The Surf Coasters were formed about two decades ago in early 1994, by guitarist Shigeo Naka with a small group of friends from his hometown in Yokosuka. It was around this time when Quentin Tarantino’s now classic Pulp Fiction was released with Dick Dale’s surf guitar rock classic “Misirlou” as its opening theme song. The film’s great success and popularity helped inspire a third wave of surf guitar rock in the U.S., and similarly in Japan, there was a revival of interest in surf rock. Fittingly named after a rollercoaster ride called the Surf Coaster in an amusement park in Yokosuka, the band has a wildly kinetic instrumental surf guitar sound that is bound to thrill listeners.

Take a listen below to a few select tracks from The Surf Coasters:

Looking for their big break, the band auditioned for a Japanese TV show called Ebisu-Onsen, in which contestants competed for a recording contract. Most of the acts were bland pop singers, making The Surf Coasters one of the crowd favorites with their unique brand of instrumental surf guitar rock. Yuzo Sasaki, the editor of New Eleki Dynamica, a Japanese magazine dedicated to instrumental surf music, remembers his delight on seeing a surf rock band shred through “Misirlou” on Japanese television.
大ブレークを目指すザ・サーフコースターズは、出場者がレコード契約をかけて競うテレビの音楽バラエティ番組『えびす温泉』のオーディションを受けました。刺激のないポップ歌手が大半の中、ザ・サーフコースターズはそのインストゥルメンタル・サーフミュージックのユニークな個性で異彩を放ち、聴衆のお気に入りバンドの一つとなったのです。インストゥルメンタル・サーフミュージックの専門誌『New Eleki Dynamica』の編集者、佐々木雄三氏は、『Misirlou』を速弾きするサーフロックバンドをテレビで観た喜びを覚えています。

Although the band finished second overall, this still led to a recording contract and their first album Surf Panic ’95. That year, the band even got the chance to perform with the “King of the Surf Guitar” himself, Dick Dale, on his first tour of Japan. So impressed was Dale by Naka’s guitar performances that he later dubbed him the “Prince of the Surf Guitar”. In more recent years, the band’s line-up has changed with Nobuhiro Kurita (aka “Zen Punk”) joining the band on bass and cozy joining on drums. This year, they will release a new record, their first in eight years!
ザ・サーフコースターズは結局総合2位に終わったものの、これがレコード契約と彼らのファーストアルバム『Surf Panic ’95』に繋がりました。その年、バンドは初の日本ツアー中であった「サーフギターのキング」ディック・デイル本人と共演する機会をも得ました。中シゲヲ氏のギター演奏に感動したデイルは、中氏を「サーフギターのプリンス」と名付けたのです。近年では、栗田伸広氏(またの名を『禅パンク』)をベースに、cozyこと伊藤こずえ氏をドラムスに迎え、バンドのラインナップが変わりました。今年、彼らは新譜をリリース予定で、実に8年ぶりのことです!

When asked what he loves most about the surf guitar sound, guitarist Shigeo Naka says that he “likes the ‘wetness’ of the guitar sound and the depth that you feel in the rhythm.” Dick Dale is an obvious influence on their guitar sound, but the band enjoys many other kinds of music outside of surf rock. Kurita really likes the music of Jaco Pastorius, the American jazz musician, for example, and says, “in terms of bass players, there are so many people that have a really unique sound, so I really get inspired by the ones that have something that stands out, be it in their dress sense or their sound – or both.” Drummer cozy recently got to see Brian Wilson when he came to Japan, “so right now I’m quite into the Beach Boys,” she admits.
The upcoming new record will be the first album with the new band members. Naka tells us, “I did wonder what kind of sound we would produce, but I feel like it’s quite a relaxed sound that we’ve been able to produce. We tried to keep the sound of the guitar clean, for instance, and to do things that we hadn’t been able to do on previous Surf Coaster albums.” The band admits that it can be a challenge to play their style of music in Japan as they are one of the country’s only very few surf guitar rock bands. “There are some young bands who play this music, but it hasn’t really become big yet, so I would like to see it continue to grow,” Naka says, “I would also like to do more events, with some friends too. In time, it would also be nice to do something in Japan with other bands from around the world.”
Website: surfcoasters.com
Facebook: ~/thesurfcoasters
Twitter: @thesurfcoasters
YouTube: The Surf Coasters
Contributor & Videographer: Leon Yan
Photographer: Banny Wang
ウェブサイト: surfcoasters.com
Facebook: ~/thesurfcoasters
Twitter: @thesurfcoasters
YouTube: The Surf Coasters
寄稿者&ビデオ撮影: Leon Yan
カメラマン: Banny Wang