OAG, which stands for Old Automatic Garbage, was formed on Christmas Day in 1992 and was one of the first English-language alternative rock bands to enjoy mainstream success in Malaysia. They first came from the underground music scene and were initially influenced by seminal 60’s rock bands such as The Velvet Underground, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd.
OAG 全称 Old Automatic Garbage,是一支在 1992 年圣诞节成立的乐队,也是马来西亚第一批成功进入主流市场的英语另类摇滚乐队之一。他们一开始活跃于地下音乐界,而上世纪六十年代的摇滚乐队,比如地下丝绒乐队(The Velvet Underground)、披头士(The Beatles)和 Pink Floyd 这些乐队,则给予了他们音乐创作的最初影响。

The band’s big break came when they signed to Positive Tone and released their debut album, Old Automatic Garbage, in December 1994. The album went far beyond anyone’s expectation at the time, eventually going triple platinum and helping spark off the alternative music scene in Malaysia. Their hit, “60’s TV,” has become one of the most recognizable alternative rock songs in Malaysia, and the song’s accompanying music video also helped signal a new creative direction for music videos in the country. The band would become well known by Malaysian audiences for their exciting live performances and catchy tunes.
1994 年 12 月,乐队与 Positive Tone 音乐制作公司签约,并发行首张专辑《Old Automatic Garbage》,迎来乐队生涯的重大转折点。这张专辑获得了超乎所有人预期的成功,最终销量高达三百万,同时也让另类摇滚在马来西亚流行起来。他们的热门曲目《60’s TV》已经成为马来西亚国内最知名的另类摇滚歌曲,这首歌的 MV 也为马来西亚音乐 MV 创作开启了新的方向。凭借精彩的现场表演以及琅琅上口的音乐,OAG 成为了马来西亚家喻户晓的名字。

The success of their first album was followed up by a critically acclaimed, dance-inspired EP, Melody Mocker, and the band was also enlisted to write and perform the theme song for the 1997 FIFA World Youth Championship. The two albums that later followed in 2002 and 2003 respectively, Opera Radhi-o Friendly and Satelit Ink, were recorded in their native Malay language as the band tried to attract a bigger Malay audience.
首张专辑大获成功后,乐队之后发行的舞曲风格 EP《Melody Mocker》也广受好评。随后,乐队获邀为 1997 年的国际足联世界青年足球锦标赛创作和演唱主题歌曲。在 2002 年和 2003 年,他们又分别发行了两张以母语马来语创作的专辑《Opera Radhi-o Friendly》和《Satelit Ink》,试图吸引更多马来西亚当地听众。

Since then, the band went through a few lineup changes and a couple hiatuses. Founder, lead vocalist, and guitarist Radhi Razali says that one of the challenges for rock music in Malaysia is that people still underrate rock bands at times. Radhi tells us, “The music industry in Malaysia is very diverse and [the music is] getting weirder, bigger, bolder, crazier. There’s a lot of new experimental stuff coming in by the young newcomers, but rock is still always here. Rock is tough. Rock will never die in Malaysia!”
此后,乐队又经历了一些成员变动和几次休整。乐队创始人、主唱和吉他手 Radhi Razali 认为,对于本土摇滚音乐来说,他们所面临的挑战,有时是源于摇滚乐队在马来西亚未曾受到重视的现实。Radhi 告诉我们:“我认为马来西亚的音乐产业非常多样化,并且变得越来越怪异、浩大、大胆……也变得更疯狂,现在的年轻人带来了很多全新的实验音乐,可摇滚乐还是屹立不倒。在马来西亚,摇滚乐是永垂不朽的!”

The band just celebrated their 25th anniversary last year and marked the occasion with a special concert in Kuala Lumpur at The Bee Publika, combining old and new members alike. The current generation of OAG is the fifth generation of the band, with Radhi Razali on vocals and guitar, Qi Razali on drums, Muhamad Nizam on guitar, Nazrin Zabidi on bass, and Izmer Khasbullah on keyboards. “I’m hoping it’s also gonna be the last generation of OAG because I’m getting old,” Radhi says, “I might look like a 16-year-old Jackie Chan, but I’m 39 years old already!”
在去年,乐队刚刚庆祝了他们成立 25 周年的纪念日,并在吉隆坡 The Bee Publika 举行了一场特别的音乐会,新老成员一起同台出演。目前 OAG 队员已经是乐队的第五代成员,包括主唱和吉他手 Radhi、鼓手 Qi Razali、吉他手Muhamad、贝斯手 Nazrin Zabidi 以及键盘手 Izmer Khasbullah 在内。“我希望我们这一代的 OAG 也是最后一代了,毕竟我年纪也大了。”Radhi 说,“我可能看起来还像 16 岁的成龙,但我已经 39 岁啦!”