Beijing-based photographer Yum Tang is particular about food. “I like to challenge myself to try new things,” she says. Her passion for food challenges goes well beyond eating it—more often than not, what really fascinates her is finding the most original ways to photograph it.
现居北京的摄影师 Yum Tang(汤汤)是这样形容自己 “有时候比较挑食,喜欢挑战没吃过的食物”。她挑战食物的热情不只展现在料理上,很多时候,如何拍出食物最让人意想不到的样子,更是让她如此为之着迷的原因。

“People tend to think about what they like to eat, but even if they go to the market every day, they haven’t really thought about what those foods look like in their original state,” she says. “The ingredients come from nature, and many of them, when you look closely, have limitless potential, just like people. I want to document nature’s creativity.”
As a photographer, Tang is focused entirely on shooting food. She’s constantly exploring new ingredients and revealing the inherent beauty in their structure, color, and texture. Even in the raw, food can become a work of art.

Tang painstakingly designs each scene and shot: it’s almost as though she built a miniature stage just for food. Here the ingredients are are front and center. They’ve taken on a new life, and they’re no longer just for eating. With these intriguing creations, Tang invites us to view food in its overlooked, uncooked state.