Producer and DJ Alexis Chan, who’s best known under the moniker Soda Plains, is an anomaly in today’s near-stagnant electronic music scene. Unafraid of breaking out of the expected mold of contemporary electronic music, the Hong Kong-born and Berlin-based musician’s avant-garde sounds transcend categorization. Despite the complexities of his productions, Chan’s still able to brilliantly infuse his signature sounds into dance floor-commanding DJ sets.
英国制作人和DJ Alexis Chan出生于香港,如今生活在柏林,Soda Plains是他更为人熟知的艺名。在当今电子音乐的发展趋向停滞的时候,他的音乐可谓是打破闷局的异类。他大胆突破现代电子音乐的一贯风格,由他所创作的前卫音乐超越了常规的音乐分类。尽管他的音乐编曲较为精妙复杂,但依然成功进军传统俱乐部场合。

Take a listen to some select tracks from In Tongues below:
下面是《In Tongues》专辑的几首精选歌曲::
Chan’s latest project, In Tongues, serves to further his ambitious artistic vision. Working with Brazilian choreographer Negroma, In Tongues is a ten-track album that accompanies a 30-minute live performance. The project was inspired by the concept of xenoglossy, which is a psychic phenomenon that suddenly gifts an individual fluency in a new language. At the performance’s debut earlier this year, Negroma’s interpretive dance and Chan’s darkly atmospheric score introduced the audience at Berlin’s 3hd Festival to dramatic narratives that touched on subjects of identity and change.
最新作品《In Tongues》越发显现出他雄心勃勃的艺术视野。他与巴西舞蹈指导Negroma合作的《In Tongues》专辑收录了10首歌曲以及30分钟的舞蹈表演,专辑灵感源自“特殊语言能力”(xenoglossy)的概念,指的是人们流利地讲一种他自己没有从未学习或接触过的语言的现象。在今年早些时候的首演中,Negroma极具表现力的舞蹈和Chan音乐的黑暗氛围的结合,为柏林 3hd Festival 艺术季的观众带来了充满戏剧性的表演,诠释有关身份和变化的主题。

“When I make music now, I try to avoid the repetitive structure you find in most club songs,” Chen says in an interview, “If I played a song straight from In Tongues in a club mix, it would sound strange, wouldn’t it?. That’s the reality of it. But at live shows, I do plan on taking different layers of sound from the album and mixing it together with drums and percussions.” Later this week, Soda Plains is hosting a workshop and playing two shows in China. On May 18th, the workshop will take place at Shanghai’s Dada; the night after, May 19th, Soda Plains will be playing a club set at the same venue. On May 20th, Soda Plains will be playing at Dada Beijing. Click here to RSVP and for ticketing info.
Chen在接受采访时说:“我现在做音乐的时候,也想着要去避免俱乐部音乐里标志性的那种不断循环重复的结构。说到演出的话,我现在会挑选一些《In Tounges》里的曲子,然后把它们混合到俱乐部的环境之中。听上去是不是有点奇怪?但的确就是这样的。在现场,我会把专辑里那些层次感很强的部分和鼓点和各种节奏部分结合起来一起播放。”本周,Soda Plains将在中国举办一次专题讨论会,还会有两场演出。星期四的讨论会将在上海的 Dada举行,而星期五晚上则会在同一地点进行演出。随后,星期六, Soda Plains将在北京Dada演出。点击这里查看票务和RSVP信息。

Soundcloud: ~/sodaplains
Bandcamp: sodaplains.bandcamp.com
Facebook: ~/sodaplains
Contributor: David Yen
Images & Video Courtesy of Soda Plains
Soundcloud: ~/sodaplains
Bandcamp: sodaplains.bandcamp.com
脸书: ~/sodaplains
供稿人: David Yen
图片与视频由Soda Plains提供