Cinema Release Calendar


To support Disney’s 2019 cinema releases, we designed and produced a year-long calendar featuring characters, release dates, and movie synopses for the years’ upcoming films.

The characters and calendar months can be broken off into standalone cutout elements. The calendar comes with a wooden stand on which fans can assemble and arrange the elements into a fun, interactive table-top display.

The calendar was distributed to China-market KOLs / influencers, super fans, and other Disney partners / friends.




FitSense Spot




We created a short animated spot for Lycra FitSense to showcase the support, shaping, and comfort of the brand’s innovative fabrics.

Lycra FitSense technology is used in unisex sportswear and sports-bras to provide users with a second-skin fit and superior comfort when engaging in a wide range of athletic movements and exercises.

The spot was used in stores and digital media worldwide.

我们为Lycra FitSense系列创作了一支创意动画视频,以生动形象的方式将该系列面料产品特有的贴身、塑形、舒适等特性一一体现。Lycra品牌独有的该系列纤维面料应用于运动连体裤、运动胸衣以及男士运动衫可为用户带来舒适、贴身、恰似第二层皮肤一般的运动自如感。


Caged Floral Clouds 花之云笼


We created a floral art installation for Hakkasan Shanghai titled “Caged Floral Clouds.” The installation helped introduce summer special seasonal menu at the restaurant featuring flower ingredients. The installation decorated walkways, lounge, and ding areas throughout the space, and was on display throughout the summer months.

Inspired by the dreamy beauty of “cloud seas,” we conceptualized, designed, and hand-crafted “Caged Floral Clouds.” The installation is made up of hundreds of colorfully marbled petals, which were designed to resemble peony, jasmine, and orchid flowers. These petals were cut into an assortment of shapes and suspended from the ceiling as a means of calling to mind the free-flowing form of clouds.

The installation complemented the elegance of “The Cage “—Hakkasan’s signature wooden, hand-carved interior window frames. This reimagining of flowers as clouds is designed to reflect the creative spirit of Hakkasan’s menu offering. The soft, pastel colors of the installation contrast the bold red-and-black restaurant interior, creating a layered and visually-engaging experience for guests.



此装置与“笼子”优雅地相辅相成 – Hakkasan标志性的传统木雕窗柩屏风。将花朵进行艺术分解再重现的方式,正如同Hakkasan的菜品一样耐人寻味。此装置为本为红黑色调的餐厅平添一分脱俗的柔美,使得在Hakkasan用餐的客人有了从看到吃的完整感官享受。
