Sun Kaiqiang (aka juicy_tour) is a senior at the China Academy of Art in Shanghai studying film and television. His photo project, School Selfie, is a meditative look at everyday life on the Zhangjiang campus of CAA.
Dappled light and geometric compositions form unexpected images of serenity and order. Sun’s ongoing project started in 2015, and is a record of the school, a “self portrait”. Rather than peace and tranquility, Sun says he wanted to convey the inner world of the things around him.

With only a few months left to graduate, Sun says his images illustrate the sense of anticipation of students around him, as well as their disappointment and sense of significance in the contemporary world.
“Although the style of the photos is cozy and ethereal, naturally it reveals a sense of emptiness and confusion about the future. On the surface, the school is the subject, but it also reflects our own inner world. It is a statement concerning our uncertainty about the future. It’s learning and coping with loneliness, as well as the feeling of being forgotten in this hectic world of ours.”

Using a Canon DSLR and Lightroom, VSCO, and Photoshop, Sun continues to use his spare time between classes to shoot School Selfie. The project will be finished when he graduates, but afterwards, he plans to continue creating similar projects as experimental short films.
通过使用佳能数码单反相机和Lightroom, VSCO及Photoshop, 孙凯强将继续利用课余时间进行“校园自拍”的后续创作。该项目将于毕业前完成。毕业后,他还希望创作一个类似的项目,但区别于前者,到那时他想用实验短片的形式去呈现他的想法。