The Shanghai Queer Film Festival (SHQFF) is a newly launched annual festival that looks to use cinema as a device for telling the LGBTQ+ story in an approachable way and encourage discussion around the topic of sexuality. As a completely volunteer-run and non-profit event, SHQFF aims to create a platform where filmmakers, especially those of an Asian background, and audiences can meet, converse, and share with one another it means to be LGBTQIA in modern times.
上海酷儿影展(Shanghai Queer Film Festival,简称SHQFF)是一个新成立的年度电影节,旨在通过电影,讲述 LGBTQ+群体的故事,鼓励人们就性取向问题进行讨论。作为一个完全由志愿者组织的非盈利性活动,SHQFF 的目标是打造一个平台,让电影制作人——尤其是亚洲的电影制作人——可以与观众进行交流,向人们展示当代LGTQIA的生活。

The inaugural event will kick off on September 16th and end on September 24th, beginning with a double feature showing of Orientations: Lesbians and Gay Asians and Re:Orientations, two films by director Richard Fung. The first film, released in 1986, examines the lives of lesbians and gay Asians in Toronto during the 1980s. The latter film, released in 2016, is a look at seven of the fourteen lesbians and gay men interviewed in the first film, showing how their lives and the world around them has changed over the last thirty years.
影展将于9月16日开幕,持续至9月24日结束,最先上映的是由加拿大导演Richard Fung执导的两部电影:《Orientations: Lesbians and Gay Asians》和《Re:Orientations》。第一部电影于1986年首映,探讨了女同性恋者和多伦多亚裔同性恋者在1980年代的生活。而第二部的影片于2016年上映,把镜头对准了第一部电影中采访过的14位女同性恋以及男同性恋者中的7位,展示他们的生活和四周的世界在过去三十年间发生的变化。
Other notable screenings during the week of festivities will include more films such as Tales of the Lost Boys, Starting Over, The Ornithologist, and more. Beyond these, the festival will also be screening 15 films from finalists of the SHQFF Short Film competition. Yu, a member of the film selection committee, explains that using film to tell stories of LGBTQ+ culture will help “reveal an abundance of queer Asian characters, encourage discussion on queer culture in the East, and represent diversity the diversity of love and freedom.”
在这个为期一周的影展中,其它值得关注的电影还包括许多近来新拍的电影,譬如《他和他的心旅程》(Tales of the Lost Boys)、《从头来过》(Starting Over)、《鸟类学家》(The Orinithologist)等等。除此之外,影展还会展映SHQFF短片竞赛单元的15部入围电影。电影推选委员会成员之一Yu解释说,通过电影讲述LGBTQ+文化可以“揭示丰富多样的亚洲酷儿面貌,鼓励亚洲人们对酷儿文化的讨论,展示爱和自由的多元性。”

“We are proud to offer this new platform for queer cinema, and to showcase some of the best queer films from around the world,” says Ting, the founder of SHQFF. “We hope this new platform can help Chinese and Asian filmmakers to showcase their work, as well as create a network for them to connect and bring them closer to audiences.”