An Inner Journey 有时候悲伤会在你心底窜出一个洞

August 31, 2018 2018年8月31日

The story goes like this: in a gorgeous world drawn from a fantasy or a dream, a faceless girl is floating in an unfamiliar place. She’s been searching, longing to find a way out of this strange land, but she keeps tumbling down again and again, constantly tumbling down.

This colorful and expressive music video is a collaboration by Malaysian animator Yan Dan Wong and Swedish animator Annalotta Pauly. Their images are accompanied by the upbeat melody of Vulfgang Rainstorme’s recent track “Semblance.”


伴随着这一首轻快节奏的音乐,我们跟着女孩踏上一段 “寻找” 的旅程。这个画面缤纷、意寓鲜明的音乐视频是马来西亚动画师 Yan Dan Wong,协同另一位动画师好友 Annalotta Pauly 共同创作的动画作品。



“I was approached by a Canadian artist, Vulfgang Rainstorme, for a commission for an animated music video for a song on his new album A Yellow Spot,” says Wong. “When we found out that the album was dedicated to his late mother, we thought of themes of loss, searching, feeling incomplete, and finding peace to let go. So we thought of a narrative about a faceless female character embarking on a journey to look for something or someone.”

“一开始我们接到了加拿大音乐人 Vulfgang Rainstorme 的委托,为专辑《A Yellow Spot 》当中的一首歌《Semblance》创作动画。后来我们得知这张专辑是他献给母亲的怀念之作,于是构思了关于失去、探寻、感到迷失、最终重拾平静、和放下这个主题。并以一个无脸女孩为主角,出发去寻找的故事。”


This kaleidoscopic world full of challenges is all in the girl’s mind. Her quest is a healing process. “Grief creates a hole inside of you. We sometimes experience unfathomable sadness, but not everything is bad all the time. The world the girl finds herself in is neither good nor bad, it just is,” Wong explains. “After getting reassured by the memories of a lost loved one, the girl gets the courage to dive down through the dark and stormy waters, and she ends up at the surface again.”


“She finds herself in the place where she started. Maybe not much has changed, but she knows she’s stronger now. You can’t avoid grief, but you can work through it. That’s our understanding of the music video.”

The girl eventually ends up in the same place of shelter—the only difference is that she’s found what she was looking for. After crossing through grief, she’s again recovered her face. She’s no longer the person she once was.


女孩终究落脚在同一片安身之地,唯一不同的是她找到了心想的东西。度过了悲伤,重获了容貌。她不再是原来的自己。 /


Contributor: Yang Yixuan

网站: /


供稿人: Yang Yixuan

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A World of Monsters & Plants 抚慰人心的怪诞

August 30, 2018 2018年8月30日

In one illustration, a slime-covered shark with jet engines on its fins swims through a tangle of video game cables and old brick cell phones. In another, flowers with fanged petals wrap their stems around a pair of faded blue jeans. One more features floating ketchup and mustard bottles, Chuck Norris as a merman with hair dryers in both hands, plus an array of other surreal elements, all of which are sandwiched between two giant hamburger buns.

在一幅插画中,一只涂满粘液、鳍上装着喷气发动机的鲨鱼正游走于一堆视频游戏电缆和旧式的砖手机中;在另一幅插画里,褪色的蓝色牛仔裤上,画着露出尖牙的花朵;还有一幅,番茄酱和芥末酱的瓶子成为了主角,动作片演员查克·诺里斯(Chuck Norris)变成一条手拿吹风机的人鱼,和其它超现实元素一起,夹在两块巨大的汉堡面包之间,变成了一个巨型汉堡包。

These are the imaginings of Singaporean artist Adeline Tan. Her work—a mixture of illustration, commissioned murals, and personal painting—take on various roles and purposes. “Art is comforting, it helps me manage negative emotions,” she explains. “As a Singaporean child growing up in the ‘80s, there was a lot of pressure to perform academically. Children find ways to cope, and for me, it was drawing. My parents quickly discouraged me, of course.”

这些插画来自于新加坡艺术家 Adeline Tan 的想象世界。她的作品包括插画、委托创作的涂鸦作品和个人绘画作品等等,类型和用途都十分丰富。“艺术有抚慰人心的作用,它可以帮我控制一些负面的情绪。”她解释道,“作为一个生活在 80 年代新加坡的小孩,在学业上常常要承受很大的压力。每个小孩都有自己的排压方法,对我而言,画画就是我排压的方式。当然,我的父母很快泼我冷水了。”

What began as a creative outlet quickly grew to become her passion. She worked for years as a graphic designer, during which she struggled to find time for creating personal works. 2013, when Tan gave birth to her little boy, was a pivotal year for her. “I quit my day job to become a mother and focused more on painting and drawing as it had more flexibility than the long hours of a designer,” she says. “From there, I created a lot more personal work and self-initiated projects.”

这种最初用来排解压力的爱好很快变成为了她的热情。在担任平面设计师的多年期间,她总是想办法抽出时间创作个人作品。2013年,Adeline 生下儿子,对她来说,这是关键的一年。她说:“我辞去了全职工作,成为全职妈妈,也因此可以更专注于画画,比起当全职设计师那种长时间工作,现在我在时间上可以更加灵活。从那时起,我就创作了越来越多的个人作品和项目。”

While Tan’s output is diverse, having a child definitely had an impact on the subject matters she works with. “After my son was born, I began exploring themes like an imagined future of our natural environment, family history, and nightmares,” things that her family deals with and that her son may have to as an adult. “I’ve also taken up more children- and education-related projects. One collaborator I especially love is EYEYAH Magazine.” An example of the work she does with them is her piece on mutant E-waste, and how toxic products end up in the ocean and other places.

虽然 Adeline 的作品类型多样,但是小孩的出生肯定会对她的作品主题有所影响。“儿子出生后,我开始探索一些新的主题,譬如是构想自然环境的未来、家族历史和梦魇等等。”大多是以她的家人以及她的儿子将来成年后不得不面对的问题为主题。“我还开始创作更多与儿童和教育有关的项目。我特别喜欢和 EYEYAH Magazine 杂志合作。”他们曾合作一个关于突变电子废物,以及有毒产品污染海洋和其它地方的项目。

While she does lots of digital work, her favorite medium is painting. Often, that includes watercolors of plants with copious stems entangled in her trademark style. Tan also does a lot of mural work, something the artist began exploring a couple years ago. “I find that the difficulty faced when trying out a new format or medium or size is also exciting in the sense that I get to learn something new,” she says. “You are forced to look at the work in a different way, forced to use different brushes or tools from those you are comfortable with.”


The most recent mural she worked on was a collaboration with 32 other artists. Organized by artist Skl0, their work was printed on a replica of the HBD government subsidized housing blocks that the majority of Singaporeans live in. Tan’s work included a three-story unit consisting of a monster floral pattern on the outside wall, with a yeti-like couple dancing inside the windows. She also worked with artist Tiffany Lovage to create a life-sized mural of a tiger in X-ray view, leaping among tiger lilies, with the stripes on its body formed by a pattern of mutant tiger orchids.

最近,她与其他 32 位艺术家合作创作一个壁画项目。这个项目由艺术家 Skl0 策划,他们在大多数新加坡人所居住的组屋(HDB,政府补贴的住宅区)的复制品上创作壁画。Adeline 的作品包括一个三层楼的单元,她在外墙上画了一个怪物花卉图案,又画了一对像大脚野人(Yeti)一样的情侣在窗户里跳舞的情景;她还与艺术家 Tiffany Lovage 画了一只X射线图的老虎。这只与原物一样大小小的老虎正从虎百合花丛中一跃而出,身上的条纹也突变成老虎兰花。

Her characteristically dense and comical works, with multiple objects thickly entangled with one another, lend themselves to a variety of outlets. But no matter how her work is presented—whether it be a stamp collection, an animated GIF, the painted fabric of a pair of pants and sneakers, or a children’s illustration—Tan’s style always feels like a perfect fit. 

密集而有趣的画面,繁复的物体彼此纠缠在一起,这是她作品的标志性风格,这样的插画适合制作成各种各样的创意作品。无论是邮票、视频投影 GIF、裤子和运动鞋上的彩绘,还是儿童插画,Adeline 的作品总会让人有一种亲切感。

Instagram: @yell0w


Contributor: Mike Steyels

Instagram: @yell0w


供稿人: Mike Steyels

Sounds from the Far East 来自远东的声音

August 29, 2018 2018年8月29日

Japan’s seminal electronic music label, Far East Recordings, is finally getting its due—almost two decades after producing some of Japan’s most infectious deep house and jungle tracks of the late 80s and 90s.

Far East Recordings founder Soichi Terada and his fellow pioneering producer, Shinichiro Yokota, made tracks that destroyed dance floors in obscure corners of the house music world. Yet even in their native Japan, Far East Recordings seldom garnered the appreciation that its impressive discography commanded.

日本的开创性电子音乐唱片公司 Far East Recordings 曾经制作了日本 80 年代末和 90 年代最热门的 House 和 Jungle 音乐。二十年后的今天,他们的成就才最终获得应得的肯定。

Far East Recordings 的创始人 Soichi Terada 和著名制作人横田信一郎(Shinichiro Yokota)合力制作的曲目曾经震撼了 House 音乐这个不起眼的角落;然而,即使在他们的家乡日本,Far East Recordings 唱片公司的出色音乐制作却一直未被获得恰当的赏识。

Yet thanks to a compilation released in 2015 by the Netherlands-based label, Rush Hour Records—aptly titled Sounds from the Far East— the prime selections of Far East’s discography are sending crowds of partygoers into sweat-ensconced frenzies on dance floors and under festival tents the world over.

Neocha contributor Bejan Siavoshy sat down with one-half of Far East’s driving force—Soichi Terada—in Tokyo to discuss, among other things, his early influences, Far East’s inception, and what it is like to be a touring musician years after the music you’re being celebrated for was made.

Listen to our audio interview with Terada in full here.

转机出现在 2015 年荷兰厂牌 Rush Hour Records 推出的一张选辑。这张选辑恰如其分地命名为《Sounds from the Far East》(《来自远东的声音》),当中所挑选的曲目再一次点燃世界各地派对动物在舞池和音乐节中被汗水笼罩的狂热。

Neocha 供稿人 Bejan Siavoshy 与 Far East Recordings 创始人之一 Soichi Terada 在东京见面,一起坐下来聊了聊关于他们的早期影响、Far East Recording 的成立,以及他们创作的音乐在多年后终于得以巡演的感受。


Facebook: ~/SoichiTeradaMusic


Contributor, Interviewer, & Photographer: Bejan Siavoshy

脸书: ~/SoichiTeradaMusic


供稿人、采访人与摄影师: Bejan Siavoshy

Quiet Moments in Osaka 那天在日本的那个僻静角落

August 28, 2018 2018年8月28日

One cannot help but feel a hush of serenity when looking at the work of Krys Authier, who takes photographs of quiet corners in Japan. Authier is originally from Montreal and has lived in Osaka for four years, documenting her daily life in snapshots she takes on film.

Better known on social media as Mocsow, Authier has gained a sizable following on Instagram since moving to Japan. “This country always has so much to offer. There’s an infinite number of places to explore, and there’s always something to see, do, and most importantly, shoot.”

一种淡然的、平和宁静的感觉,从看到 Krys Authier 作品的那一刻起,就油然而生——来自蒙特利尔的她,拍下了在日本各处的安静角落。殊不知,Authier 如今已经在大阪生活了四年了,她用胶卷快照不断记录着自己的日常生活。

在社交媒体上,她更为人熟知的是名字是Mocsow,移居日本后的她在 Instagram 上慢慢积累了大量的粉丝。“日本是一个惊喜不断的国度,这里有数不清的地方值得去探索,总有一些东西可以去看、去做,更重要的是,有很多值得拍摄的事物。”

Her Instagram is filled with close-ups of traditional Japanese architecture, details of shrines, and nature at its finest—the shore at dusk or bright cherry blossoms in full bloom. “I always have the same questions in mind while taking photos: am I doing any of these scenes or subjects justice? Why do I want to shoot these things that are usually overlooked?”

在她的 Instagram 上,你能看到各种传统日本建筑的特写和神社的细节,还有最美丽的自然景观——暮晓的河堤或盛开的粉樱。“拍摄的时候,我总是会想一个问题:我能充分表现出这些场景的面貌吗?为什么我要拍这些经常被人们所忽视的事物呢?”

Authier’s photographs are never cluttered or busy. She focuses on small details and picks out just a few main elements to capture in the frame. Followers enjoy her muted, unsaturated colors and her carefully angled shots, which offer a small window onto the world around her. “There’s one photo I took of an elderly man fishing,” she recalls. “He’s sitting on a stack of tetrapods, and all you can really see is his back and the horizon, but the scene exudes a sense of peace. These are the kinds of scenes that I enjoy shooting the most.”

在 Krys 的镜头中,你不会看到过于热闹或复杂的画面,她喜欢将镜头聚焦于细节,从中捕捉至为重要的元素。淡雅的不饱和色调,和她精心设计的角度镜头,开启了一扇小窗口,令人得以一窥她四周的世界。“我曾经拍过一张老人垂钓的照片,”她回忆道,“当时他坐在一堆四脚防波石上,基本上你只能看到的他的背影和地平线,但整个场面却散发出一种宁静的感觉。这是我最喜欢拍摄的场景。”

Asked why she doesn’t shoot digitally, she cites the affordability and accessibility of analog cameras. “If you’re interested in shooting film, you can pick up an old fifteen-dollar Minolta SLR, or even shoot with a disposable camera, and you’ll end up with some pretty amazing results. A good DSLR, on the other hand, doesn’t come cheap,” she explains.

当被问及为什么不用数码相机拍摄时,她说主要原因在于胶卷相机低廉的价格。“如果你喜欢胶卷摄影,你哪怕是买一台 15 美元的美能达单反相机,或是用一次性相机拍摄,你都可以得到非常不错的照片效果。但是,一台比较好的数码单反相机价格可就不便宜了。”她解释道。

She first learned how to use a manual camera and develop film in a college. “While it was a fun and addictive process, I didn’t actually stick with shooting 35mm once the course ended,” Authier says. Her passion for analog was rekindled after she moved to Osaka and discovered Japan’s film community. “There are a lot of great used camera shops all over the country. And there are a lot of talented and inspiring film photographers, as well as some pretty impressive camera nerds.”

大学的时候,她第一次学会用手动相机和冲洗胶卷。“虽然用 35mm 相机拍摄很有趣,甚至可以说令人上瘾,但在课程结束后,我当时就没有继续用胶卷相机拍摄了。”Krys 说。直到她搬到大阪,发现了日本人对胶卷拍摄的热衷后,才重新点燃她对胶卷拍摄的热情。“日本全国各地都有很多很棒的相机商店,有很多才华横溢、充满启发的胶卷摄影师,还有一些非常令人印象深刻的相机发烧友。”

Authier offers simple advice to those looking to hone their skills: “Get out there and shoot as much as you can, as often as you can!” Constant practice and experimentation are key. “Try carrying a film camera and a few rolls of film with you at all times,” she adds. “And don’t wait too long to get your film developed. Those results will ultimately inspire you to keep shooting more.”

对于有志于胶卷拍摄的人,Krys 分享了她的建议:“多走出去拍摄,尽可能多地拍,越多越好!”不断的练习和试验是关键。她补充道:“随时随地都带着胶片机和几卷胶卷。而且不要等太久才去冲胶卷,因为看到冲洗出来的照片能给你动力去继续拍更多照片。”

Recently Authier has been making prints of her photos on traditional Japanese washi paper. “Getting the tones right can be frustrating, but it’s always a very fulfilling experience,” she says. “I use a thick washi paper made of mulberry and hemp fibers. It’s nice to the touch and gives the photographs a soft, dated quality.”

“I’ve actually just released a new set of 35mm prints shot entirely on expired Kodak Ektachrome color-positive film,” she goes on. “It’s called Stay Positive, and it’s now up on my shop.”

Her prints are available for purchase here.

最近,Krys 在尝试用传统日本和纸(washi)来印制照片。她说:“要调出正确的色调不容易,这个过程挺让人挫败的,但也是非常有成就感的体验。我用的是由桑椹和大麻纤维制成的厚质和纸。这种和纸的触感很好,能给照片带来一种柔和、复古的感觉。”

她说:“事实上,我最近刚刚推出了一系列的胶卷照片作品,全部都是我用过期的柯达 Ektachrome彩色正片拍摄的。这个系列名为《Stay Positive》(《保持乐观》),现在已经在我的个人商店上发售。”

点击此处,即可购买 Krys Authier 的作品。

Instagram: @mocsow


Contributor: Megan Cattel

Instagram: @mocsow


供稿人: Megan Cattel

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Universal Equations 一切不灭定律

August 27, 2018 2018年8月27日

Matter and energy are absolutes
Everything is made of atoms
We’re just sleepwalking in
Different dreams constructed by equations
So I’m the cosmos
So you’re the cosmos


Every song is accompanied by a painting.

On the Murky Crows album It’s Okay We Will Meet in Other Ways, the Taiwanese band ponders the idea that our universe is simply an ever-changing reconfiguration of atoms. Each of the album’s ten imaginative tracks tells stories that revolve around themes of space, eternity, and the meaning of life. The band’s lead singer, Li Zhongli, not only guides listeners through these narratives with his gentle vocals but also makes use of his artistic talents, painting ten different portraits that portray the protagonists of each song.




在台湾乐队昏鸦的专辑《一切不灭定律》中,诉说 “宇宙里一切人事物,都是由最小的粒子不停转换着构成方程式所组合而成” 的主题。围绕着这个思考,十首歌描述了十个充满奇幻色彩的寓言故事,用以轻柔的吟唱,与我们一起反覆探讨着宇宙、永恒、生命的意义。而乐队的主唱李中立,同时也是一位才华洋溢的画家,他将十个故事里的男主角分别描绘出来,成为了以下十幅美丽的画作。



Listen to the full album and check out the accompanying artworks for each track below:





Guide me toward the Milky Way
We will meet again one day







夜间飞行 / Night Flying
银河冬令恋曲 / Love Story In The Winter Galaxy



Whisper to me his secrets
This is why we no longer need umbrellas
Just as we need no proof we exist
We aren’t nostalgic for our youth
And it’s all because, all because
We’ll forever die young




I can’t figure out why when I see your face
I shed hidden tears
But if one day
I accidentally discover
You’re not all that special
Then it doesn’t matter all that much



因为我们 只因我们





我们如此超群绝伦怎能拘于世俗所见 / How We Face The Rules Defines Who We Are
万中选一的青年 / The Chosen One



Smoke fills the air in this cursed village
As the young man passes by on his horse
The villagers point and say, “Save us!
Deep in the western mountains lives a devil.”




Having flown every inch of the globe
Perhaps one day you’ll meet me again
Whoa-oh it’s such a beautiful song
I just hope that it’s all real









为了已死去的王子 / For The Prince Who Was Dead
言情小说 / Romance Novel



Pray tell, your kingdom is made of gold
Pray tell, your kingdom is made of silver
With a faint smile, the beloved king
Disappears into the forest




Play me this song of loneliness
Take me quietly away from this
Senseless life, senseless life
Farewell for now




请问你 你的王国可是金色
请问你 你的王国可是银色





愿你的王国荣耀 / May Your Kingdom Glory
美好的荒野求生 / The Most Beautiful Wilderness Survival



Thank you for helping me take my sweet revenge
But again, I must ask you
To devour its body and soul
And let me become you




Your Saturday self died on Sunday
Of your tears only a single drop remains
It formed a cloud
And fell as rain








住进狼胃里 / Living In A Wolf’s Stomach
周六的你在周日死去 / The Saturday You Die In Sunday

After releasing It’s Okay We Will Meet in Other Ways, the band went silent for three years. During that time, many fans learned that frontman Li Zhongli’s moved out of Taipei and opened the Miaoko Hostel in Hualien. Here time ambles along at a slower pace. Every day the sun rises and sets with a sea breeze, and everywhere you look is blue.

Many of the original paintings from the album are on display in the hostel, allowing visitors from all over the world to enjoy them, and in turn, discover the band’s music. Even though he’s left Taipei, Li hasn’t stopped creating music. The Murky Crows’ latest album, I’m Just a Sad Boy Who Lives in a Handsome Body, is slated for release later this year.

距离《一切不灭定律》发行,乐队经过了三年的沉寂。熟知昏鸦乐队的人也许都有听说,主唱李中立离开了台北,搬到台湾东边美丽的花莲市,与家人一起在靠海的路肩上开了一家民宿 Miaoko Hostel。在这里,时光流逝地特别缓慢,每天的日出日落都与海风为邻,放眼望去尽是一片的蓝。而一部份《一切不灭定律》的原画作也保留在这里,与更多来自他方的旅人相见,将音乐与画的故事续写下去。

即使远离了都市,乐队依然保持在创作的路上。2018 下半年他们带来了新专辑《我们目前是什么都先不做》。

Facebook: ~/MurkyCrows


Contributor: Yang Yixuan

脸书: ~/MurkyCrows


供稿人: Yang Yixuan

China’s Contemporary Ruins “我觉得它隐喻了中国的现状”

August 24, 2018 2018年8月24日

Green fields stretching to the horizon and trees rising up to the sky, bridges crossing streams and trails of smoke rising from the chimney of a house—that’s what you expect to see in the traditional landscapes of Chinese shanshui art, whose name literally means “mountains and water.”

But the scenes captured by Zhang Kechun have none of this. His series Between the Mountain and the Water is shrouded in stillness, poverty, and thick smog. The locations he shot certainly lie between mountains and water, but high rises have replaced the green peaks, and debris has stopped up the flowing rivers.



断桥 达坂城

In 2008, Zhang Kechun experienced first-hand the cataclysmic Wenchuan earthquake in northwestern Sichuan, and the snapshot he took of that terrifying moment won him the National Geographic Picks Global Contest.  The experience, he says, “broadened his field of vision and made his work more systematic.” After shooting his series The Yellow River, in which he traced the waterway up to its source, his photography “naturally expanded to cover the entire country.” And that’s how this new series came about.

Scouting out the perfect location is essential to every shoot. Barren mountains, crumbling walls, surreal scenes with clusters of high rises—they’re all hidden in plain sight, waiting to be discovered. The hazy, low-contrast feel of his images also doesn’t need much post-processing, it just needs to be shot on an overcast day.

2008 年,张克纯亲历了那场灾难性的汶川大地震,抓拍到震撼的瞬间,让他一举获得美国国家地理学会全球摄影大赛自然类大奖。这段经历所带给张克纯的,他说,是让他的 “视野更宽泛,工作更系统”。在拍摄完沿着黄河溯源的《北流活活》系列之后,张克纯镜头里的视野,就 “自然而然地覆盖到整个国家”。因此,这个系列也就应运而生了。



“My focus has really always been how ordinary people get by in such a rapidly developing country. Against a sweeping historical backdrop, I look at the lives of those who play bit parts,” Zhang says. “I covered practically the whole country to take these photos.”

The scene that left the deepest impression on him is an image of students holding class under a truncated bridge. The imposingly tall structure cuts through the landscape, heading who knows where, while a group of students lined up in rows attend a physical education class underneath, obediently following instructions.

“I think it’s a metaphor for the current state of China,” he says of the photo. He thinks all of his works are very explicit: they’re the kind of image that can be easily understood at a glance. Perhaps his photos, in the subjects they capture and the stories they tell, offer a thinly veiled commentary on a country constantly in the throes of sweeping change.

“其实我一直在关注处在高速发展中的这个国家下的普通人的状态。一个大的时代背景下,小人物的生活。” 张克纯说。“我几乎跑遍了整个中国来拍摄这些照片。”


我觉得它隐喻了中国的现状。” 张克纯说。他说他的作品很直白,是那种观众可以一眼看明白的照片。那么,也许他要说的东西,要阐述的故事,作为观者的你我,应该也可以通过这一张张照片体悟出来罢。



Contributor:  Chen Yuan


供稿人:  Chen Yuan

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An Eye for the Macabre 中元夜的事发现场

August 23, 2018 2018年8月23日
Lost and Found 《失去和重拾》

A child with candy-striped ooze pouring out his eyes, a woman eerily sleepwalking in the dead of night, a giant octopus drifting through swirling tides inside a flooded home: a dark sense of dread pervades the air, stifling and thick like a muggy summer night. These nightmarish scenes are the work of Singaporean painter Jolene Lai.

“Most of the time, it’s my surroundings that spark inspiration for me. Walking down a mundane street, a dilapidated house around the corner will catch my attention,” she says.“I have an impulse to tell stories with interesting details I stumbled upon.” She distills her daily experiences into these unsettling images. Each painting is like a crime scene, with clues scattered over the canvas, little by little drawing us in.

眼里流出鲜红色的漩涡、异夜里的梦游、巨大章鱼悠游在潮水汹涌的家中——这里弥漫着一股晦暗不明的恐怖气息,就像溽暑的湿气一样充斥,久久无法散去。这些梦魇般的超现实场景,都是新加坡画家 Jolene Lai 的画作。

“多数时候,我所处的空间、或是所在的周遭环境会触发我的创作灵感,也许是一个再平凡不过的街景、或是角落一间破旧不堪的老房子,这些细节都能引起我的注意。我总是有一股冲动想要把我发现到的东西,都通过说故事的手法表现出来。” 她将自己生活中的日常经验改编成这些令人悚立不安的画面,勾引出观者坐立不安的情绪,在她的精心编排下,每一幅画都像是一个案件的事发现场,线索就散落在画布上,一步一步地,将我们诱入其中。

Cacophony 《刺耳》
Nutcracker 《坚果钳》
Heirloom 《祖传之物》
The Conjure《戏法》
The Basement 《地下室》
First Love 《初恋》
The Tower 《塔》
Instagram: @enelojial


Contributor: Yang Yixuan

Instagram: @enelojial


供稿人: Yang Yixuan

Bawal Clan, Outlaws by Nature 这是被禁止的喔!

August 22, 2018 2018年8月22日
Left to right / 从左到右: Rjay Ty, Funkatalyst, OJ River, Ankhten Brown, Yung Bawal, DZ SVG

After a brief, torrential downpour, the sun has come out in force and a few members of Bawal Clan linger in a convenience store parking lot in Metro Manila. They’re waiting for some friends to join them for a skateboarding session before the release party later tonight for their debut album, Paid in Bawal. The clan is a rap group, but they embrace the breadth of their city’s sprawling creative scene, actively recruiting members from overlapping subcultures, including visual artists and skaters who don’t make music. Of the 13 or so members on the roster, eight are rappers and five make beats.

一场短暂的倾盆大雨过后,热辣辣的太阳再次出现。在马尼拉一个停车场里,Bawal Clan 乐队的几位成员正在等朋友。在今晚的专辑发布派对之前,他们要先和朋友玩一下滑板。Bawal Clan 是一支说唱团体,他们对这座城市里的各种创意文化都张开手臂欢迎,甚至还会从各种亚文化圈中招募乐队成员,包括并不做音乐的视觉艺术家和滑板玩家。在目前团队的十几名成员中,有 8 名说唱歌手和 5 名 beatmaker(节奏师)。现在,他们推出了团队的首张专辑《Paid in Bawal》

Listen to select tracks from Bawal Clan below / 点击即可试听 Bawal Clan 的几首歌曲

The convenience store we’re standing in front of is in Poblacion, a red-light district that’s the latest destination for creatives and night owls. Streetwalkers proposition passersby and dealers offer fake Viagra just outside the city’s liveliest bars. Tonight the party’s at Boogie, a new venue opened by the owners of the forward-looking clubs Black Market, 20:20, and B-Side. It’s a smaller space, covered in graffiti by a local artist named Chase and plastered with classic photos of old-school markers and 1990s-era rap albums.


新开的 Boogie 是由马尼拉的 Black Market、20:20 和 B-Side 等最前卫的俱乐部老板共同创办的。这家新俱乐部的空间不大,里面有许多由当地艺术家 Chase 创作的涂鸦作品,贴满了各种 old-school markers 的经典照片标志,以及上世纪 90 年代时期的说唱专辑。

Left to right / 从左到右: Ankhten Brown, Babarn, Solo Pogi

Ankhten Brown, a Filipino-Jamaican member of the Bawal Clan who grew up between New York and Manila, skates around the parking lot. He jumps onto an aircon box and tries to stall on a window ledge, much to the annoyance of the employees watching from the steps. “You gotta be creative as a skater here, because there’s just no space. Make use of every little thing possible,” he explains with a wide grin on his tattooed face. 

Bawal Clan 中的菲律宾裔牙买加成员 Ankhten Brown,从小在纽约和马尼拉两地长大,他在停车场四周玩滑板,跳上空调盒,又试图在窗台上练习 Stall 的动作,这很大程度上惹来停车场工作人员的不满,他们一直徘徊在台阶上,紧盯着我们。“在这里,要玩滑板就得发挥创意,因为根本没有空间给你滑。所以,你要去充分利用每一件小物件。” 他解释道,有着刺青的脸上露出大大的笑容。



Once it’s clear none of the other members of the group will show up this early, they give up on the lazy skate session and drift over to a Japanese-inspired food stall hidden down a nearby side street. Apparently the staff are friends of theirs, and the new album can be heard blaring from the kitchen. The team order some shots of lambanog, a strong local spirit, and before downing them everyone yells, “Bawal!”

当他们发现其他的成员都不会这么早出现后,他们就结束了短暂的滑板练习,去到附近巷子里一间充满日本风格的小食摊位。显然,员工是他们的朋友,因为他们的新专辑正在厨房大声地播放着。他们点了几杯菲律宾椰酒(Lambanog),这是当地的一种烈酒。所有人一起喊道: “Bawal!”,然后将酒一饮而尽。

Left to right / 从左到右: Solo Pogi, Babarn RJ Moscardon

Nearly the entire crew is Filipino, but many of them have spent a long time in the US. They gravitated to each other a few years ago, while they were each working on their own projects, and eventually they decided to form a group. Their name started out as an inside joke: the word bawal means “taboo,” and they’d often call out the phrase yung bawal—“that’s forbidden”—when hanging out together. Then their main beatmaker, playing on the “Young” prefix that rappers often add to their names, adopted Yung Bawal as his moniker. When they formally became a collective two years ago, they chose Bawal Clan to make the casual breaking of taboos their ethos.

而这个 “Bawal” 的意思,是“禁忌”。这其实是源于他们的一个内部笑话——在一起玩的时候,他们会经常大声喊 “Yung bawal!”(意为“这是被禁止的喔!”)。虽然团体里几乎所有成员都是菲律宾人,但很多人其实都曾在美国生活过很长一段时间。过去几年里,他们开始互相合作,越走越近,最终决定组成一支说唱团体。随后,团体的主要 beatmaker 将说唱歌手很喜欢拿来做名字前缀的 “Young”,变成了自己的名字 “Yung Bawal”。两年前,团队正式成立,他们选择了 Bawal Clan 这个名字,旨在将“打破禁忌”作为他们的理念。



Even now, two years on, the crew still inserts “bawal” references whenever possible, and every time, it boosts their energy up a notch. “People like our music because we say whatever we want to say,” says MNL$ (pronounced Manila Money), one of the crew’s rappers who grew up in California and had a successful music career in Korea before moving here. “We’re all really rebellious. We stand by our individuality.”

即使是几年后的今天,他们依然会在音乐中尽可能引用 “Bawal”,每一次,它都能提升团队的士气。“人们喜欢我们的音乐,因为我们在音乐中可以畅所欲言。” MNL$(读作 “Manila Money”)说道。他自小在加州长大,搬到这里之前还曾在韩国有着成功的音乐事业。“我们都很叛逆,坚守自己的个性。”

Funkatalyst, Yung Bawal

By now we’re standing in front of the Boogie, waiting for the party to start. Someone blasts the album from a parked truck, offering a taste of the music that will be played later that night. The tracks range from angry and abrasive mosh pit music to sleek, thoughtful expressions of love to classic boom bap. On the Street Fighter-inspired “Yoga Flame,” cartoony bleeps are paired with a “Shabba“-type hook that works as playful club music. The gothic trap of “GTFO” is grounded by distorted bass and chamber music keys and even features a verse in Spanish by Ankhten. “My mom is Spanish-Filipina, but I also picked up a lot of Spanish in New York,” he explains. Despite the variety of moods the tracks capture, it’s a solidly rap and R&B album.


现在,我们正站在 Boogie 前,等待派对开始。旁边一辆停着的卡车里大声播放着他们的专辑,预告着当天晚上要推出的音乐。专辑里的音乐有愤怒、粗放的 Mosh pit 音乐,也有表达爱情的流畅曲调和经典 Boom bap。以《街头霸王》游戏为灵感创作的《Yoga Flame》用游戏中的哔哔声声效,搭配 Shabba 式俱乐部音乐风格的副歌。哥特式风格的 trap《GTFO》在扭曲的低音和室内乐(chamber music)之上,加入了 Ankhten 的一段西班牙语说唱。“我妈妈是西班牙裔菲律宾人,但我后来在纽约的时候也学了不少西班牙语。” 他解释说。专辑里所传递出的情绪十分丰富,但它确实是一张不折不扣的说唱和 R&B 专辑。

With the diversity of their members and styles, it’s hard to pin down what Bawal Clan is about entirely. On one track someone will be rapping about violence, and another artist will be talking about burning sage to ward off negative energy. With such a large roster, they cover a lot of ground. Occasionally, seven rappers will make it onto one track, but the average is more like five or six per song.

因有着多元化的成员与曲风,很难简单地来定义 Bawal Clan。在同一首歌中,有人在说唱关于暴力的问题,有人则可能会在谈论燃烧鼠尾草来抵御负能量。有了这样风格多元的成员,他们的音乐自然能够涵盖更丰富的内容。偶尔,7 位说唱成员会一起来创作一首音乐,但更多时候,可能一首歌只是由其中 5、6 名说唱成员完成。

Rjay Ty

Bawal Clan’s members come from a variety of creative backgrounds, some with careers outside of music. DZ SVG (pronounced “Dizzy Savage”) is a screen actor who’s bounced back and forth between Manila and Las Vegas for half of his life. A few of the members have even spent years living in Europe. “I think our international outlook gives us an advantage,” says DZ. There’s also Lex Luthoor, who’s Nigerian and grew up in Spain before moving to the Philippines in high school. “We consider Alex just as Filipino as everyone else in the crew,” MNL$ chimes in. “My boys have my back,” agrees Lex, who speaks fluent Tagalog. While Filipinos themselves can be very diverse, there aren’t many white or black people in the country so they stand out, and Lex has faced a lot of discrimination. “But these guys are like my family,” he says without pause. “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.”

Bawal Clan 的成员来自不同的创意背景,其中一些成员甚至做着与音乐无关的职业。DZ SVG(发音为 “Dizzy Savage”)是一位演员,大部分时间,他就生活在马尼拉和拉斯维加斯两地。另外还有一些成员在欧洲生活了几年时间。DZ 说:“我们的国际视野是我们的优势。”成员中还有尼日利亚裔的 Lex Luthoor,他自小在西班牙长大,高中时候才移民到菲律宾。“在我们眼中,Alex 和我们所有人一样,都是菲律宾人。” MNL$说道。

“这些家伙像都是我坚实的后盾。” Lex 操着一口流利的菲律宾语说道。虽然菲律宾本身就是一个多元的国家,但在这里,你不会看到太多白人或黑人,所以他们在人群中格外引人注目,Lex 在生活中也遇到过诸多歧视。“但这些家伙就像我的家人一样。我只想跟他们待在一起。”

Left to right / 从左到右: Funkatalyst, MNL$, DZ SVG, Yung Bawal
Left to right / 从左到右: MNL$, DZ SVG, Yung Bawal, OJ RIver, Ankhten Brown, Funkatalyst, Rjay Ty

Their different views jostle side-by-side within their verses. Whatever comes to mind, if they like it, they go for it. They don’t let anyone tell them what to do. One word they regularly use to describe themselves and their story—in addition to “bawal”—is “organic.” It’s how they came together as a team, how they create music, how they learn. It’s about going with the flow and seizing opportunities as they come. They don’t just rhyme in freestyle, they freestyle their lives. They’ll get to where they’re going however they see fit. Just don’t stand in their way.

他们的不同想法往往在说唱中一起出现。不管想到什么,只要他们喜欢,就直接做了。他们不让任何人告诉他们该怎么做。除了 “Bawal”,他们经常用来描述自己和团队故事的词是 “Organic”(自然的、有机的)。这是他们团队最初成立的方式,也是他们创作音乐、学习的方式。顺其自然,在机会出现时抓紧机会。他们既在音乐中 freestyle,也让自己的生活 freestyle。无论是哪里,只要感觉合适,他们就会去那里,没有人能阻挡他们。

Facebook: ~/BawalClan
Instagram: @bawalclan


Contributor: Mike Steyels
Photographer: Iya Forbes

脸书: ~/BawalClan
Instagram: @bawalclan


供稿人: Mike Steyels
摄影师: Iya Forbes

Surrealism in the Search Bar 将现实进行“超现实”处理

August 21, 2018 2018年8月21日
Flourish 4

“If dreams are a translation of waking life, then waking life is likewise a translation of dreams.”

— René Magritte


The worlds created by Indonesian artist Musa Esrtungkoro, like those of celebrated surrealist painter René Magritte, have a powerful draw on people: they’re philosophically suggestive and highly enigmatic.


——雷内・马格里特(René Magritte)


来自印尼的画家 Musa Esrtungkoro 笔下的世界,和举世闻名的超现实主义画家玛格丽特一样,有着让人为之深深吸引的力量:富有哲学的内蕴,同时又极尽诡秘。


In the age of digital media, as opposed to the past, it’s easy to turn a vision into reality. Esrtungkoro can get inspiration from music, news, daydreams, or his immediate surroundings, then find suitable images online and import them into his illustration software. Next, he gives the images a “surrealist” treatment in Photoshop, using characters of his own design.

和传统绘画不同,得益于数媒时代的便利,Musa 在随时随地获取的灵感,诸如音乐、新闻、环境和梦境中汲取的点滴,都可以导入插图软件,再从网上找到合适的图片,然后用 Musa 自己设计创作的人物,在 Photoshop 上进行 “超现实” 处理。

Comfortably Numb

Comfortably Numb is a work inspired by the British band Pink Floyd’s song of the same name,” explains Esrtungkoro. “When I listen to the song I feel unexpected comfort, like being in the subconscious, where my body feels numb, like I’m flying through space and seeing planets while my body stays on earth.”

“比如《Comfortably Numb》这件作品,受英国乐队 Pink Floyd 的歌启发而作,我的作品与它同名。当我听这首歌时,我感受到了意想不到的安慰,就像沉浸于潜意识中,我的身体渐渐变得麻木,仿佛在太空中飞翔。最后,当我的身体停留在地球上时,我就看到了行星。”


Two constant sources of inspiration and encouragement for Esrtungkoro are the works of Magritte and those of contemporary digital collage artist Julien Pacaud. “When I see their works, I always wonder what they want to convey,” he says.

But he notes that, as an artist, he’s never tried to make his viewers “understand” his own works. “It’s up to them what they want to make of my works,” he explains. “I submit everything to their respective judgments, because I made these works only to pour out the contents of my heart that can’t be conveyed in the real world.”

一直给 Musa 以激励和灵感的,是雷内·马格里特(René Magritte)和朱利安·帕考(Julien Pacaud)两位超现实大家的作品。“当我看到他们的作品时,我总是想知道他们想通过他们的作品表达什么?”

但 Musa 觉得,以艺术家的身份出发,他从来没有想过让观者 “看懂” 自己的作品,“他们想从我的作品中得到什么,这取决于他们想要什么。我把一切都交给了人们各自的判断,因为我做这些作品,只是为了倾吐我内心深处无法表达的东西罢了。”

Modestly to Be High

Modestly to Be High depicts someone who is already tall but keeps looking down (modest),” says Esrtungkoro enigmatically. “I really like this work because he really lives in my head and reminds me of people whose lives are dedicated to helping others and looking after this aging universe, and I dedicate this work specifically to them.”

To approach his strange, surreal world built out of random objects, we may just need to switch up our point of view. Perhaps art is even truer, more moving than daily life.


“我最喜欢的作品是 Modestly to be High’(‘虚’高),它描绘的对象是一个已经很高的人,却一直往下看的样子,以示一种谦虚的姿态。” Musa 说,“这副作品一直存在在我的脑海里,它让我想起了那些毕生致力于帮助他人和照料这个宇宙众生的人,这件作品是我向他们致敬之作。”

在 Musa 用各种毫无关联之物所构建出来的超现实奇想世界里,或许我们换用一种超脱的眼界去看待,画,则可能比日常所见更为真实可感吧。

Nick Dark Pink Moon
Cello Song

Behance: ~/MusaEsrtungkoro

Contributor: Chen Yuan

Behance: ~/MusaEsrtungkoro

供稿人: Chen Yuan

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Color and Verse 她的笔下,把诗句可视化了

August 20, 2018 2018年8月20日

Traditional Chinese images of love—wind, flowers, snow and the moon, or oaths sworn to the mountains and seas—come largely from the world created by Tang and Song dynasty poetry. And in Zhang Mengke‘s works, poetry is a source and drawing is the medium. Her pink, mist-shrouded illustrations convey a poetic simplicity.

Inspired by music, fragrance, and dreams, along with the verse, dialogue, and palace settings of historical dramas on television, Zhang “makes verse visible” with an understated, suggestive style.


从音乐、气味、梦境,古代清宫剧中的诗句、对白和建筑场景产生的灵感,融合了淡雅的色彩和意蕴,张梦珂的笔下,“把诗句可视化” 了。

For Zhang, “poetry is profound and demands careful thought and patient appreciation. But because it often uses a particular meter or diction, it relies on reason and insinuation. Drawing, on the other hand, is the most intuitively visual medium—as soon as you look at a picture, you immediately feel something. That’s what I’m able to achieve in my art.”

You can see more of Zhang Mengke’s works below.



Behance: ~/kk_Meng


Contributor: Chen Yuan

Behance: ~/kk_Meng


供稿人: Chen Yuan