For Volvo’s Art Session project, we curated and art directed seven of China’s most prolific creative talents to re-imagine the new Volvo V60 Plug-in Hybrid. The setting for the project was a massive stage in the middle of Zurich’s Hauptbahnhof train station (Europe’s largest open air structure), with countless thousands of curious passer-by’s enjoying the performances and sometimes getting involved in the creative process.
Each artist was given nine hours to complete a treatment of the car, with the next artist painting directly overtop the previous treatment, thus creating a continuous flow of art and creativity across the 4-day event. Check out the time-lapse video above to understand how the cars evolved one after another.
For this project, we collaborated with artists representing a variety of styles, geographies, and interpretations of the topic: What is sustainable mobility of tomorrow? Participating artists, in order of performance, included Shadow Chen, Wang Meng, Sally Zou, Honghua, Hua Tunan, LEFT, and Shan Jiang x Ollie Munden.
在沃尔沃艺术展 (Volvo’s Art Session) 项目中,我们策划并引领了七位中国最具才华的艺术家以现场艺术形式呈现沃尔沃V60插电式混合动力车型。该项目将场地设置在苏黎世中央火车站的中心位置(欧洲最大的 开放式结构),无数路人经过此地尽享艺术表演过程甚至参与到艺术表演中。
为了这个项目,我们联合了来自中国风格迥异、地区不同的艺术家,来展示同一主题:什么才是未来的可持续性?参与此表演项目的艺术家,包括:Shadow Chen, 王猛, Sally Zou, 红花, 画图男, LEFT, 江杉 x Ollie Munden。
Shadow Chen

Wang Meng

Sally Zou

Hua Tunan


Hong Hua

Shan Jiang & Ollie Munden