For adidas Originals’ Festival Collection, we created a print campaign and a short film. The key visuals captured celebrity brand ambassadors Fan Bingbing, Eason Chan, JJ Lin, and Charlene Choi in raw, authentic urban environments true to the street-fashion spirit of the brand. The film was shot in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Beijing with a creative treatment and script that playfully combines the four celebrities. The piece reminds us that the festival season is a time to stop and think about the ones who matter most to us, how far we’ve come in the past year, where we’re going next year, and to no matter what, always be true to ourselves along the way.
We also created a short teaser to showcase the Festival Collection’s footwear line.
The print campaign was leveraged nationwide in retail, digital, OOH, and print media, with the film being broadcast digitally and in select retail / OOH locations.
For the key visuals, we collaborated with Los Angeles / Shanghai-based photographer Ben Miller and Beijing-based photographer Chen Man.
我们为adidas Originals新年系列创作了平面硬广及短片内容。这次的主视觉真实展现了其品牌代言人范冰冰,陈奕迅,林俊杰和蔡卓妍的形象,在真实的城市场景中还原品牌的街头时尚精神。短片以一个富有创意性的表达方式让四位艺人分别穿行于香港,台湾和北京城中最具代表性的场景中。这个作品希望提醒我们在节日季来临之时,应该想想谁才是对自己最重要的人,过去的一年都有什么收获,新的一年又有何期许,不论如何,还是应该忠于真我始终如一。
平面硬广被广泛运用于其全国零售店铺,网络,户外和平面媒体的广告栏,与此同时,短片也在指定店铺 / 户外播放。
我们与来自于洛杉矶和上海之间的摄影师Ben Miller以及北京摄影师陈漫共同合作完成了这一季的平面主视觉。
Fan Bingbing / 范冰冰

Eason Chan / 陈奕迅

Charlene Choi / 蔡卓妍

J.J. Lin / 林俊杰

Festival Footwear Collection Teaser