SAVOR Taipei

August 4, 2016 2016年8月4日

Street food culture and Taiwan are practically inseparable from one another. What the island is probably most well-known for are the lively night markets, populated with countless stalls offering a smorgasbord of cheap and tasty local delicacies. But unfortunately, even with food being such a central part of Taiwanese culture, the region is rarely associated with fine dining. Meet Nicolas Chang, the head chef and the founder of SAVOR, a passionate individual who feels like Taiwan’s terroir is an overlooked and untapped resource, a land offering a rich selection of rare produce and unique flavors. So after studying culinary arts abroad and being mentored by world-renowned chefs in Paris, he was set on returning to Taipei and opening a restaurant of his own.

一提到台灣,似乎總也繞不開那熱鬧夜市中,滿目琳瑯的街頭餐飲文化,不過可惜的是,很少有人想起這裡的精緻餐飲。SAVOR店的老闆兼主廚Nicolas Chang卻認為台灣本土的餐飲文化遭到了忽視,豐富的料理製作和風味都未被開發,待人探索。經海外學藝、師承巴黎知名主廚的Nicolas返回台灣,打造屬於自己的餐廳品牌。

His debut restaurant À Table, a private dining space, officially opened in 2011. “À Table was small, and the kitchen was probably only around ten square meters,” Nicolas describes. “Customers actually had to pass through the kitchen in order to get to the restroom. But I viewed the space restriction differently – I saw it as an intimate setting where I could share my passion for food with all my guests.” But after running À Table for two years, and as his customer base steadily grew, he felt an obligation to provide a more complete dining experience. “I felt like I had a responsibility to give them something even better, to give them a more well-rounded dining experience. SAVOR was born out of that sense of responsibility,” Nicolas says.

他的首家餐廳“A Table”在2011年正式開張。 Nicolas 這樣介紹他的小私廚:“À Table空間很小,廚房大概不到3坪,客人上廁所還必須要進到廚房。但這有限的空間卻給以我別有洞天的存在——在這裡我可以用最親近的方式去與客人分享我的料理精神,”小私廚開了兩年後,客源穩定增長,Nicolas的責任感也在不斷攀升,希望為大家提供一個更加舒適完整的用餐體驗。他說:“我覺得我有義務為客人帶來更好的美食,同時創造更棒的用餐環境。SAVOR就是在這種理念下應運而生。”

Nicolas’ story actually begins in the Pampas of South America and Argentina. Growing up in this region, the produce he ate often came straight from the field; his appreciation for locally sourced and organically grown ingredients can be traced back to this period of time “Now with SAVOR, we actually work with an aboriginal lady in Hualien. She’s working tirelessly to restore some of the edible wild plants native to Taiwan. Every year, we’ll visit her garden with our team and see what kind of treasures we can dig up,” says Nicolas. These types of wild plants are rarely seen in any Taipei restaurants, let alone in high-end gastronomy. But the obscure nature of these plants is undoubtedly part of the appeal for both Nicolas and his guests, who share a mutual interest in being taken out of their culinary comfort zones.

Nicolas的故事更早可以追溯到在南美阿根廷彭巴大草原上長大的童年。成長於那片土地,他從小就接觸純天然的環境,吃最新鮮的食材。他對本土有機食材的偏愛或許從那時起就埋下種子。 “在打造SAVOR時,我們在台灣的花蓮有一個合作很好的原住民阿姨。她致力於復育台灣原生種野菜。我們整個團隊都每年會去她家的菜園挖掘寶貝。”他說。這些種類繁多的野菜在如今的台北餐廳都鮮為人知了,更別提在一些高端的料理店。但這些不起眼的野菜,在同樣不拘泥於固有美食舒適圈的Nicolas與其食客眼裡,卻有著巨大的吸引力。

Citing his grandmother as an influence, Nicolas vividly recalls memories of her cooking. “She was a fantastic cook. Her cooking style was a mix of traditional Japanese and Taiwanese. When I taste her food, I can always feel the love and sincerity that she puts into it,” he says. “One of our amuse-bouches from the previous menu was a dish made with tomatoes and plums, which was then encapsulated in a tomato-flavored water sphere. The flavors of this dish were closely tied to my childhood, and through it, my intention was to share those memories with my guests.” Some of his other favorites include: a scallop dish, drizzled with a flavorful reduced sauce made with fifteen different vegetables; a tuna tartare dish, served with Taiwanese anchovy on a dried citrus peel; and a puffed purple rice dish, inspired by Hualien cuisine and made with magao, a rare type of spice used by aboriginal natives in Eastern Taiwan that tastes like a blend of black pepper, lemon, and ginger.


During my brief visit, the SAVOR kitchen was brimming with movement; the kitchen staff moved quickly and purposefully, chopping away and dilligently preparing for the upcoming dinner service. Nicolas moved around the kitchen in equal haste, ensuring the efficiency and quality of the entire preparation process. After prep was over, he decided to work on refining an upcoming dessert with the free time. Employing a classic molecular gastronomy technique, Nicolas plucks a large container of liquid carbon dioxide from the back of his kitchen and began to douse a pre-blended mixture with the contents. Intermittently, Nicolas would spoon a homemade hibiscus-based syrup in between applications of the carbon dioxide. The metallic countertop quickly overflows with white vapor as the blend flash-freezes into a solid. Wasting no time, Nicolas picks up a pestle and begins pummeling the frozen solid into shards of rose-colored marshmallows. “It’s done like this on purpose. I’m aiming to create organic shape similar to rocks,” Nicolas said. “I like to play with intuition, which is always fun. Unfortunately, we’re still in the process of constructing this dessert and it’s not quite ready yet.”

在我短暫的採訪期間,整個SAVOR的廚房在有條不紊地運作中,工作人員動作麻利,分工明晰,為即將開始​​的晚餐進行切墩等各種準備工作。 Nicolas忙碌但有序的身影穿梭在廚房裡,保障整個後廚工作有效地順利開展。準備工作結束後,Nicolas在剩餘的時間裡全神貫注雕琢一道即將推出的甜點。這道料理是運用經典的分子料理烹飪技術,只見Nicolas從廚房後排拿出一個碩大的液態二氧化碳烹飪器,噴灑在搭配好的食材中,在這不斷的噴灑二氧化碳過程裡,不時地舀一勺自製芙蓉花糖漿點綴其中,金屬材質的桌面上迅速溢出白色蒸汽,混合著其他食材凝結成固體。緊接著他就拿起一根棒子朝著那凝結而成的固體毫不猶豫地敲擊下去,剎時散落成片片玫瑰色的糖霜。他說:“我就是故意這麼做的,就是希望創造出宛如岩石質感的天然形態。我喜歡緊隨直覺,那通常都非常有趣。不過遺憾的是,這個甜點還在試驗階段,還不能正式推出上桌。”

Despite being formally trained in France, it’s impressive to see the ways Nicolas’ dishes pay homage to Taiwan. Even more impressive is seeing how every dish that comes out of the SAVOR kitchen is a creatively constructed piece of gastronomic art. He tells me, “We do what we do not because we want to stand out from others. We want to stand up for those who have contributed so much in terms of agriculture and culture. Our predecessors have paved the way for us, and now it is our time to make things even better.”



No. 7, Lane 96, Jiangnan Street
Neihu District, Taipei

+886 2 8797 5267

Wednesday ~ Sunday
6pm ~ 10pm (Reservation only)


Contributor: David Yen
Photographers: Chunyang Lin, David Yen



+886 2 8797 5267

6pm ~ 10pm (預約制)

臉書: ~/savorgroup


供稿人: David Yen
摄影师: Chunyang Lin, David Yen

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August 3, 2016 2016年8月3日

Founded by Natasha Ivachoff, Victoria Ivachoff, and Jessica Brus, MISSYSKINS is a womenswear brand that officially launched in 2012. With the tenacious mindset of wanting to make leatherwear trendy and easily accessible, the three have released two different collections under the MISSYSKINS brand. The first of the two, MISSY SKINS by NATASHA IVACHOFF, is their mainline collection filled with impeccably crafted iconic leather garments. The other is Diffusion, a collection that combines street-orientated aesthetics with a sense of playfulness.

Natasha Ivachoff、Victoria Ivachoff,以及Jessica Brus于2012年正式创立了女装品牌MISSYSKINS。为了展示皮革艺术的时尚之美,并推动其市场化,三人为品牌名下的产品设计了两条风格鲜明的时装系列:一个是围绕精细的经典皮革工艺展开的服饰系列MISSY SKINS BY NATASHA IVACHOFF;另一个是融入街头美学的趣味皮革系列Diffusion

The new AW16 Diffusion release, ROYALTY, is based around the sports luxe look. But staying true to the brand’s original vision, the collection still consists of many leather pieces, with boldly emblazoned floral prints making frequent appearances this release. From a cerulean blue fur coat worn over a pair of indigo blue leopard leggings to a metal-studded leather jacket juxtaposed with a white laced dress, ROYALTY is a diverse and youthful collection designed with the modern fashionista in mind. Scroll down to see more images from the new collection.


Instagram: @missyskins
Weibo: ~/missyskins
Facebook: ~/missyskins


Contributor: David Yen

Instagram: @missyskins
微博: ~/missyskins
脸书: ~/missyskins


供稿人: David Yen

“Flight Attendant” by XXX

August 2, 2016 2016年8月2日



XXX is a Seoul-based duo, consisting of music producer FRNK and rapper Kim Ximya. The highly anticipated debut album KYOMI was released just last month from their very own independent music label Beasts and Natives. The album was released in conjunction with the music video for “Flight Attendant”, a track that features a haunting, unconventional instrumental crafted by FRNK that’s only complemented by Kim Ximya’s acerbic verses.

XXX 음악 프로듀서 FRNK 래퍼 Kim Ximya 구성된 듀오로서 서울에 기반을 두고 있습니다높은 기대를 모으고 있는 그들의 데뷔 앨범 KYOMI 독립 기획사인 Beasts and Natives에서 지난달 출시되었습니다. 앨범은승무원 뮤직비디오와 함께 출시되었으며, 트랙은 틀에 얽매이지 않고 쉽게 잊혀지지 않는 연주 음악입니다. FRNK 제작한 해당 트랙은 Kim Ximya 신랄한 벌스가 조화를 이루고 있습니다.

For the “Flight Attendant” music video, Parisian artist Mattis Dovier unveils a demented, psychotic vision of an airplane trip gone awry. Told in his signature 8-bit-dot style, the black-and-white animation features a male protagonist whose perception of reality has seemingly shattered. Many harrowing happenings occur throughout the video: a woman is devoured by one of the cabin’s economy-sized seats, suffocating as her head is forcibly sucked into the headrest; a smiling flight attendant is gruesomely sliced in half, revealing her inner anatomy as she literally falls apart; and another scene shows an ebony serpent violently emerging from a woman’s eye socket, popping out an eye and winding through the orifices of her face. The chaotic video finally comes to an end as the main character wakes up, unsure about these disturbing hallucinations. To see more of Mattis Dovier’s animations, you can visit his Tumblr. XXX’s album KYOMI is now available on iTunes and other select online retailers.

승무원 뮤직비디오를 위하여, 파리의 예술가 Mattis Dovier 엉망이 되어버린 비행기 여행의 기괴하고 정신이상적인 상상 장면을 발표했습니다. 자신의 특징인 8비트 도트 스타일로 전개되는 흑백 애니메이션에는 남자 주인공이 등장하는데, 그의 현실 인식은 산산조각이 보입니다. 비디오에는 다음과 같은 끔찍한 사건들이 자주 발생합니다: 객실의 이코노미 좌석이 여자를 집어삼키고 그녀의 머리가 머리 받침대에 끼어 질식하는 장면; 미소 짓는 승무원의 몸이 끔찍하게 반으로 잘리고 분리되면서 장기가 드러나는 장면; 검은 뱀이 여자의 속에서 격렬하게 나타나며 눈이 튀어나오고 얼굴의 구멍들 속으로 들어갔다 나오는 장면. 혼란스러운 비디오는 주인공이 깨어나며 끝을 맺지만, 이러한 충격적인 환각은 불확실하게 처리됩니다. Mattis Dovier 애니메이션을 시청하려면 그의 텀블러를 방문하시기 바랍니다. XXX 앨범 KYOMI 아이튠즈 일부 온라인 스토어에서 구매할 있습니다.

Neocha Selects is a curated selection of some of the most inspiring and innovative video content from Asia. To see more stories like this, click here. To see original Neocha videos, click here.

Neocha Selects 아시아에서 가장 고무적이고 혁신적인 비디오 콘텐츠를 일부 선별한 것입니다. 이와 같은 이야기를 원하시면 여기 클릭하세요. 오리지널 Neocha 비디오를 원하시면 여기 클릭하세요.
YouTube: ~/watchbana
Tumblr: ~/mattisdovier


Contributor: David Yen

YouTube: ~/watchbana
Tumblr: ~/mattisdovier


기부자: David Yen

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August 1, 2016 2016年8月1日

Dumplings in China represent much more than just a delicious dietary staple; they are a symbol of the nation’s traditional culture and century-old superstition. Eaten to welcome in the Chinese New Year and at special family occasions, dumplings are believed to bring good fortune because of their resemblance to ancient ingots, a formerly used Chinese currency. RIGI Design was commissioned to design the first flagship restaurant of high-end dumpling chain Xi Ding. Breaking away from the brand’s existing “fast-food” image, RIGI Design has used robust materials and soft, subtle tones to offer a far finer dining experience, one that draws attention to the long-standing importance of dumplings in the Chinese tradition.


Blocks of concrete-like Stucco frame the restaurant’s impressive front entrance. Panels add texture to the dramatic design; their fossil-like appearance a sign of the historical role of dumplings in China. Metal panels cut with dainty geometric shapes flank the entrance, their partial transparency adding a softer sense of mysticism to the design.


RIGI’s design of the dining area maintains a visual juxtaposition; harsh white walls and dark brown seating are offset by textured panels and marbled tabletops. All of the materials have clearly been carefully chosen to maintain design continuity. Rattan baskets, a symbol of traditional craft and design, are carefully placed at the restaurant’s entrance to emphasize Xi Ding’s skillfully homemade, fresh cuisine. Rattan is also used to panel the central block of seating booths; its varying shades of brown are congruent with chunky, wooden lampshades that dangle at differing heights from the smooth, chamfered ceiling. Half-hidden by metal panels, the lampshades float mysteriously above the tables.


Traditional Chinese characters from Xi Ding’s logo hang on the wall on display between symmetrical rows of white, sculpted dumplings and dinner sets. The composition is almost skeletal, reminiscent of an age-old fossil. RIGI has also designed marine-inspired wave patterns lit up by blue, wall-wash lighting to emphasize Xi Ding’s star dish, “the seafood dumpling”.


By using traditional, rustic elements, complimentary materials and modern techniques, RIGI has redefined the simple, delicate, traditional and oriental spirit of Xi Ding. By innovating the style of Xi Ding dumpling stores RIGI Design has explored a new approach to the brand’s development and created a beautifully designed ode to the history of the traditional Chinese dumpling.


L5027-B, Pavilion Dalian
No. 129-3, Zhongshan Road
Dalian City, Xigang District
Liaoning Province, China




Contributor: Ruby Weatherall
Images Courtesy of Zi-Min Liu, RIGI Design

中国 辽宁省
大连市 西岗区





供稿人: Ruby Weatherall

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