All posts by garimagarg

The Ghats of Varanasi 印度之魂

January 23, 2018 2018年1月23日
Devotees bathing at a ghat, in the river Ganges. / 信徒们在瓦拉纳西河里沐浴

Varanasi, or Kashi as Hindus call it, is regarded as one of the holiest places in India. It’s also one of the oldest continually inhabited places in the world, and in modern times, it continues to receive both devotees and tourists in astounding numbers day after day. While Varanasi holds a reputation of being the spiritual capital of India due to its association with various religious figures, the historical city is most closely associated with Lord Shiva, one of the principal deities of the Hindu pantheon, and who, according to legend, founded the city.

瓦拉纳西(Varanasi),印度人又称之为“卡西”(Kashi),被认为是印度最神圣的地方之一,也是世界上最古老的、持续拥有长居人口的城市之一。而现在,它每天都以惊人的数目接待信徒和游客。由于与众多传奇宗教人物之间的联系,这座城市历来被誉为印度或印度教的精神之都,其中,它和湿婆神(Lord Shiva)之间的联系最为密切。湿婆神是印度教万神殿的主神之一,传说也是这座城市的创造者。

A sadhu reads his texts at the ghats. / 一个印度教的苦行僧在河坛上读经

Being such an ancient city, Varanasi has been demolished and rebuilt countless times over the years. The city as we know it now was primarily built by the Maratha Empire in 1700 A.D. They built the iconic ghats, or the riverfront steps leading to the banks of the Ganges River, which allowed people to easily access the river for religious rites, cleaning, and bathing. Although the ghats have fallen in disrepair over the years, they continue to be the center of cultural and religious activity in the city, with people all over the world making the pilgrimage to Varanasi just to experience them in person.

作为一个如此古老的城市,瓦拉纳西在漫长岁月中经历过无数次的拆毁和重建。我们今天所看到的这座城市,主要是由马拉塔帝国(Maratha Empire)建立于公元 1700 年。当时他们还建造了具有标志性的河坛(ghats),也就是通往恒河河岸的台阶。这些河坛便于人们走进恒河举行宗教仪式,或者进行清洁和沐浴。虽说如今的河坛早已年久失修,但它们仍然是文化和宗教活动的中心,许多人会专门到瓦拉纳西朝圣,只为了去参观下这些河坛。

Women make ritual offerings to the Ganges. / 妇女们祈祷并向恒河献祭
Devotees descend upon the ghats early in the morning. / 信徒们清晨走下河坛
Priests observe their morning rituals. / 祭祀们观看他们的晨礼

Activity at the ghats starts in the early hours of the morning. Devotees descend the steps to bathe in the Ganges. The river is worshipped as the holiest one in Hinduism and bathing in it is believed to rid one of all sins that one might have committed in life. In addition to taking a dip in the river, devotees also visit to pray with offerings of flowers and oil lamps. Alongside these devotees, Hindu priests perform their own daily prayers. While their offerings look similar to the earlier devotees, the incantations are much more complex.


People change into dry clothes, after bathing in Ganges. / 人们在恒河沐浴后换上干衣服

Varanasi also offers an interesting look at the contradicting ideals around shame and nudity in India. Conservative-minded individuals who might frown upon public displays of affection or revealing clothing like short skirts or low neckline blouses won’t hesitate to publically bathe and change clothes along the ghats, even with hordes of photographers all around.


A priest meditates at a ghat in Varanasi. / 在瓦拉纳西,一位牧师在河潭边打坐冥想
A Buddhist monk conversing with a Hindu monk. / 一个佛教僧侣正在与一个印度教僧侣交谈

The ghats also reveal an interesting perspective on how some Hindus perceive certain devotees and their motives for visiting the city. Tongue-in-cheek phrases are inscribed and penned in Hindi along the walls, urging devotees to think rather than blindly follow. One phrase takes a dig at people who sin without hesitation and return to the Ganges to bathe and be absolved of them.


Manikarnika ghat on the night of Dev Deepawali festival. / 迪瓦里节(又称排灯节)之夜,马尼卡尼卡河坛
The burning ghat by the day. / 白天进行火葬仪式的马尼卡尼卡河坛

The ghat that arouses the most curiosity, especially amongst non-Indians, is the burning ghat. It’s known as the Manikarnika Ghat, and it’s where more than three hundred cremations take place every week. The Dom community, a low-caste community of corpse burners in Varanasi, carries out the cremations day after day. Their work never stops, not even for a second; even during times of festivities, the cremations continue on.

Dying in Varanasi and what it means to Hindus is a concept that confounds most. A Western mind, familiar with Abrahamic religions, is used to thinking of death as finality. However, in Hinduism, life is believed to be a circle of birth and death. A soul keeps on taking births so as to bear the fruits and punishments of actions of past life. It goes on until the soul’s ledger of both is balanced, which might take all eternity. One of the ways to be free of that is to die in Varanasi and have the ashes immersed in the Ganges after the cremation. This is why dying in the city is an important affair and the cremations seem endless.

在外国游客看来,最让他们好奇的,通常都是那个用来进行火葬的河坛,它被称为马尼卡尼卡河坛(Manikarnika Ghat)。每星期,这里都会举行 300 多次火葬仪式。“Dom”社群——圣城瓦拉纳西中负责焚尸的一个低种姓社群,负责执行火葬仪式。他们的工作忙得不可开交,甚至连一秒钟的休息时间都没有。并且即使在节庆日活动期间,火葬仪式也会照常举行。

而死亡在瓦拉纳西及其对印度教徒的意义,则是最令人困惑的部分。在西方思想中,人们熟于亚伯拉罕诸教(Abrahamic religions),死亡往往被视为终结。然而在印度教中,生命则被认为是生与死的循环。一个灵魂会不断重生,去承受前世应得的善果和恶报。这样的轮回循环会一直持续,永恒不灭,直到灵魂帐目中的功过相抵。这也是为什么“死亡”在这座城市有着如此重要的意义,而火葬仪式也永远不会停止。

Preparations for the Ganga Aarti are underway. / 恒河暮祭的准备工作

As the day draws to a close, tourists start gathering at the Dashashwamedh Ghat. Every day, between 6 to 7 pm, five young priests simultaneously perform what is known as Ganga Aarti, a prayer to the Ganges, and the rituals go on for a little over an hour. As the prayers conclude, the day at the ghats is officially over, but locals will remain along the ghats to relax, play musical instruments, and sing Bollywood songs.

随着夜幕降临,游客开始聚集在达萨斯瓦梅朵河坛( Dashashwamedh Ghat)。每天晚上六点到七点之间,五名年轻的祭司会同时表演“恒河暮祭”(Ganga Aarti)。这是对恒河的祈祷,整个仪式持续一个多小时当祈祷结束的时候,河坛一天的活动才算正式结束。但人们还是会一直逗留在河坛沿路。当地人喜欢在这里闲逛,演奏乐器或演唱宝莱坞歌曲。

A child priest performs the prayer. / 做结束祈祷的儿童牧师

Varanasi is a place that is hard to make sense of, for both Hindus and non-Hindus. It takes time to begin fathoming the system at work beneath all the apparent chaos. Reading about Varanasi prior to visiting might walk you through the history of Varanasi and what Hinduism is all about, but the only way to truly understand the multilayered city is to experience it in person.

As philosopher Karl Marx once said, “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.” However, perhaps religion should be seen as more than simply a provider of temporary comfort. These holy rituals and ceremonies are a preservation of traditions that perpetuate cultural values and ideologies – essentially, they’re celebrations of life. Nowhere is this more apparent than at the ghats of Varanasi.


宗教,哲学家卡尔·马克思(Karl Marx)曾说,“它是被压迫生灵的叹息,是无人性世界中的人性,亦是无灵魂之境中的灵魂。宗教是人民的鸦片。”但是,它或许不仅应被认为是短暂的慰藉。宗教中这些神圣的典礼和仪式沿袭了传统,使其文化价值和意识形态得以留存——本质上来说,也是对生命的庆典。而这一点,恰在瓦拉纳西的河坛上表现得淋漓尽致。

Contributor & Photographer: Garima Garg

供稿人与摄影师: Garima Garg

Sculpting the Divine in Kumortuli

September 27, 2017 2017年9月27日
The artist paints over a finished sculpture of Goddess Durga.

Kumortuli is a traditional potter’s quarter in Kolkata, India where artisans have been living and honing their craft for centuries. But what type of work do these artists create? The answer can be found in the festivals that are often associated with India. When most people think of festivals in India, the popular Diwali and Holi will most likely be the first to come to mind. However, that’s barely scratching the surface of India’s love of celebration. Every state has a particular festival that it celebrates with more pomp and splendor than the rest of the country. For Kolkata, it’s Durga Puja.

Kumortuli是印度加尔各答的一个传统陶器产区,几百年来,陶艺工匠生活在这里生活、磨练制陶手艺。而当地陶艺工匠所创作的作品到底如何?答案可以在印度的一些传统节日中找到。说到印度的节日,大多数人首先想到的应该是像排灯节(Diwali)和侯丽节(Holi)这些著名的节日。然而,这些节日其实只能算是印度众多节日中的凤毛麟角,它们不能完全体现出印度人们对节日的热爱。事实上,在印度,每个州都有它的特色节日,在庆祝这个节日时,会比全国其它地方庆祝的方式更隆重、更热闹。而加尔各答的特色节日正是杜尔加女神节(Durga Puja)。

An artist works on an unfinished Durga face.
Seen here is the goddess’ vahan on the left, i.e., the tiger. On the right is the demon king, Mahishasur.

Durga Puja is an annual festival that happens in late September or early October. It reveres the Hindu deity Durga, a fierce goddess of war. One of the most popular legends associated with the goddess is of her battle against demon king Mahishasur. As such, a common depiction of the goddess shows her thrusting her Trishul (a trident that many deities of Hinduism wield) into the demon. In Hindu mythology, every god and goddess ride a vahana for travel. In turn, another common depiction of Durga is atop her vahana, a tiger. Various depictions of this goddess can be seen during Kolkata’s Durga Puja, all of which are created by the artists of Kumortuli.

一年一度的杜尔加女神节于9月底或10月初期间举行。节日是为了庆祝印度教中强大的女战神——杜尔加女神。关于杜尔加女神,最著名的一个传说是她打败妖王(Mahishasur)的那场战斗。因此,她最常见的形象是将自己的三叉戟(Trishul,许多印度教神像使用的三叉戟)插入恶魔身体。在印度神话中,所有的神灵和女神都会乘着一只座骑( vahana )出行。所以,杜尔加女神的另一种常见的形象是她骑着自己的老虎座骑。在加尔各答的杜尔加女神节期间,人们可以看到关于这位女神的各种形象,而打造这些神象的正是Kumortuli的艺术家们。

Some of the smallest Durga sculptures, seen here in a workshop.
An unfinished Durga idol stored in a workshop.
One of the larger sculptures of the goddess.

The Kumortuli quarters have hundreds of artisans working day and night throughout the year to create idols. A typical workshop is nothing more than a small patch of land with minimum necessities and only enough space to house materials and the completed works. Despite the difficult working conditions, the increasing prosperity of the region means that people are spending more and more on recreational activities, which includes the celebration of Durga Puja. As a result, the sculptors of Kumortuli have been given much more creative freedom in their sculptures in recent times.


The bamboo base, on the left, of a typical sculpture made in Kumartuli.

The sculpture creation process in Kumortuli is completely eco-friendly, but the process is tedious. The base of sculptures are made of bamboo sticks, which are ferried in by boat from nearby regions. The bamboo then needs to be dried on river banks. Afterwards, artists will begin creating the foundation. Once the base is done, a coat of clay is applied to shape the idol and recycled paper is used to fill the cracks. Once the clay structure is complete to reveal the perfect likeness of the idol, an artist paints over it with vibrant colors. In the final step, the sculpture is adorned with clothing, accessories, and jewelry. After the celebration ends, devotees submerge their idols into water, which results in the clay being washed away. Artists will then recover the bamboo base to reuse the following year.


Maa Kaali, the black-faced Hindu goddess.
Unfinished sculptures of Lord Ganesha, kept in a workshop.

While the main idols created at Kumortuli are of Durga, sculptors also create idols of other Hindu gods and goddesses for worship at different festivals across the country. These idols include Lord Ganesha, Goddess Saraswati, Goddess Lakshmi, and more. Visitors can even come across sculptures of Jesus Christ in Kumortuli since Christmas is commonly celebrated in Kolkata and other parts of India. Strolling around and taking a look at the workshops of different artisans is surprisingly evealing of the diverse religious fabric of India. Aside from religious figures, sculptors also create statues of important cultural figures like Swami Vivekananda and Rabindranath Tagore, two respected philosophers and intellectuals who are widely honored on their birthdays.

虽然在Kumortuli区,最常见的神像是杜尔加女神,但艺术家们还会创作其他印度教的神灵和女神,用于在全国各地不同的节日供人们崇拜。这些神像包括象头神(Lord Ganesha)、辩才天女(Goddess Saraswati)、吉祥天女(Goddess Lakshmi)等等。游客甚至可以在Kumortuli区看到耶稣基督的雕塑,因为在加尔各答和印度其它地区,人们也会庆祝圣诞节。在不同艺术家的作坊里闲逛,往往能意外地发现印度不同宗教的文化。除了宗教人物,这里的艺术家也会打造文化名人的雕像,譬如印度两位受人尊敬的哲学家斯瓦米·维韦卡南达(Swami Vivekananda)和罗宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔(Rabindranath Tagore),因为人们在他们生日那天举办庆祝活动来纪念他们。

Idol of Lord Jesus in the middle. On the left is a statue of Swami Vivekananda (with the turban
Two statues of Rabindranath Tagore, seen in a narrow Kumartuli lane.

The sculptures created in Kumortuli are not only sold locally or domestically. There’s often demand for them on an international level. Indians living abroad will even commission work from artists in Kumartuli. Due to this demand, many artists in Kumortuli will end up working tirelessly throughout the year to keep up with the sheer amount of festivals and celebrations. While hordes of photographers frequent this unique place all the time, the sculptors are quite immune to the attention and lead humble lives. Families of artists have passed down their craft from generation to generation – their dedication and hard work contribute to the preservation of tradition and culture in not only Kolkata but India as a whole.


Contributor & Photographer: Garima Garg

供稿人与摄影师: Garima Garg