For gourmands and seafood enthusiasts, staying awake until dawn to catch the opening of Tsukiji Market in Tokyo is a necessary hardship to see and taste the world’s freshest sashimi. Opening its doors at 3am almost every night, people come from all over the world to queue in the market and wait patiently to watch the tuna auctions, which then begin at 5am.

In the sleepy pre-dawn hours of eastern Tokyo, the frenetic pace of loading and unloading, carting, and prepping never stops at Tsukiji Market. First and foremost a business, Tsukiji is one of the world’s largest wholesale seafood markets, and it handles around 2000 tons of seafood transactions per day. The tuna auctions start at 5am and end at 7am every morning, while the seafood market itself is open to the general public afterwards at around 9am. In 2013, the world’s most expensive tuna was sold here, for $1.8 million dollars.
東京の東にある築地では、眠い夜明け前の時間帯に慌しい積み込み、積み下ろし、運搬、準備作業が絶え間なく続きます。何よりもビジネスである築地は、世界最大の水産物の卸売市場であり、1日に2000トンもの水産物の取引が行われます。マグロの競りは、午前5時から始まり午前7時に終わりますが、競りの後も午前9時頃まで市場は一般客に開いています。 2013年には、世界で最も高価なマグロが築地で売却され、その価格は$1800万ドルでした。
Lining the perimeter of the fish market outside are some of the best seafood restaurants in Tokyo. The most famous ones also have their queues start at 3am, opening at 5am to the first customers who are eager to try the freshest seafood for breakfast.

The Tsukiji Market’s inner market is set to be relocated in 2016 to a newer, bigger space in Toyosu. Although the outer ring of shops and restaurants will still remain, many worry that the heart and soul of the market will be gone, so the spectacle of the tuna auction is one to savor while it still lasts.

5-2 Tsukiji, Chuo-ku, Tokyo,
Phone:+81 3-3542-1111
Website: tsukiji-market.or.jp
電話番号:+81 3-3542-1111