“I guess you could call my work a dumping ground of uncensored thoughts.”
For Ji Sub Jeong, aka Geesubay, a Korean-Canadian artist working in New York, art has been a passion since childhood. “I’ve been drawing obsessively as long as I can remember,” he says. “I’d doodle on anything I could get my hands on, from textbooks and magazines to the walls of my room (which my mom did not appreciate!). Drawing was something that I enjoyed tremendously, and I could never get enough of it.”
“我想你几乎可以把我的作品称为 ‘一团没有经过审查的思想垃圾堆’。”
韩裔加拿大籍插画家 Ji Sub Jeong aka Geesubay,目前在纽约发展艺术事业。他对于艺术的热爱从小就展露无遗,自从有记忆以来,画画就一直是他最着迷的事情。“我会在任何我碰得到的东西上乱画,从课本、杂志、到我房间的墙壁,虽然对此我妈妈很不高兴。我一直非常享受画画,我想我永远不会有觉得画够了的那一天。”

Jeong’s art is simple and free, full of a humor that brings a familiar smile your face. The mischievous, pudgy little boy in his drawings, out exploring the world, seems to be a creature of his imagination. As he plays and gets into trouble, he discovers life’s smaller joys. “I’ve never been one to keep a steady diary, but I’ve realized that I feel the most satisfied when I draw something I’ve had on my mind for a while,” he says. “So I guess my illustrations can be viewed as a visual diary that showcases my most private and honest feelings about the world.”
他的创作简单、自由、充满令人会心一笑的小幽默。一个拥有浑圆身躯的小男孩喜欢到处闯荡,也许这个顽皮的男孩就是 Ji Sub Jeong 想像的投射,他总在无趣的规则边缘探索,惹一点事,嬉闹之间发现生活微小却显而易见的乐趣。“我从来不是能每天按时写日记的人,但我发现如果可以用画的把想法记录下来,这让我感到好满足。所以我的作品也可以被看作我的图像日记,诚实地展现了我个人对世界的看法。”