Motion Type Project 当汉字开始舞蹈

April 23, 2018 2018年4月23日

With the advent of digital media, motion graphic design’s role in the dissemination of information is becoming even more important. By using a combination of animated images, text, and other dynamic elements, motion graphics help convey information in an easily digestible and visually engaging way. But despite the ubiquity of motion graphics today, most projects rely on the Latin alphabet and relatively few projects with Chinese characters even exist.

Due to the complex nature of Chinese script – where shape, sound, and meaning are interwoven into each character – design guidelines tailored for Western script aren’t suitable for the Chinese written language.

To help Chinese-speaking designers reconsider the possibilities of Chinese motion design, Taiwanese designer and creative director of Studio 411 Ting-An He created Motion Type Project. The project, which was showcased via a series of exhibition, highlights how a Chinese character’s square-block limitations, strokes, and polysemous nature can be reimagined as moving text. The innovative project went on to take Best Design at the 2017 Golden Pin Design Award.




《汉字动态专案》就是为完全从中文字出发创作的动态设计展览,荣获了 2017 年金点设计奖年度最佳设计奖

Dōng (or 东 in simplified Chinese) translates to "east."
Zhù (or 筑) translates to "build."
Yóu (油) translates to "oil."
Shuǐ (水) translates to "water."

“Soon after Motion Type Project was launched, a large number of Chinese graphic and motion designers responded,” Ting-An He tells us, beaming with pride. “It created a more experimental and boldly creative atmosphere around motion design and typography in the region. Although many people will imitate or plagiarize our work, I have long dreamed of seeing this scene come to life in the graphic design industry.”


Fēng (or 风 in simplified Chinese) translates to "wind."
Tàn (弹 in simplified Chinese) translates to "elastic."
Jié (截) translates to "cut."
Kuāng (框) translates to "frame."
(玉) translates to "jade."

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