Shen Jie is a Shanghai-based award-winning animator whose short films include RUN! (2012 – 2013), HORSE (2013), STAMMER (2013), among others. His work is hand-drawn on the computer, often very rhythmic and experimental.
沈杰是上海的获奖动画师,他的短片作品有《RUN!》(2012 – 2013), 《HORSE》 (2013), 《STAMMER》 (2013) 等等。他的作品俱由电脑手绘完成,常常充满节奏感和试验性。
Shen started drawing in junior high school and went on to study multimedia in college, dabbling in design, illustration, photography, animation, film and video. He discovered that he took easily to animation, and continued pursuing it as his main creative medium. He often likes to search for interesting, bizarre, and less popular narratives, and Georges Schwizgebel is a major influence.
沈杰初中开始画画,随后于大学主修多媒体专业,学习涉及设计、插画、摄影、动画及影视。他发现,做动画于他而言非常顺手,便一直持续将动画作为他的主要创作媒介。他常搜寻观看有趣、离奇、略小众的叙事动画,期间Georges Schwizgebel对他产生了巨大影响。
From beginning to end, his process is all achieved on the computer, painted frame-by-frame in Photoshop and AfterEffects in a spontaneous style. Shen Jie says, “Sometimes I think that ‘time’ itself is a great subject matter. You can use time to express an event, or use the event to express time. The advantage of animation over a static image is that time provides more room for expression.”
Shen Jie previously worked in the advertising industry, but he recently quit to work on his animations full-time. “I used to run for ten years, running as far as possible every day. Now my heart beats very slowly,” Shen says. “My inspiration these days comes from everyday life, reading novels, and watching Ozu and Edward Yang films. I also like to look at pretty girls.”
沈杰最近刚辞去广告业的工作,转而全职创作动画。“我跑了10年步,尽可能每天都跑。现在心脏跳得非常慢。沈杰说: “现在,我的灵感来自: 日常生活、小说、小津安二郎和杨德昌的电影。我也喜欢看漂亮姑娘。”
At 24 frames per second, often repeating in short loops, yet changing with every iteration, Shen Jie likes to use time in this fashion to push his story forward. His shortest project, 牛YA, took two weeks to complete, while Monkey, a five minute piece, took one year. His next project is a film about swings.