Self-Portraits in Clay 为何她的头上顶着一颗火龙果

May 22, 2018 2018年5月22日

Masayo Keizuka, who lives in Sapporo, makes clay sculptures with an almost magical therapeutic effect: spend a while looking at them and you’ll come away with a deep sense of calm. These crafted figurines all have the same bobbed hair, the same long neck, the same sunken shoulders. Asked who the character is supposed to be, Keizuka readily replies, “It’s me.”

住在日本札幌的雕塑艺术家 経冢真代,她的雕塑作品有种神奇的疗愈作用,看着久一点,可以感受到一股深深的平静力量。这些被捏造出来的小生命看起来是同一个人,鲍伯短发、倾斜的肩膀、长长的脖子,问到她们的身份,经种真代毫不掩饰地回答 “她就是我。”

Keizuka says her earliest inspiration came from a pet dog who passed away ago. Later she moved on to human shapes, and eventually settled on this pensive, delicate little girl who, like an actor, is constantly trying on new costumes and stepping into new storylines. “I pour everything I’m feeling into her. She may not look like she has any emotions, but really I just hide them and try not to let them show,” she explains.


A rough surface gives the figures a worldly or even world-weary air. Keizuka specifically chose this natural, unpolished texture. “I tried out a lot of different materials, but in the end I went with clay. I really like how its grain gives the sculptures the sense of being fully alive,” she says.


Perched on each figure’s head is an object or animal that’s whimsical and impossible to ignore. Some of these are random or just for fun, while others are designed for a specific brand or exhibit. Keizuka describes these items as hats, a way of diverting the viewer’s attention. “When I shape these characters, it’s as though I’m putting myself on display in front of a crowd. Sometimes it makes me feel quite vulnerable,” she explains. “I add something to the figure’s head, as if they were wearing a hat. It draws the viewer’s attention away, so they’re not just looking at me at first glance. Maybe I’d rather not have people see through me.”


Instagram: @keizuka masayo


Contributor: Yang Yixuan

Instagram: @keizuka masayo


供稿人: Yang Yixuan

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