Fivust‘s paintings look like they were pulled straight from a comic book. The Indonesian graffiti writer and street artist takes the dense intricacy of traditional burners and adds colorful characters and backgrounds. Many of his works are divided into panels, peppered with the “wham! pow!”-style onomatopoeias of superhero comics in layered graffiti lettering.
印尼涂鸦师和街头艺术家 Fivust 的绘画作品看起来就像直接从漫画里跑出来的,他在传统涂鸦 burner(指“精制壁画”)的基础上,添加色彩缤纷的人物和背景。他的作品往往像连环画一样画在方格里,还经常会加上“砰!啪!”那些来自超级英雄漫画中的拟声词和分层加粗的字体。
Fivust got started at a young age. Back in junior high school, when he first saw a classmate sketching tags in a notepad, he was fascinated. Already familiar with illustration and acrylic paint—his musically inclined parents had encouraged his passion for art—he turned his attention to graffiti, and quickly began experimenting with styles and honing his skills.
Fivust 读初中的时候,无意间看到同学在笔记本里画的涂鸦作品,让他很是着迷。当时他已经能熟悉地创作插图和运用丙烯颜料之类的工具——他父母对音乐的爱好激发了他对艺术的热情——他把注意力转到了涂鸦,并开始探索不同的创作风格,磨练自己的技术。

Fivust was raised in the city of Bogor, about 60 kilometers outside Jakarta. In high school he found his hometown’s graffiti scene limited, so initially he looked abroad for inspiration, particularly to the US and Europe. He pored over photos online, exploring different artists and styles. “We also looked up to local artists as well, especially since we could see the techniques and tricks up close,” he’s quick to add. “But the community was really small back then. When we started, we were doing half-legal and half-illegal stuff. But we were always bombing the same wall, so eventually, we just asked for permission and they let us paint there.”
Fivust 自小在距离印尼首都雅加达 60 公里开外的茂物(Bogor)长大,高中时,他觉得当地的涂鸦文化太狭窄了,因此会去看国外的艺术家,特别是美国和英国的涂鸦师找灵感。他经常到网上去搜索图片,了解不同的艺术家和风格。“我们也会去看本地艺术家的作品。”他很快补充道,“因为我们可以近距离看到他们所用的技术和技巧。但是,那时候的圈子还很小。刚开始的时候,涂鸦还是半合法半非法的事情,所以我们一直都在同一幅墙上画,所以最后我们争取了许可,他们就让我们画了。”

Getting materials took effort in those early days, and Fivust had to order them online or make the trip to Jakarta. But within a couple of years, spray paint and other supplies started to appear in Bogor. In fact, Fivust was partly responsible for the change. “I opened a studio in 2015 with my friends,” he says. “I was aiming to create a basecamp and graffiti store for artists in Bogor. I also wanted to establish an illustration and graphic design studio.”
That studio stayed open only two years, yet it gave him and his crew a launch pad. His work with spray paint helped him get design clients, and his design work paid for his spray paint.
在早期,要获取涂鸦的工具非常困难,他们要么就上网订购,要么就要到雅加达去买。直到几年之后,茂物才开始有更多的涂鸦用品出售。关于这一点,Fivust 的功劳不小。“2015 年我和朋友合伙开了一间工作室。我的目标是在茂物打造一个艺术家大本营和涂鸦用品店。同时也想成立一间插图和平面设计工作室。”他说道。

The scene in Jakarta, where Fivust has recently moved, is much more varied: “It’s growing pretty fast here because of the workshops and events conducted by the community, like graffiti supply shop Garduhouse and their Street Dealin’ festival. There are different age groups that are into graffiti right now, including young kids who were inspired by watching us paint.” Although for now he mostly works at street level, he’s got larger ambitions. “I’m planning a five-story piece now,” he says. “It’ll be my biggest yet.”
Fivust 最近搬到雅加达,当地的涂鸦场景更多元化:“当地的涂鸦社区会举办各种工作坊和活动,例如涂鸦用品店 Garduhouse 和他们的 Street Dealin’ 艺术节,所以这里的涂鸦文化发展得很快。现在,这里可以看到不同年龄段的涂鸦爱好者,有一些小孩因为看到我们涂鸦而喜欢上这种艺术。”虽然现在 Fivust 的作品大多是在街道上,但他有更大的野心。“我现在正在筹划创作一幅五层楼高的作品,这将是我至今最大幅的作品。”他透露道。

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Website: www.fivust.com
Instagram: @fivust
Contributor: Mike Steyels
Photographer: Atet Dwi Pramadia
Chinese Translation: Olivia Li
Additional Images Courtesy of Fivust
网站: www.fivust.com
Instagram: @fivust
供稿人: Mike Steyels
摄影师: Atet Dwi Pramadia
英译中: Olivia Li
附加图片由 Fivust 提供