Common Rare is a Shanghai-based creative team headed by Taiwanese-Americans Tiffany Wong and Vivian Sze. After falling in love with the craft fairs they saw in the States, the duo set out to create a similar experience in China, organizing events where creators and artisans could sell their work. Since 2016 they’ve hosted a series of arts-and-crafts markets in Shanghai, featuring independent brands that share their conviction that “small things matter.” In addition to their events, the pair also runs a bilingual media platform dedicated to stories from creative start-ups in China and around the world.
凡几 (Common Rare) 是一个由台湾裔美国人 Tiffany Wong 和 Vivian Sze 领导的上海创意团队。他们爱上了之前在美国常逛的那种工艺市集,想在中国创造类似的体验,于是这个双人组合开始组织让创作者和艺术家可以贩售自己作品的活动。自2016年以来,他们在上海举办了一系列艺术和手工艺品市集,很多独立品牌参与其中,共同分享着他们的理念 “小事情也很重要”。除了举办活动,他们还经营一个双语媒体平台,专门讲述来自中国和世界各地的创意新创企业的故事。
Common Rare made their debut in Christmas 2016 with “Not Your Typical Holiday Market,” a bazaar that showcased a festive collection of crafts, handmade homewares, artisanal food, interactive art, and live entertainment. In subsequent events, they’ve brought on new vendors to reflect seasonal themes and visions. Their springtime “Industrial Bloom Festival” featured nature-based products, while their 2017 Christmas market, “Into the Woods” offered whimsical gifts.
In 2018, Common Rare officially rang in summer with “The Sweet & Salty,” a market featuring hand-crafted sweet and savory delights from 50 independent businesses. The two-day event, a collaboration with the group Woodstock of Eating, took place at Shanghai’s historic Colombia Circle, a refurbished American colonial social club originally built in 1924.
凡几的首次亮相是在2016年的圣诞节活动 “这不是圣诞市集” (Not Your Typical Holiday Market)。这是一个集合节庆工艺品、手工家居品、手作餐点、互动艺术和现场表演的市集。在随后的活动中,他们带进新的摊商以响应季节性的主题。“春季工业盛会” (Industrial Bloom Festival) 以自然的当令产品为特色;2017年的圣诞活动 “森林里的圣诞市集” (Into the Woods) 则提供各种有趣的节日送礼选择。
2018年,“The Sweet & Salty 上海甜点节” 让凡几正式步入夏日的序曲,共有来自50个独立品牌手工制作的甜品和咸食参与,为期两天的活动是与伍德吃托克(Woodstock of Eating)团队的合作,在上海历史悠久的哥伦比亚公园举办。

Wong and Sze’s down-to-earth approach and eye for detail have also caught the attention of brands like Nike, which collaborated with them on a creative market inspired by the classic Nike Cortez shoe. Each unique brand and designer at the two-day bazaar was handpicked to represent the “Cortez lifestyle” and its iconic red, white, and blue aesthetic.
Tiffany 和 Vivian 两人脚踏实地的做事方法和对细节的要求引起了像耐克这样大型品牌的关注,他们在一次的创意市集上合作,灵感来自经典的 Nike Cortez。市集中每一个独特品牌和设计师都经过精心挑选,以能符合 “Cortez 生活方式” 及其标志性的红、白、蓝三色美学。

After two years sharing life’s simple pleasures through their media platform and market events, the Common Rare team have launched their very own online store, appropriately named The Common Store. Their goal is to cast a spotlight on independent brands based in China that make homewares, skincare products, fashion, jewelry, magazines, and other lifestyle products.
The Common Store aims to be a permanent platform for customers to explore and support small-scale creators beyond each event. Their WeChat store currently features over 15 brands, including their very own Common Rare handmade soap range, created in collaboration with Hong Kong-based skincare brand Savon 1993.
两年以来,凡几通过媒体平台和市集活动致力于分享生活中的简单快乐,目前还推出了自己的线上商店,名为 The Common Store。他们的目标是聚焦中国的独立品牌,生产家居用品、护肤品、时装、珠宝、杂志和其他生活风格产品。
凡几希望能成为消费者在活动之外探索和支持小规模创作者的永久平台。 他们的微店目前拥有超过15个品牌,包括他们与香港护肤品牌 Savon 1993 合作的 Common Rare 手工皂系列。

Wong and Sze are a two-person powerhouse, and they know by heart the stories behind every brand in the Common Store. What started out as a small idea between longtime friends has evolved into a platform for slowing down and finding joy in the small pleasures in life.
From now until August 12th, those in Shanghai will be able to see the Common Store come to life during its three-week-long pop-up at the Rockbund Museum’s Associate Mission Building. Products from Asia-based creatives, including Zowoo, Form Maker, PÂTE, and LOST Magazine, will be on sale, as will creations from over 30 other independent clothing, skincare, accessory, furniture, and homeware brands. The Common Store pop-up is open daily from 11:00 am to 7:30 pm, and its products are also available on Weidian.
Tiffany 和 Vivian 是一个小而强大的团队,他们清楚地了解凡几里每个品牌背后的故事。长期是朋友关系的两人当初萌生的一个小小想法,现在已经演变成一个平台,让你我能慢下步调,寻找到生活中的小乐趣。
从现在起到8月12日,凡几的限期快闪店在上海洛克外滩源开幕,借此你将能更真实接触到凡几的品牌哲学。在这为期三周的活动中,来自亚洲各地的创意品牌包括 Zowoo、Form Maker、PÂTE 和独立杂志 《LOST》,以及其他30多个独立服装、护肤品、家居品牌的产品将开始贩售。Common Store 快闪店于每天上午 11:00 至下午 7:30 开放,其产品也同步在微店上市。

Dates: July 21, 2018 ~ August 12, 2018
Hours: 11 am ~ 7:30 pm
Rockbund Waitanyuan
Room #104
No. 169 Yuanmingyuan Road
Huangpu District, Shanghai
People’s Republic of China
Website: common-rare.com
Instagram: @common.rare
WeChat: CommonRare
Contributor & Photographer: Whitney Ng
Additional Images Courtesy of Common Rare
日期: 2018年7月21日——2018年8月12日
营业时间: 上午11点至下午7点半
网站: common-rare.com
Instagram: @common.rare
微信: CommonRare
供稿人与摄影师: Whitney Ng