April 7, 2016 2016年4月7日

Located in the Beitou district of Taipei, ReUSED is an independently owned space with many different faces and functions. It was founded by Mike Ho, who is also as multifaceted as this ambitious and experimental project. At ReUSED, Mike plays a number of varied roles, including but not limited to: music producer, visual artist, event organizer, hostel owner, and designer. The space is made up of three floors: the first floor is a narrow hallway that is used only for entry; the second floor is a showroom and mini-studio; while the third floor consists of the hostel quarters, a performance area, as well as Mike’s personal workspace.

ReUSED坐落於台北市北投區,是屬私人所有的多功能場所。其創建者Mike Ho,是這充滿雄心和實驗性項目的最佳主人,也一如項目本身具有多面性。 他有著許多身份,包括但不限於: 音樂製作人、視覺藝術家、活動策劃人、旅館老闆和設計師。 ReUSED上下分為三樓:一樓是僅作入口的狹窄走道,二樓是展示空間和迷你工作室,而三樓則由旅馆住宿区,表演區和Mike的個人工作區組成。

Upon entering, visitors will find themselves walking through a narrow poster-lined hallway, where a set of stairs will lead them up to the second floor. On the second floor is an area that Mike has dubbed the ReUSED Lab.

走進大門,穿过兩側掛滿海報的狹窄走道,訪客便可順著樓梯走到二樓。二樓正是Mike所稱的ReUSED Lab。

ReUSED Lab is first and foremost a clothing store. It boasts a sizable collection of clothes: some are designed and screen printed in-house under the ReUSED brand, while others are artist collaborations. A small table also sells vintage t-shirts and sweatshirts that Mike has collected from his travels. The vinyl shop, which shares the same space with the clothing, sells a tightly curated selection of records: ranging from Western oldies to lesser known Japanese vinyl. The store, however, is only open to the public on Sunday.

ReUSED Lab最初也首先是服裝店,這裏擁有數量可觀的衣物,其中一些是ReUSED品牌內部設計印製的,其它的是藝術家合作產品。在一個小櫃檯還銷售Mike旅途中收集來的複古T恤和衛衣。與服裝店在同一空間的還有黑膠店,這裏銷售著特被甄選的黑膠唱片—— 從西洋老唱片到東洋小眾唱片。然而,商店只在周日才對外開放。

This same floor also houses an open studio that is similar to the shop, in the sense that it merges two different sections together. One area is dedicated to illustration and painting, while the other is a private workspace that has been converted into a traditional turntable station.


Another set of stairs will take visitors up to the third floor. On this floor there is a hostel space, a spacious living room area, and Mike’s personal studio. All of these spaces are interconnected, but are not immediately identifiable to have a single obvious function. “In the early stages, I oversaw this space as the creator, and deliberately decided not to define this space to be one or the other,” explains Mike. The living room area is able to transform into a performance space, while the hostel kitchen transforms into a makeshift bar during events, and his music studio doubles as an open library, filled with an extensive collection of Japanese manga and various old publications that aren’t commonly seen.

再上一段樓梯,訪客就來到了三樓,三樓有住宿招待區,寬敞的客廳和Mike的私人工作區。這些區域是相互連通的,無法立刻顯出各自確切而獨立的功能。 “在一開始,我就是一個藝術創作者的角度在觀察這個地方,所以當初進入的時候自己就決定不要刻意的去定義他的屬性。”,Mike解釋說。客廳可以變成表演活動區,而住宿接待區的廚房可以用作臨時吧台。他的音樂工作室同時還是開放式圖書館,廣泛收藏了日本漫畫書和稀有舊書刊。

Travellers that Mike hosts in the hostel are all creative individuals. Those who stay aren’t just people who are trying to find a bed and a roof to put over their heads. The owner’s goal is to facilitate and create a dynamic creative exchange between these transient artists and the local artists. They are all encouraged to contribute to the space in some way. These collaborations have in the past ranged from putting together an art installation on the ceiling, creating a full-sized wall mural, to doing a short live performance of their music.


ReUSED has hosted a variety of diverse events in the past – from movie nights, to solo guitar acts, and experimental DJ sets. These community driven events are still regularly organized by Mike on a near weekly basis. Unbound by any restrictions, performers who are invited to the space are encouraged to exercise their creativity fearlessly. Going forward, Mike Ho’s goal is to turn ReUSED into a central hub of creativity for both traveling or local artists of all types.

從電影之夜,吉他獨奏表演,到DJ實驗場表演,ReUSED已經舉辦了大量豐富的活動。 Mike仍在不斷組織這些社團類的活動,幾乎每週一次。受邀的表演者們打破束縛,大膽地發揮創造力。接下來,Mike的目標是將ReUSED打造成一個創意中心樞紐,面向或遊歷台北或居住於台北的各類藝術家。

156 Wenlin North Road 2F
Beitou District, Taipei

台灣 台北市北投區

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Instagram: @cosimoz0528

Contributor & Photographer: David Yen

供稿人與攝影師: David Yen