We collaborated with Beijing-based graphic designer and painter Liu Zheng (aka: 96K) to create the a fully customized 2012 Lamborghini Gallardo. The project was for a good cause as the car was auctioned by Lamborghini at a special charity event in Beijing.
我们与北京设计师 / 画家Liu Zheng(亦称: 96K)合作为2012兰博基尼的盖拉多车型设计并制作了特别定制款。这个项目也为兰博基尼参与的北京慈善拍卖会增添了亮点。
The inspiration and concept behind the design is based on 1) extending the muscle lines of the car frame, 2) conveying strength and speed, and 3) revealing a mysterious “energy of change” and a sense of wild nature and conquest.
设计灵感及背后的故事基于 1)延长车体线条骨架,2)传达速度与力量,3)透露出“能源变化”和自然原生的神秘以及一种征服感。
