Under the moniker Mondo Grosso, renowned Japanese producer Shinichi Osawa recently released his newest album, Nandodemo Atarashiku Umareru (Reborn Again and Always Starting New). The lead single from the album, “Labyrinth,” is a collaboration with vocalist and actress Hikaru Mitsushima who also stars in the accompanying music video. Directed by Takeshi Maruyama and filmed in Hong Kong – a location chosen due to how perfectly the complex and maze-like cityscape mirrored the “midnight paradise” mentioned in the lyrics – the video was edited to look like one continuous take, and in it, viewers follow Mitsushima (who comes from a dance background) as she effortlessly glides and twirls through Quarry Bay, Temple Street, and Sham Shui Po. The dreamy quality of the entire video was only made better by Hong Kong’s rainy season, with the rain-slicked streets reflecting the multitude of colors from Hong Kong’s neon-lit signs. Check out the video in full above.
《ラビリンス》(迷宮)是日本音乐人大沢伸一领衔的组合Mondo Grosso最新唱片《何度でも新しく生まれる》(无数次新生)中的主打单曲,由日本人气女星满岛光演唱。早前,摄制团队来到香港为MV取景,这座城市神秘复杂的夜色正符合了这首歌游荡于午夜迷宫的主题。曾是舞蹈组合成员的满岛光,在MV中大展舞技。导演丸山健志利用“一镜到底”的拍摄手法,让观众跟随着满岛光的舞步,穿梭于夜色下的鲗鱼涌、佐敦庙街和深水埗。MV于香港的雨季拍摄,雨后潮湿的地面反射出街道两旁霓虹灯的色彩,为画面增添几分迷幻的色调。点击观看上方视频,进入Mondo Grosso营造的梦幻迷城。