Shann Larsson is a Hong Kong-based mixed media artist of Eurasian descent. Having been raised in Germany, Sweden, Indonesia, and Hong Kong, Larsson’s creative process has been deeply influenced by her exposure to these different cultures. Her latest project, Blue & White Porcelain, is a playing card deck that reflects the influences of her mixed cultural background. While the front-facing graphics and coloration are based on 14th-century Chinese ceramics, the card backs are influenced by modern Scandinavian porcelain, which tends to incorporate abstract and geometric characteristics. Building on the Chinese influences, the graphical elements on the rest of the cards, aside from the aces, are all based on the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac.
Shann Larsson是一位现居香港的多媒体艺术家。身为一名欧亚混血,她成长于德国、瑞典、印尼和香港这四个地方,而这样的成长背景也深深影响到了她的作品创作。这在她近期的一件产品设计作品《Blue & White Porcelain》亦能体现出来。在扑克牌的牌面设计上,Shann以中国明朝时期青花瓷的纹样和颜色作为灵感,而牌背则借鉴了另外一种较为现代的瓷器——产于斯堪的纳维亚、独特风格的瓷器,其中包含了抽象元素和几何特征。在图案设计中,Shann还融入了中国的十二生肖,来展现牌面的大小等级。

In the printing process, Larsson used a Spot UV varnish on individual cards and the packaging, which gave it a special coating that augmented the colors of her watercolor paintings; the glossy surface is also a reference to the lustrous qualities of real ceramics. Understanding that design is a balancing act, Larsson finalized the project with the use of the simple, minimal Novecento font, which complemented her complex graphical designs.

Blue & White Porcelain recently won a Junior Award at the Red Dot Award: Communication Design event and it’s now available in the Neocha Shop.
《Blue & White Porcelain》还是2017红点奖:传达设计部分的得奖作品!现正于Neocha商店限量发售。

Website: shannlarsson.com
Facebook: ~/shannlarssonsart
Behance: ~/shannlarsson
Instagram: @shannlarssondesign
Contributor: Ye Zi
Images Courtesy of Shann Larsson
网站: shannlarsson.com
Behance: ~/shannlarsson
Instagram: @shannlarssondesign
供稿人: Ye Zi
图片由Shann Larsson提供