French brothers Ben Barras and Guillaume Barras have always been fascinated with motorcycles. They started riding at the early ages of six and nine. But their interests weren’t limited to motorcycles; they started surfing, skateboarding and snowboarding. But after moving to Hong Kong, while also working in the extreme sports industry, the Barras brothers continued to improve and refine their skills in designing and manufacturing motorcycles.
Ben Barras和Guillaume Barras這對法國兄弟一直迷情於摩托車。他們於年僅6歲和9歲時就開始摩托車騎行了,而後這個興趣漸漸泛及到衝浪、滑板和滑雪。搬到香港居住之後,在極限運動行業工作之餘,Barras兄弟在設計和生產方面持續拓展著他們的技能。

It was their unrelenting passion for motorcycles that inspired them to open Angry Lane in 2012. Initially, they only sourced and sold parts for bikes, but as time went on, they noticed that Hong Kong had a developing niche market for custom-built bikes. Having custom modifications on motorcycles is one way for many riders to express their individuality. Everybody that visits the shop is seeking something unique – a customization that can express their individuality in such a large city.
正是對摩托車那種持續不斷的激情,讓他們最終在2012年開辦了Angry Lane。最初,他們只收集和銷售摩托車部件,但是隨著時間推移,他們注意到香港的定制摩托車市場有著越來越壯大的發展空間。對摩托車進行改造是騎行者對自己的個體特點的一種表達。所以到店的客人都在這裡看到獨特的一面,那就是在茫茫大都市人海中,他們可以通過定制來表達自身的個體特質。

People interested in custom-built motorcycles can range from bankers to students, but a unifying middle ground is that all of their customers lack the time, tools, and expertise to complete the motorcycle themselves. “In places like the U.S., there are common spaces or garages where people can rent tools and work on their bikes. Custom bike building is still a relatively new thing in Hong Kong and people here just don’t have the space to do things themselves,” says Guillaume.
從銀行業者到學生,對定制摩托車感興趣的人群甚為廣泛,但是他們的共同點都是缺少時間、工具以及相關的專業知識去親手完成這樣一輛摩托車的製作。 “在美國這樣的地方,人們可以在公共空間和自家車庫租工具,自己動手做車。摩托車定制在香港還算一件新新事物,只是這裡的人們沒有空間來操作這個事。”Guillaume說道。

Riding apparel is an integral part of the motorcycle subculture. Leather has always been synonymous with riders, and are designed for both protection and fashion. “It was a natural progression for us to move towards apparel production. Drawing from our expertise in design and manufacturing, Black Needle creates pieces that are timeless and of high quality. We use only the best quality fabrics and leather.”
騎行服是摩托車亞文化不可分割的一部分。皮革一直就是摩托車騎行者的代名詞,在設計上也是型格和功能兼具。 “對我們來說,開始著手於服裝產品是個很自然的事。有著我們在設計和生產方面的特長,Black Needle創作出來的單品都是高質的,不會隨著時間流逝而遜色。我們只用最優質的布料和皮革。”

Angry Lane and Black Needle are located in the super trendy and burgeoning suburb of Wong Chuck Hang, an area popular with the creative community and fashion designers, and full of art studios and large industrial spaces. Their studio houses a range of custom-built bikes and speciality bike apparel that visitors are welcome to peruse. Since the two moved into this area a few years ago, they have watched the rapid progression of the creative industry within the neighborhood. Ben says, “This is a good place and we don’t see ourselves moving – unless it is into a bigger space in the area.”
Angry Lane和Black Needle位於時下廣受追捧並猛速發展的黃竹坑,這裡聚集著大批的服裝設計師、藝術工作室,並擁有寬敞的工業空間。他們的工作室裡收藏著各種定制的機車和各種特製騎行服裝,並歡迎來訪者細細品究。二人搬至此處已有些許年數,他們見證了這片區域創意業一路的發展。 Ben說: “這裡很好,我們不打算再搬動了,除非還是本區域內搬到一個更大的空間裡去。”

Website: angrylane.com
Instagram: @angrylane
Contributor, Videographer & Photographer: Mireille Paul