approaches you can use to experiment with high saturation.
本篇文章来自新茶媒体合作伙伴 VSCO 的内容交换。VSCO 是一个专门帮助摄影爱好者发挥创造潜力的会员项目。现在就开启你的 7 天免费试用,获取完整的预设滤镜,以及新的编辑工具、视频编辑和教程内容。
High Saturation Presets

Agfa Ultra 50 is definitively known for its intense color saturation. AU5 is perfect for experimenting with rich colors and warm tones, especially when reds and yellows are part of the composition. Though traditionally used with landscapes, this preset can help push the boundaries of other genres as well.
Agfa Ultra 50 是公认的、强烈的彩色饱和度的滤镜。AU5 非常适合色彩丰富、色调温暖的照片,尤其是红黄两色为组成调的时候。虽然通常这个滤镜会与风景照一起使用,但这个预设也可以用作其他更多用处。
Kodak Ektar 100 is a favorite for creating saturated, color-filled images. It was designed to hold up in a variety of lighting conditions, even afternoon sun, but like most Kodak films, it has a warming effect perfect for evening and morning light. Its high saturation and bold contrast sets it apart and has helped it become one of our most popular Film X presets.
柯达 Ektar 100 是最受欢迎的饱和、彩色填效果之一。它原先是为各种照明条件设计的,甚至午后的阳光直射也可以。但就像大多数柯达胶卷一样,它色调温暖,对晨暮的阳光展现尤其完美。其高饱和度和强烈的对比,使其与众不同,并已帮助它成为我们最受欢迎的胶片滤镜之一。

Fujifilm Provia 400X is great for high saturation without overwhelming warmth. Fujifilm is known for cooler tones, and FR4 is no exception. If you’re looking deepen colors while maintaining a more natural look, try slightly underexposing with FR4 and you’ll notice how blues and greens are especially targeted with this preset.
富士胶片 Provia 400X 可以创建高饱和度、没有温暖主调的照片。富士胶片以冷色调著称,FR4 也不例外。如果你正在寻找暗沉颜色的滤镜,同时又要保持自然的外观,可尝试在一张低曝光的照片上使用 FR4,你会发现它是如何通过蓝绿两色来实现这个滤镜效果的。
Tools for High Saturation

Use this tool to quickly boost all of the colors in your image. Increasing the slider will enhance and deepen hues, especially in areas where color plays a dominant role.
The HSL tool gives you full control over individual colors in your image. This enables you to increase the saturation of specific areas, like a blue sky or a yellow car.
Though not directly shifting color, increased contrast can help emphasize and intensify the colors by brightening mid-tones and darkening shadows. This can help areas of color pop out from their surroundings.
HSL 工具可以使你可以完全控制照片中的个别颜色。这可以让你增加特定区域的饱和度,比如蓝色的天空或者一辆黄色的汽车。
Capturing High Saturation

High saturation images can start before you even hit the shutter. Always look out for bold colors that can enliven a composition—neons and bright reds are especially good at this. Finding the right light also helps—afternoon sun is often harsh and washes out color, instead, try shooting in the morning or evening when the sun is lower in the sky. Heading outside after some rain is also a great way to catch colors at their peak.