Information overload in today’s media landscape is a real problem. The signal-to-noise ratio on all our social media feeds could be optimized. To help combat your “following” fatigue and filter through the noise, we’re releasing Neocha Roundups, a series of short-form articles with recommendations of Asia-based creatives whom we follow closely and think you should be keeping an eye on.
In the first installment of Neocha Roundups, we’ll be taking a look at the Instagram photography scene in our home turf of China. Instagram-savvy users might already be aware of several big-name Chinese photographers, such as Jennifer Bin, 5.12, hx1125, amongst others, who have all played a part in popularizing the app in the Middle Kingdom and amassed sizable followings in the process, but many more talented photographers still remain very much off the radar. To help introduce some of these hidden gems into your Instagram feeds, we’ve compiled a list of accounts that have inspired us lately.
“信息超载”是现代人在频繁接触媒体的生活中,常会面临到的困扰问题。社交媒体每天传递给我们大量信息,其中很多是不被需要的“噪音”。而这些“噪音”其实是可以被过滤、及优化的。为了帮助减少你成天接收这些“噪音”随之而来的疲劳,我们开启了新的企划单元――“Neocha 精选集”。这是一系列的短篇文章,向你推荐几位值得关注的亚洲创意人士 。
在 “Neocha 精选集”的第一篇,我们将目光放在 Instagram 上来自中国艺术家的摄影作品。常用 Instagram 的用户,可能已经注意到了好几位知名的中国摄影师,比如 Jennifer Bin、5.12、hx1125 等等。他们让 Instagram 普及到了更多中国用户,并在这个过程中获得了大量的粉丝关注。但还有更多有才华的摄影师,远在人们的视线之外。为了让你在 Instagram 上搜索到一些隐匿又有才的中国摄影师,我们列出了一批最近给我们以无数灵感启发 Instagram 摄影师账号。
Capturing moments of hilarity and the subtle interplays between environment and people, photographer Liu Tao‘s (@grinch0748) account offers a unique and whimsical look at life in Hefei. While his humor-filled work has garnered him a devoted fanbase on Chinese social media, his Instagram is an underappreciated treasure trove of street photography.
摄影师刘涛(@grinch0748)的镜头往往会捕捉到欢闹的时刻,以及环境与人之间微妙的互动感,为观看合肥的日常生活提供了一个独特而又异想天开的角度。虽然他充满幽默的摄影作品,已经为他赢得了许多中国社交平台的忠实粉丝,但他的 Instagram 却是街头摄影的一个未被开发的宝库。
Already a well-established name in the Chinese photography scene, Luo Yang‘s (@luoyangphoto) Instagram account offers a refreshing perspective of femininity in an evolving China.
摄影师罗洋(@luoyangphoto)的 Instagram 账号已经在中国摄影界名声显赫,它为发展中的中国提供了一个全新的女性视角。
Using a subdued palette of colors, Shanghai-based photographer @harry.lil channels a sense of calm and tranquility throughout his work. Primarily focused on portrait photography, his Instagram portrays young Chinese females with equal parts attitude and equal parts grace.
上海摄影师 @harry.lil 的摄影作品色调柔和,呈现出平静和安宁的感觉。他的摄影以肖像作品为主,在他镜头下的中国年轻女性,兼备个性态度与优雅魅力。
Often blurring the line between conceptual photography and fashion photography, Leslie Zhang‘s (@lesliezhang1992) Instagram is home to a quirky collection of colorful images that, at times, feel like scenes straight out of a Wes Anderson film.
摄影师张家诚(@lesliezhang1992)的作品模糊了概念摄影和时尚摄影之间的界线,他的 Instagram 上展示了一系列独特的影像作品,色彩丰富又充满趣味。
While his account has accumulated an impressive following, @youknowcyc_ only skyrocketed in popularity over the past year. Comprised of neon-lit cityscapes and vertigo-inducing vantages, the Shanghai-based photographer’s account shows off various Asian metropolises in their full grandeur.
@youknowcyc_ 是这几位摄影师中粉丝数量最多的其中一位,但其中有一大批粉丝都是在过去一年间暴涨的。他的作品多为亚洲大都市中霓虹灯闪烁或是令人眩晕的城市景象。如果你喜欢这样的摄影风格,这位来自上海的摄影师绝对不容错过。
Cathy Liu’s (@lvlvlcy) Instagram account is a visual travel diary that takes viewers from the forests of Hokkaido to the alleyways of Morroco. Her account is a delightful recap of the beautiful architecture and stunning sights she’s stumbled across in her adventures across the world.
Cathy Liu (@lvlvlcy)的 Instagram 可说是一个视觉旅行日记,可以让关注者从北海道的森林一路“旅行”到摩洛哥的街头小巷。她的照片常常纪录下偶然发现的美丽建筑和绝妙景色,活泼轻巧地勾勒出她在环游世界的冒险之旅。
Photographer and co-founder of independent publishing studio Same Paper Xiaopeng Yuan (@xiaopeng_yuan) uses his Instagram to inject a healthy dose of surrealism into the mundanities of life in China.
摄影师兼独立出版工作室 Same Paper 的共同创办人袁小鹏(@xiaopeng_yuan),将他的 Instagram 作为中介,在中国平凡的世俗风景中注入了一剂超现实主义的新能量。
Based in Chongqing, photographer @by.harper takes to the skies to capture jaw-dropping aerial perspectives of the city. From crisscrossing highways to geometric building formations, his account shows off the many shapes and forms of China’s “mountain city.”
重庆摄影师 @by.harper 喜欢从高处捕捉城市中令人瞠目结舌的上空视角。从纵横交错的高速公路,到几何建筑形态,他的作品展示了中国“山城”的多种样貌。