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Creating a collage encourages you to look at an image with fresh eyes, to see the possibilities. The following photographers view their photos as a starting point for further artistic innovation. Find out how they transform their images to make surreal artworks.
本篇文章来自新茶媒体合作伙伴 VSCO 的内容交换。VSCO 是一个专门帮助摄影爱好者发挥创造潜力的会员项目。现在就开启你的 7 天免费试用,获取完整的预设滤镜,以及新的编辑工具、视频编辑和教程内容。
VSCO: What is it about these artworks that give them a surreal quality?
Tan Ya: The sense of displacement of the subject (myself) and the setting deliver a surreal visual impact. These works are part of my ongoing series An Everyday Thought, where I visually realize my journal reflections and observational sketches. My creative process is visceral and intuitive. Through experimentation, expectations and boundaries are blurred and buried, and the possibilities and space for new perspectives naturally open.
VSCO: 是什么赋予你的艺术作品这些超现实特质?
Tan Ya: 我想是通过我自己和布景互动的错置感,会产生超现实的视觉冲击力。这些作品是我正在进行的系列《每日思想》(An Everyday Thought)的一部分,这个系列延伸自我的日常生活反思和随笔画下的观察草图。我的创作过程是内在、直观的。通过实验,期望和界限被模糊和掩盖,自然而然就会产生新的视角。
VSCO: What is your process for creating these images?
Tan Ya: The initial inspiration for my creations originate from my sketchbook of everyday reflections, where text evolves into a scene and a drawing starts to narrate a story. Once a correlation of a mood is felt, I proceed to use my tripod and camera to tangibly recreate the drama in my mind. As it is an internal drama of self, the relevant subject is my own body and self.
Being a fan of collages and hands-on experimentation, I adapted this interest to Photoshop, where the magic of my storytelling commences with subject-play and the addition of a dialogue as the subtitle. After arranging the elements in the work, VSCO is the next go-to for my final colour-grading to liven the mood.
VSCO: 你创作这些图像的过程是什么?
Tan Ya: 我的创作灵感来自我的日常反思速写本,在这之中文字演变成场景,图画延展成故事。一旦我感受到某种情绪的关联性,我就会使用我的三脚架和相机来重现在我心中上演的小剧场。由于这是一部内心戏剧,主题就是我的身体和自己。
作为拼贴画和动手实验的粉丝,我把这样的喜好延续到 Photoshop 的工作上,那里是我创作照片中故事魅力的地方。最后我会加上一段对话作为副标题。在策划好作品的画面之后,下一步我就会到 VSCO 进行最后的调色以活化照片的气氛。

* Try this — Tan Ya’s collages often have repeating elements, like an eye that is copied from one part of the image and placed in additional locations. If creating a collage manually, print out multiples of the same photo. For even more options, experiment with printing the image at various sizes.
*试一试——Tan Ya 的拼贴画经常有重复的元素,例如同一双眼睛被复制到图像的其他位置。如果想要亲手制作拼贴画,请将相同照片打印出许多份,如果想要探索更多可能性,尝试以不同的尺寸去打印。

VSCO: What is it about these artworks that give them a surreal quality?
Jardel Fontenelle: Fantasy is a constant element in my collages. By inverting some of the photos, to mimic the look of a photo negative, and then merging multiple photos to create double exposures, I achieve unexpected results.
VSCO: 是什么赋予你的艺术作品这些超现实特质?
Jardel Fontenelle: 幻想是我的拼贴画中不变的元素。通过反转一些照片,模仿底片的外观,然后合并多张照片以创建双重曝光,我实现了许多意想不到的效果。
VSCO: What is your process for creating these images?
Jardel Fontenelle: I don’t base what I create on what other people will think, because when you want to make a unique collage you don’t want to be worrying about logic. Most of the time, if a photo contains something that takes the focus from a central point, I remove it. Right after, I choose a clean preset to enhance the colors in each of the pictures. Then I select my favorite ones and start overlapping them in Photoshop. Before I share the collage, I apply a VSCO preset on it. This trick can help you discover new colors.
VSCO: 你创作这些图像的过程是什么?
Jardel Fontenelle: 我不会在“别人会怎么想”的基础上去创作,因为当你想制作一个独特的拼贴时,逻辑不是你必须担心的问题。大多时候,我会删除掉照片中把焦点从中心转移到其他地方的东西。之后,我选择一个简洁的滤镜预设来强调颜色。然后我会选择我最喜欢的那几张照片,在 Photoshop 中重叠它们。在完成拼贴之前,我会将 VSCO 预设应用在上面,这个步骤可以帮助你发现新的色彩。
* Try this — When he isn’t editing and sharing new photos, Jardel uses the time between photo shoots to create collages with his older images. Go through your image library with the intent to re-purpose a selection of your photos. Look for themes in your work that may connect images, regardless of when the photos were created.
*试一试——当他没有在制作新照片时,Jardel 会使用旧图像来创建新的拼贴画。带着这样的目的去浏览图像库,无论照片是新是旧,都可以在之中找到有相互关联的主题。
VSCO: What is it about these artworks that give them a surreal quality?
Annahstasia Enuke: For me, what adds to the surreal quality of these images is the dynamic between my solitary figure and the empty surrounding in these photos. The lack of information about the spaces make it difficult to place my body within a context. The collage aspects pull the viewer further from any context and so the image becomes surreal.
VSCO: 是什么赋予你的艺术作品这些超现实特质?
Annahstasia Enuke: 对我来说,是孤独的我自己和照片中空白环境之间的动态关系,增添了超现实氛围。缺乏空间中背景信息,使我很难将身体放在一个故事脉络中。拼贴的做法也使得观众无法进一步获得更多上下文关系,图像因此变得超现实。

VSCO: What is your process for creating these images?
Annahstasia Enuke: I always start with a well-exposed photo. I don’t want to have to do any unnecessary tweaking since I edit all of these photos on my phone. The collage elements are things I’m always collecting. There are so many strange little things, signs, flowers, cars, people that can be snapped with your phone on a whim. If I see something cool that wouldn’t really stand alone in a photo, I collect it and save it for my next collage.
I collage everything in Adobe Photoshop Mix. It allows you to cut out the images and place them pretty easily. In some ways, it’s simpler than doing the same thing on the desktop version of Photoshop, plus it’s free. After the image is assembled, I’ll play with filters. I find that it helps tie all the layers together.
VSCO: 你创作这些图像的过程是什么?
Annahstasia Enuke: 我总是从一张曝光良好的照片开始。我会先在手机上编辑所有照片,在这之后我不会再做任何不必要的调整。拼贴素材是我一直在收集的东西。有许多奇怪的小东西:标志、鲜花、汽车,人们可以随心所欲地用手机拍照。如果我看到一些很酷的东西在照片中无法独立呈现,我就会为我的下一个拼贴画先保存它。
我会在 Adobe Photoshop Mix 中进行拼贴。它让你裁剪图像并重新布局。某些方面看来,它比桌面版 Photoshop 操作更简单,而且它是免费的。组装完图像后,我会玩一玩滤镜功能。我发现它有助于所有图层更好地融合在一起。
* Try this — Annahstasia suggests thinking about collaging like journaling — as a way of recording life. Try bringing the visuals from a full day into one collage or tie together moments from a whole year.
*試一試——Annahstasia 建议将拼贴想像成日记——作为一种记录生活的方式。尝试将一天中看到的东西整合在一张拼贴画中,或是把一年以来的瞬间收集在一起。