Tag Archives: active lifestyle

FitSense Spot




We created a short animated spot for Lycra FitSense to showcase the support, shaping, and comfort of the brand’s innovative fabrics.

Lycra FitSense technology is used in unisex sportswear and sports-bras to provide users with a second-skin fit and superior comfort when engaging in a wide range of athletic movements and exercises.

The spot was used in stores and digital media worldwide.

我们为Lycra FitSense系列创作了一支创意动画视频,以生动形象的方式将该系列面料产品特有的贴身、塑形、舒适等特性一一体现。Lycra品牌独有的该系列纤维面料应用于运动连体裤、运动胸衣以及男士运动衫可为用户带来舒适、贴身、恰似第二层皮肤一般的运动自如感。
