Like the Beatles, Jeon Yunyoung thinks all you need is love. The Seoul-based photographer, who works under the name Neuj, sees love as an omnipresent force that powers the world, and believes it comes in all shapes and sizes. His photography reflects this belief, sometimes in obvious ways, with lovers locked in a passionate embrace, and other times more subtly, by choosing as his subject a close friend or family member.
“I want to convey all the emotions I feel in my photographs,” he explains. “But I also hope that, by sharing my work, and by establishing a relationship between artist and audience, I can spark new feelings.”
像披头士乐队(Beatles)一样,首尔摄影师 Jeon Yunyoung 也认为“爱才是人们最需要的”(All we need is love)。他将爱视为一种无所不在的力量,是世界的原动力。他坚信,爱会呈现出各种形态。他的摄影作品恰恰反映出这种信念,有时,爱以明显的方式呈现,譬如热情相拥的恋人;有时则更微妙,譬如摄影的对象是他的好友或家人,爱就通过镜头含蓄地展露。