The Neocha Font Neocha 新字样!

June 8, 2020 2020年6月8日

We’re proud to present the Neocha font, a custom-designed typeface inspired by ’90s-style freehand graffiti. With its angular letterforms and slanted strokes, our new font riffs on the aesthetics of the marker-drawn tags that fill the pages of every graffiti writer’s sketchbook. To celebrate the release, we’ve compiled a small showcase of how the versatile font can be used across a variety of design work.

Check out the Neocha font in action below and click here to download it for free.

We hope you have as much fun using it as we did making it, and if you upload any works using our font, please tag #Neocha so we can check it out!

我们很荣幸将为你呈现 “Neocha 字体的新花样!这套精心设计的字体受到九十年代手写涂鸦的影响,它们棱角分明、笔画上扬,就像是涂鸦艺术家们在草稿本上的灵光崭现,挥洒出记号笔绘画的独特美感。为了庆祝这一全新字体的到来,我们特别向你展示了一系列新鲜玩法,让这些字母在广阔的创意领域里尽情流转!

快看,Neocha 的字体已经动起来了,你还在等什么?点击这里,免费动笔!

希望你能和我们一样,乐在其中!另外,如果你上传了带有我们字体的艺术作品,请标注 #Neocha 让我们看到。