For China’s annual shopping holiday (November 11), we created a seasonal campaign for ESPRIT featuring supermodel and “IT Girl” You Tianyi. Like ESPRIT, You Tianyi is all about positive vibes, having a good time, and of dancing like nobody is looking. In the same spirit, we developed lighthearted, carefree storytelling that was captured in a playful lookbook video coupled with a series of fun still images showcasing key seasonal looks. The campaign ran via social media and on the brand’s T-Mall online store, helping to drive record sales during the sales period.
我们为ESPRIT品牌在中国双十一购物狂欢节期间的线上活动创作了一条产品系列广告,此次广告邀请了超模 / “IT Girl”游天翼合作。游天翼用轻快肆意的舞步带给人积极欢乐的氛围,这正与ESPRIT的品牌精神如出一辙。基于同样的精髓,我们以轻松愉悦的方式呈现一份趣味十足的产品目录宣传片以及一系列展示季度主打产品的平面硬广。该广告被广泛运用于社交媒体及品牌天猫官店,为其在购物节期间引领销量。