All posts by david

World in a Room

January 29, 2016 2016年1月29日
Hometown of Friendship (2015)

In Chinese, sanmingzhi means “sandwich,” which sounds vaguely similar to Zhu Lingzhi’s first name—this realization came about when a classmate mistakenly pronounced his name as such. Ever since then, the nickname stuck. Now, working under the moniker austin_sandwich, the Anhui-born and London-based illustrator and graphic designer repurposes the oddities he observes in everyday life into his surreal illustrations.


Scotland (2015)

In his illustrations—such as the recent Hometown of Friendship and Between Two Worlds—the imaginative landscapes he has created are filled with an eccentric cast of characters and an assortment of seemingly unrelated objects, all of which are strewn about the canvas. His two-frame series Scotland is presented in a similar manner. Like the aftermath of an alien experimentation gone awry, disfigured cows, dismembered cow parts, and flesh-colored objects are scattered throughout the frame. While chaotic at first glance, the chaos is deliberate and methodical, evident by his neat arrangement of every character and item.

在他最近的一些插画作品如《Hometown of Friendship》和《Between Two Worlds》,各种看似毫无关联的物体分散在画布的各个角落,它们充满他所营造的天马行空的画面,形成了奇特的组合。他的两幅画组成的系列《Scotland》也采用了相似的表现手法。整幅画看上去就像一个失败了的外星人实验,分体的奶牛、牛身体的某个部位和肉色的物体分散于整个画面。然而,正如他的其他作品一样,这种混乱却是他故意为之,画面中的每一件物体其实都是经过精心排列。

His latest work, World in a Room, takes the form of a zine. In a visual style true to his past work, Lingzhi takes viewers on a seemingly hallucinogen-induced visual journey into weirdness, passing through through a series of bizarre spaces filled with geological formations, mysterious stairwells, disembodied limbs, amongst other peculiarities. This project is described by him as an attempt to capture the unfathomable impossibilities that may exist in the fourth dimensions. “As humans, even though we’re living in a three-dimensional world, we can only see in two dimensions,” he says. “In that sense, four-dimensional beings are able to see our three-dimensional world in its entirety.”

他最新的作品《World in a Room》采用了zine这种独立小型杂志的形式。这次的新作品从视觉风格上与他过去的作品保持了一致,引领观众踏上一场充满迷幻能量的视觉之旅,深入探索一个奇异的世界,从一系列怪奇空间穿境而过,那里充满了各种地质结构、神秘的楼梯间、分离出来的四肢等奇怪的物体。他将这一组作品称为对试图捕捉可能存在的四维空间里的神秘事物的尝试。他说:“作为人类,我们在三维世界中只能看到二维平面的全部。而四维世界的生物才能同一时间看到我们三维空间的全部。”

Beyond the abstract concepts that Lingzhi explores, the surrealist setting of each page is actually an extension of his sociocultural observations. The zine is a commentary on the state of modern life where people often forego real-life connections, preferring to retreat into a digital world that offers a different sense of interconnectivity. The ability to stay connected with the rest of the world while we’re just sitting in a tiny room is an interesting phenomenon, he mused.


Due to the number of different colors used, World in A Room was mostly laser printed. But one page of every zine was screen printed in canary-gold; the screen printed page is both signed and marked with the edition number by Lingzhi himself. “Using a manual printing technique like silkscreen printing produces different results every time,” he explains. “For me, creating a zine means complete freedom. The design, dimensions, and materials are all completely customizable. The narrative can be presented in any way the artist sees fit.”

由于《World in a Room》中使用的颜色较多,所以主要是采用激光彩色打印。但其中会有一页采用金色的丝网印刷;每张丝网印刷的页面上,朱凌志都亲自签上了名字,并标上版号。他解释道:“丝网印刷具有一种独特性和唯一性,因为每一张作品手工印刷出来都不会一模一样。对我来说,zine是一个非常自由的东西。你完全可以按照自己的喜好来设计它的样式,尺寸以及材质。画面的叙事也可以按照艺术家认为合适的方式来表现。”

World in a Room is now available in the Neocha Shop. The 16-page zine measures 14 x 13 cm and is available in a limited edition of 50.

《World in a Room》现已于Neocha商店发售。每本zine共 16 页,14 × 13 厘米,仅限量发售50本。

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austin_sandwich的《World in a Room》




  • Year of Publication: 2016
  • Edition Size: 50
  • Number of Pages: 16 (including front and back cover)
  • Size: 13 x 14 cm
  • Binding: Simple binding (signed and numbered)
  • Printing: Digital printing & screen printing
  • Paper: 150g Zen Pure White & 135g Colorplan Citrine
  • Price: $14


  • 出版年份: 2016
  • 出版数量: 50
  • 页数: 16(包括封面与背面)
  • 尺寸: 13 × 14cm
  • 装订: 简单装订(艺术家签名及编号)
  • 印刷: 激光彩色印刷与丝网印刷
  • 纸: 150 g Zen Pure White & 135 g Colorplan Citrine
  • 价格: ¥95

Instagram: @austin_sandwich
Weibo: ~/austin_sandwich


Contributor: David Yen
Images Courtesy of austin_sandwich

Instagram: @austin_sandwich
微博: ~/austin_sandwich


供稿人: David Yen

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FLASK & The Press

January 27, 2016 2016年1月27日

FLASK is a bar located in Shanghai owned by bourbon enthusiasts Kevin Yu and Jackson Cheng, two Taiwanese entrepreneurs who pride themselves not only on their creative offering of cocktails but also a vast selection of fine bourbon. But if there is something that Shanghai isn’t exactly in shortage of, it’s bars. FLASK, however, is one of the more unusual spots in the city. It’s hidden in a shop called The Press, a small place that sells gourmet grilled cheese sandwiches. Both FLASK and The Press were designed by Alberto Caiola, whose concept for these two spaces explores the nature of duality: the juxtaposition of light and darkness.

FLASK是一家在上海的酒吧由两个波本威士忌发烧友Kevin YuJackson Cheng创立这两位台湾创始人以提供用心调制的鸡尾酒及种类繁多的各式高级波本为傲如果说上海绝对不缺的东西那一定就是酒吧了FLASK则是城中别具一格的几家酒吧之一它藏匿在一家名为The Press的美味芝士三明治店中FLASK以及The Press的店内设计皆是出于Alberto Caiola之手他为这两个空间所做的创作源于二元对立明暗共存的概念

During the daytime, The Press operates as a sandwich shop – a minimalist space with unfinished cement walls and a colorful counter erected in the middle of the store. Behind the counter, a blue neon-lit sign that reads “Get Your Hands Dirty” is hung on the wall, and a vintage Coca-Cola machine is nestled in the corner of the room. The Press provides reimagined versions of classic American grilled cheese sandwiches, with gourmet creations such as their signature FLASK Melt. For this mouthwatering concoction, aged yellow cheddar, white cheddar, gouda cheese, and bourbon-honey glazed bacon serves as the centrepiece, while artisanal white toast acts as the frame. As it gets later and later into the night, passers-by will notice there is no longer any staff manning the shop, yet curiously enough, it still appears open for business.

白昼时分,The Press是一家售卖三明治的店铺,其极简的空间中有着斑驳水泥墙和矗立店中央的炫彩吧。柜台后面,墙上挂有“Get Your Hands Dirty”字样的蓝色霓虹灯牌,墙角是复古的可口可乐自动贩售机。The Press除了售卖改良版的经典美国烤芝士三明治之外,也会自制创意美食,比如他们的招牌菜FLASK Melt:以白吐司配裹陈年车达芝士、白芝士、豪达芝士再搭配令人垂涎的蜜糖波本的培根。当日光渐褪,人们会发现餐厅内是没有任何员工,但令人好奇的是它又看似还在营业。

That’s because the adjoining speakeasy, FLASK, has been covertly serving drinks and will continue dealing out boozy treats late into the night. Those unfamiliar with FLASK might never know it is even there. The concealed entrance is located behind the retro Coke machine inside The Press. This faux vending machine swings open to reveal a secret tunnel that leads into this mysterious speakeasy. Once inside, patrons will find themselves in a dimly lit bar, purposely designed to clash modern elements against a vintage setting. Decorative liquor bottles adorn the shelves, mysterious cubes of varying sizes float overhead, and furniture that feels like they came straight from the prohibition era fills the room.

那是因为它另一边的地下酒吧,FLASK,一直以这样隐秘的方式售卖酒水,满足各种嗜酒者至夜深。不熟悉FLASK的人或许根本不知道它就在那儿。其入口就隐匿在The Press的复古可口可乐自动贩售机后面;这个经过伪装的自动贩卖机被移开后,就可见通向这间神秘地下酒吧的秘密通道。一旦入内,顾客就置身于一间灯光幽暗的酒吧,其精心的设计让摩登元素与复古情怀擦出别样火花。各式装饰酒瓶满踞架上,大小不一的神秘方快悬置上方,还有一系列犹如来自禁酒令时期的特色家具分散于室内各处。

Whisky bars in Shanghai generally focus on single malt whiskies, while FLASK, in true speakeasy style, decided instead to place most of their focus on bourbon and rye whiskies. “Many of the prohibition classics or signature drinks were made from bootleg liquor that was available at that time, which often were bourbon and rye, and sometimes gin,” says Kevin, “This is another reason why FLASK likes to focus on American bourbon and rye whiskey. These drinks speak the same language that strengthen the speakeasy concept. We want to educate people in Shanghai that bourbon and rye can be pleasant, smooth and full of character – just like single malt whisky.”


Besides the impressive bourbon collection at FLASK, their cocktails are also strong contenders in the Shanghai bar scene. All of their cocktails can be custom-made to fit the individual’s flavor profile, and all of their signature cocktails on the menu also feature local and Asian ingredients while still preserving the original recipes of the prohibition era classics.


Kevin and Jackson wanted to provide a unique experience for all those that comes to their bar through the atmosphere, the friendly staff, and the quality of the drink selection. With FLASK and The Press, the pair wanted to inject more creativity into Shanghai’s food and beverage industry​, and they have hinted at new plans of rolling out other creative projects in the near future.

Kevin和Jackson希望通过别致的环境、热情的服务以及酒品的质量,为每一位光顾的客人提供独一无二的体验。经营着FLASK和The Press的他们希望为上海的餐饮业注入更多创意活力,二位也暗示在不久的将来还会筹备其它有意思的创意项目。

432 Shaanxi Nan Lu
Xuhui District, Shanghai
People’s Republic of China

Phone: +86 021-33686108

Facebook: ~/FLASK

中国 上海市徐汇区

电话: +86 021-33686108

脸书: ~/FLASK

Contributor & Photographer: David Yen

供稿人与摄影师: David Yen

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July 18, 2015 2015年7月18日

“Perched on a branch, the toucan sings his own song, sending his vibrations into the world…”

Chen Yingjie (aka: Hua Tunan) is one of the leading young forces in the world of Chinese street art. Living in the coastal city of Foshan, Hua Tunan’s training in classical Chinese and illustration drives his unique street art style.

Chen Yingjie (亦为Hua Tunan) 是中国街头艺术界的新生势力一员。生活于沿海城市佛山的Hua Tunan,其对中国古典文学和绘画的学习为他带来独特的街头艺术风格。

He often explores new ways to combine Western graffiti styles with traditional Chinese methods and elements including ink painting, drum rhythms and a variety of cultural symbols. Hua Tunan is a core member of the EDGE Creative Collective.

他时常探索新的方式,以将西方的涂鸦风格与中国的水墨、击鼓节奏以及其他文化符号等传统表达方式和元素结合。Hua Tunan是EDGE Creative Collective的一名核心成员。

  • Size: 35 x 59 cm (14″ x 23″)
  • Limited-edition of 100, exclusive to EDGE Shop
  • Certificate of Authenticity with artists’ personalized seal
  • Printed on Epson Matte Fine Art Paper

  • 尺寸: 35 x 59 cm (14″ x 23”)
  • 限量版数100,由EDGE商店独家贩售
  • 带防伪证书以及艺术家本人封印
  • 印制纸张为爱普生磨砂精细艺术纸

// <![CDATA[
document.getElementById('ShopifyEmbedScript') || document.write('’);
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Buy "TOUCAN" by HUA TUNAN, limited edition of 100