Shanghai Street Fashion #1

August 14, 2015 2015年8月14日

“My mom really likes clothes and getting dressed up. She doesn’t go for any one style in particular, since she doesn’t understand hip-hop or hardcore. She just sees fashion for what it is. I’m very inspired by her.”

Charity, skater and clothing designer (from Shanghai)



“The way I like to dress is more athletic and casual, with loose-fitting or oversized clothing. There are actually a lot of people with more unique style in Taipei. I think my style now is pretty average.”

Allen, magazine editor (from Taipei)



“I like wearing all sorts of things, pretty much anything goes. My style leans more towards skater style. I got my first tattoo when I was 15 years old. It’s a tattoo of my name spelled out – it’s quite small. In the last five years, I’ve gotten more and more. Other people might think I am weird, but I think I’m quite normal. I just do what I like, that’s all.”

Zha Zha, skater fan (from Suzhou)



供稿人: Ross Donovan
摄影师: Jia Li