Tag Archives: eason chan

ZX Flux Campaign Spots

adidas Originals



We created :30 and :15 second campaign spots for adidas Originals’ ZX Flux collection. The spots tell a visual story of infinite possibilities and limitless future, positioning ZX Flux footwear as the essence of modernity and the modern look.

The spots feature celebrity brand ambassadors Deng Chao, Eason Chan, Wu Yifan, and Fan Bingbing and were leveraged digitally, in-store, and throughout the Beijing / Shanghai / Guangzhou metro. The Metro placement was as a stop-motion execution that interacts with viewers as a result of the train’s forward motion. The video below shows the final result.

我们为adidas Originals的ZX Flux系列创作了30秒版和15秒版的短片。短片一展具有摩登精髓和潮流外观的ZX Flux鞋款的无限可能及无尽未来。




adidas Originals ZX Flux 2016 – Metro Stop-Motion Execution



Seasonal Campaign

adidas Originals

We created the 2015 Fall / Winter seasonal campaign for adidas Originals. Working with celebrities and brand ambassadors Eason Chan, Fan Bingbing, JolinTsai, and Gianna Jun in raw, authentic, urban environments, the campaign key visuals communicated the true street fashion spirit of the brand.

The campaign was shot in Beijing, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Seoul with assets used in nationwide print media, retail / point-of-sale, and digitally. We collaborated with Detroit-based photographer Jeremy Deputat, Beijing-based photographer Chen Man, Seoul-based photographer Hong JangHyun, with select imagery also shot by agency creative director Adam Schokora.

我们为adidas Originals 2015 秋冬系列创作了平面硬广。这次的主视觉结合了色彩丰富的城市场景真实展现了其品牌代言人陈奕迅、范冰冰、蔡依林和全智贤的形象,在真实的城市场景中还原了品牌的街头时尚精神。

平面硬广分别拍摄于北京、台湾、香港和首尔,并被广泛运用于其全国零售店铺,网络,户外和平面媒体的广告栏。我们与来自于底特律的摄影师Jeremy Deputat,北京摄影师陈漫,首尔摄影师Hong JangHyun及本机构的创意总监Adam Schokora共同合作完成了这一季的主视觉拍摄。

Eason Chan / 陈奕迅

Behind the Scenes w/ Eason Chan for adidas Originals 2015 Fall / Winter Campaign



Eason Chan / Superstar Campaign



Fan Bingbing / 范冰冰

Behind the Scenes w/ Fan Bingbing for adidas Originals 2015 Fall / Winter Campaign



Fan Bingbing / Superstar Campaign



Jolin Tsai / 蔡依林

Behind the Scenes w/Jolin Tsai for adidas Originals 2015 Fall / Winter Campaign



Jolin Tsai / Superstar Campaign



Gianna Jun / 全智贤

Behind the Scenes w/Gianna Jun for adidas Originals 2015 Fall / Winter Campaign



Gianna Jun / Superstar Campaign



Li Tianlun / Superstar Campaign



VJ Mian / Superstar Campaign



Hua Tunan / Superstar Campaign



October Print Campaign

Seasonal Campaign

adidas Originals

We created the 2015 Spring / Summer seasonal campaign for adidas Originals. Working with celebrities and brand ambassadors Eason Chan, Fan Bingbing, JolinTsai, and Gianna Jun, we combined a colorful palette with authentic, raw urban environments to communicate the brand’s true street fashion spirit.

The campaign was shot in Beijing, Taiwan, Shanghai, and Seoul with assets used in nationwide print media, retail / point-of-sale, and digitally. We collaborated with Detroit-based photographer Jeremy Deputat, London-based Photographer Jeff Hahn, Beijing-based photographer Chen Man, and Seoul-based photographer Hong JangHyun.

我们为adidas Originals 2015年春夏系列创作了平面硬广。这次的主视觉结合了色彩丰富的城市场景真实展现了其品牌代言人陈奕迅、范冰冰、蔡依林和全智贤的形象,并还原品牌的街头时尚精神。

平面硬广分别拍摄于北京、台湾、香港和首尔,并被广泛运用于其全国零售店铺,网络,户外和平面媒体的广告栏。我们与来自于底特律的摄影师Jeremy Deputat,伦敦摄影师Jeff Hahn,北京摄影师陈漫以及首尔摄影师Hong JangHyun共同合作完成了这一季的主视觉拍摄。

Eason Chan / 陈奕迅

adidas Originals 2015 Spring / Summer, Behind the Scenes w/ Eason Chan



Fan Bingbing / 范冰冰

adidas Originals 2015 Spring / Summer, Behind the Scenes w/ Fan Bingbing



adidas Originals 2015 Spring / Summer, Women’s Unstoppable Campaign



Jolin Tsai / 蔡依林

adidas Originals 2015 Spring / Summer, Behind the Scenes w/ Jolin Tsai



Gianna Jun / 全智贤

adidas Originals 2015 Spring / Summer, Behind the Scenes w/ Gianna Jun



Festival Collection

adidas Originals



For adidas Originals’ Festival Collection, we created a print campaign and a short film. The key visuals captured celebrity brand ambassadors Fan Bingbing, Eason Chan, JJ Lin, and Charlene Choi in raw, authentic urban environments true to the street-fashion spirit of the brand. The film was shot in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Beijing with a creative treatment and script that playfully combines the four celebrities. The piece reminds us that the festival season is a time to stop and think about the ones who matter most to us, how far we’ve come in the past year, where we’re going next year, and to no matter what, always be true to ourselves along the way.

We also created a short teaser to showcase the Festival Collection’s footwear line.

The print campaign was leveraged nationwide in retail, digital, OOH, and print media, with the film being broadcast digitally and in select retail / OOH locations.

For the key visuals, we collaborated with Los Angeles / Shanghai-based photographer Ben Miller and Beijing-based photographer Chen Man.

我们为adidas Originals新年系列创作了平面硬广及短片内容。这次的主视觉真实展现了其品牌代言人范冰冰,陈奕迅,林俊杰和蔡卓妍的形象,在真实的城市场景中还原品牌的街头时尚精神。短片以一个富有创意性的表达方式让四位艺人分别穿行于香港,台湾和北京城中最具代表性的场景中。这个作品希望提醒我们在节日季来临之时,应该想想谁才是对自己最重要的人,过去的一年都有什么收获,新的一年又有何期许,不论如何,还是应该忠于真我始终如一。


平面硬广被广泛运用于其全国零售店铺,网络,户外和平面媒体的广告栏,与此同时,短片也在指定店铺 / 户外播放。

我们与来自于洛杉矶和上海之间的摄影师Ben Miller以及北京摄影师陈漫共同合作完成了这一季的平面主视觉。

Fan Bingbing / 范冰冰

Eason Chan / 陈奕迅

Charlene Choi / 蔡卓妍

J.J. Lin / 林俊杰

Festival Footwear Collection Teaser



Eason Chan’s City Adventure

adidas Originals



We created a short film and print campaign with Eason Chan to help support the promotion of adidas Originals Fall / Winter “City Pack” apparel and footwear drops.

In the film, Eason tells a story of his “City Adventure,” reminding us that, while getting swept up in the pace and energy of urban life, we need to remember to explore our surroundings and push the boundaries of adventure and risk taking within ourselves. Behind every corner are the experiences, the possibilities, and the excitement that we all crave. The city is an adventure. Step out fresh. Be bold and fearless. Make your mark.

我们与陈奕迅合作为配合adidas Originals Fall / Winter “City Pack”产品系列的上市创作了一条短片及硬广系列。


Seasonal Campaign

adidas Originals

We created the Fall / Winter 2014 seasonal campaign for adidas Originals in Greater China. Working with celebrities and brand ambassadors Eason Chan, Fan Bingbing, Charlene Choi, Gianna Jun, and JJ Lin in raw authentic urban environments, the campaign key visuals and videos communicated the true street fashion spirit of the brand.

The campaign was shot in Beijing, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Seoul, with assets used nationwide in retail / point-of-sale, digital, and print media. For the project, we collaborated with New York-based photographer Carmen Chan, Beijing-based photographer Chen Man, and Seoul-based photographer Hong JangHyun.

我们为adidas Originals中国大陆地区2014年秋冬系列创作了季度广告。这次的主视觉和短片真实展现出其品牌代言人陈奕迅、范冰冰、蔡卓妍、全智贤和林俊杰的形象,在真实的城市场景中还原了品牌的街头时尚精神。

该系列广告于北京、台湾、香港以及首尔拍摄,作品被广泛运用于其全国的品牌零售店铺、网络和平面媒体的广告栏。与此同时,我们与来自于纽约的摄影师Carmen Chan、北京摄影师陈漫以及韩国摄影师Hong JangHyun共同合作完成了这一季的平面主视觉。

Eason Chan / 陈奕迅


Eason Chan’s “City Adventure”


Fan Bingbing / 范冰冰


Fan Bingbing’s “Monochromatic City Daydream”


J.J. Lin / 林俊杰


J.J. Lin / “My ZX Flux”


Charlene Choi / 蔡卓妍


Charlene Choi / “My ZX Flux”


Gianna Jun / 全智贤


Gianna Jun ​- 2014 ​Fall / Winter Collection


China “All Originals” Campaign

adidas Originals

We created a campaign for adidas Originals showcasing local Chinese creative talents that exemplify key pillars of the brand’s heritage and DNA: originality, creativity, and self-expression.

The campaign was executed via a video and photography series that captured the stories of Gi Ming’s fixed-gear bike crew, Kang Mao’s punk-rock band SUBS (杀不死), tattooist Zhuo Danting, experimental sound artist Li Jianhong, creative extraordinaire Edison Chen, and singer / songwriter / actor Eason Chan. The videos were placed online, in retail, and in taxi cabs, with photography assets used across all print media and retail in Greater China.

We worked with Shanghai-based photographer Ka Xiaoxi to produce the photographs for this shoot, which were shot on analog film in order to achieve a raw, gritty, and authentic feel.

我们为阿迪达斯三叶草 (adidas Originals) 创作了展示本土创意人才的系列广告以体现其原创、创意、自我的品牌精髓。

整个广告系列通过视频短片和摄影的方式分别捕捉到季明与他的死飞团队、抗猫与她的乐队SUBS (杀不死)、纹身师卓丹婷、实验声音艺术家李剑鸿、创意非凡的陈冠希以及身兼歌手 / 词曲人 / 演员身份的陈奕迅的不同故事。视频短片被用于大中华地区的线上、店铺及出租车内的宣传,平面硬照则被用于全媒体及店铺。




Gi Ming & Beijing Fixies / 纵 无羁




Beijing Fixies, China’s original fixed-gear bike crew, chiefly consists of Gi Ming (季明), Wang Peng (王鹏), Tang Chenshu (汤晨澍), Liang Xing (梁星), and Xiu Zilue (修梓略).

In the video, Beijing Fixies members tell us about fixed-gear culture in China, the feelings they have when riding through the streets of their beloved Beijing, the friendships they’ve formed around their bikes, and remind us to be free and do what makes us happy.





Zhuo Danting  / 卓 无阻




Zhuo Danting is arguably China’s most original and well-known tattoo artist, not to mention a lovely painter and illustrator.

In the video, Zhuo Danting tell us about the stories behind her and her patrons’ tattoos, misconceptions in China (and around the world) about body art, and some of the crazy things she does but thinks are perfectly normal.


短片中,卓丹婷为我们讲述了​她与客人纹身背后的故事、她做过的自认为很正常却被别人称为疯狂的事,以及中国 (及全球) 对纹身艺术的成见。



Edison Chen / 肆 无争




Edison Chen is a Hong Kong-based film actor, hip-hop artist, record producer, fashion designer, and all-around pop icon / creative extraordinaire.

In the video, Edison talks about himself as a creator and gives us a heads up about what to expect from his new album. Edison plans to use the album as an opportunity to get a few things off his chest and speak to the people that matter most, his fans.





Kang Mao & SUBS / 噪 无疆




Kang Mao is the lead singer of the punk rock band SUBS (杀不死), one of the original and now longest-standing bands in China’s music scene.

In the video, Kang Mao talks about SUBS’s music and herself coming from Mars; and reminds us all to to stay true to ourselves, be natural, and no matter what, always strive to express ourselves.

​抗猫是朋克乐队​SUBS (杀不死)​ 的主唱,​他们是迄今依旧活跃在中国音乐圈中资历最深的原创乐队之一。




Li Jianhong / 探 无界




Li Jianhong is the godfather of experimental music and sound design in China.

In the video, Jianhong explains his approach to creating music whether it be recording the ambient sounds of a forest or creating distorted feedback on his guitar. Because of his eclectic style, he prefers not to label his music, but rather just find inspiration in everyday life around all of us.





Eason Chan

Eason Chan is a Hong Kong-based actor, singer, songwriter, and all-around pop icon – sometimes called the “King of Asian Pop.”

Eason reminds us to stay true to ourselves at all costs and break from the “follow” culture of today’s social media. Be one who is followed, not who follows.



Seasonal Campaign

adidas Originals

We created the 2014 Spring / Summer seasonal campaign for adidas Originals. Working with celebrities and brand ambassadors Eason Chan, Fan Bingbing, Charlene Choi, and JJ Lin in raw authentic urban environments, the campaign key visuals communicated the true street fashion spirit of the brand.

The campaign was shot in Beijing, Taiwan, and Hong Kong, with assets used throughout Greater China in retail / point-of-sale, digital, and print media. For the project, we collaborated with Los Angeles-based photographer Ben Miller and Beijing-based photographer Chen Man.

我们为adidas Originals中国大陆地区2014年春夏系列创作了季度广告。这次的主视觉真实展现出其品牌代言人陈奕迅、范冰冰、蔡卓妍和林俊杰的形象,在真实的城市场景中还原了品牌的街头时尚精神。

该系列广告于北京、台湾以及香港拍摄,作品被广泛运用于大中华地区的品牌零售店铺、网络和平面媒体的广告栏。与此同时,我们与来自于洛杉矶的摄影师Ben Miller和北京摄影师陈漫共同合作完成了这一季的平面主视觉。

Eason Chan – All Originals


Eason Chan for adidas Originals Festival Collection


Fan Bingbing / All Originals


Fan Bingbing for adidas Originals x Farm Collection


J.J. Lin / All Originals

Charlene Choi / All Originals