Founded by Pulitzer Prize-winning photographer Liu Heung Shing, the newly opened Shanghai Center of Photography is the city’s first museum dedicated solely to photography. The space was designed by American architects Sharon Johnston and Mark Lee.
上海摄影艺术中心(SCôP)位于上海西岸文化走廊,与龙美术馆、余德耀美术馆、香格纳画廊、西岸艺术中心、上海梦中心等知名机构共同组成了蓬勃发展的美术馆群落——上海的“美术馆大道”,于2015年5月开馆。这个博物馆是由著名的普利策奖获奖摄影师刘香成(Liu Heung Shing)创办,设计则由美国建筑师组合Sharon Johnston & Mark Lee美国建筑双人组合包办馆大道”。
It features the small but intimate collection of photos from the collector Jin Hongwei, which includes striking works from Henri Cartier-Bresson, Dorothea Lange, Joseph Koudelka, Elliott Erwitt, Ansel Adams, Robert Mapplethorpe, David Hockney, and Sally Mann.

Showcasing a varied range of documentary, archival, portraiture, conceptual, landscape and photojournalism, SCoP offers a comprehensive overview of photography. Photography is still a relatively under-appreciated medium in China so, alongside its carefully curated exhibitions, SCoP will also offer a programme of educational events, such as workshops and lectures.

Shanghai Center of Photography
2555 Longteng Avenue (near Fenggu Road)
Xuhui District, Shanghai
People’s Republic of China
Phone: +86 21 6428 9516
Hours: Tuesday~Sunday (Closed Mondays), 10am~6pm
中国 上海徐汇区
电话: +86 21 6428 9516
开放时间: 周二至周日(周一闭馆)早上10点至晚上6点