Taiwan, Then & Now

July 17, 2017 2017年7月17日

Taipics is a digital archive of images chronicling the history of Taiwan. From portraits of aboriginal headhunters to historical images of Ximen before it turned into the shopping mecca that it is today, the comprehensive index of historical images has been diligent compiled by American expat Marc Plumb. Now boasting over 8,000 images of Taiwan’s past, the website is a cove of cultural treasures that document the people and moments that have shaped the island into what it is today. Scroll down to see a selection of some of our favorite images.

Taipics 是一个通过图片记录台湾历史的网站。从原住民头号猎手的画像,到台北西门在变成如今的购物中心之前的历史景象,居住在台湾的美国人Marc Plumb搜集了超过8000张有关台湾的历史画像,记录这个宝岛过去的人与时刻,可以说是台湾的一个文化宝藏。下面来欣赏一下我们挑选的画像。

Website: taipics.com


Contributor: David Yen

网站: taipics.com


供稿人: David Yen

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