All posts by david

Life Goes On 在街头吐个烟圈儿

June 1, 2020 2020年6月1日

For those who’ve visited Taiwan, their memories of the island will most likely call to mind a rich world of sights, sounds, and scents. Perhaps it’s the view of Taipei 101 looming over the capital, the smell of burning incense wafting from the temples, or the street-side vendors who call out for passersby to peruse their stall. For Kaohsiung-based artist Zook, Taiwan conjures up something altogether different. In his works, he spotlights the less-glamorous—yet indisputable parts of Taiwanese culture: betel nuts, cigarettes, and cheap liquor.

对于曾经造访过台湾的人来说,只要提起台湾,似乎一场结合视觉、听觉和嗅觉的盛宴便会映入脑海:高耸入云的台北 101 大楼,城中寺庙的阵阵炉香,街边摊贩对来往路人的吆喝……然而,对于在高雄生活的艺术家 Zook 来说,他对台湾的印象却是截然不同的内容。在作品中,他将目光投向了台湾文化中那些不太瞩目夺人,却又十分地道的部分:槟榔、香烟、便民酒水。

Close up of Cigarette & Betel Nut (2019) 60 x 73 cm / Acrylic on canvas 细节图《Cigarette & Betel Nut》(2019) 60 x 73 厘米 / 布面丙烯
Social Ninja (2017) 60 x 60 cm / Acrylic on wood 《Social Ninja》(2017) 60 x 60 厘米 / 木面丙烯

In the recently concluded exhibition at Arcade Gallery, Life Goes On Vol. 2, Zook elevates these “lowbrow” vices into gallery-ready art, displaying them in vivid acrylics.“Cigarettes and betel nuts may not be exactly healthy, but they’re normal parts of life for much of Taiwan’s working class,” he says. “Vices like these are a daily luxury for them, and like other locals, I have my own bad habits, such as drinking and smoking. These things are all ordinary parts of life in Taiwan.”

The gold-teethed man who makes recurring appearances throughout Zook’s works are self-portraits of sorts, and he’s almost never shown in a flattering light, whether it be loafing about a lit cigarette holstered in his belly button or passed out naked in a bathtub. Through self-deprecating humor, Zook pokes fun at the vapid folly of trying to keep up appearances. “Everyone loves to package themselves up perfectly,” he shrugs. “But life and culture are more nuanced than that.”

近期刚刚在 Arcade 画廊结束的《Life Goes On Vol. 2》展览中,Zook 他以鲜艳生动的丙烯颜料将这些 “低俗趣味” 登临大雅之堂。他说:“香烟和槟榔可能谈不上健康有益,但对于台湾大部分工薪阶级来说,它们却是生活中不可或缺的一部分。这些 ‘陋习’ 跟随着他们的日常生活。和其他台湾人一样,我也有一些坏习惯,例如饮酒和吸烟。但这些不过是台湾生活的日常罢了。”

你会在 Zook 作品中经常看到一个镶着金牙的男子,而这个男人就是他的自画像 —— 无论是在肚脐插着的香烟,还是在浴缸中昏睡的状态,他从来没刻意美化自己的形象。反而通过这种自我贬低式的幽默,抨击那些面子工程的愚蠢行径。“每个人都喜欢把自己包装得很完美。但是生活和文化往往比表面露骨得多。”他耸耸肩说道。

Same Shit, Different Day (2019) 100 x 80 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《Same Shit, Different Day》(2019) 100 x 80 厘米 / 布面丙烯
Make it Rain (2020) 72 x 60.5 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《Make it Rain》(2020) 72 x 60.5 厘米 / 布面丙烯
Have You Seen My Pants (2020) 72 x 60.5 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《Have You Seen My Pants》(2020) 72 x 60.5 厘米 / 布面丙烯
Shit Happens (2018) 45.5 x 53 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《Shit Happens》(2018) 45.5 x 53 厘米 / 布面丙烯

The new show builds on concepts from his debut solo show, Life Goes On, which implored audiences to live with authenticity, to not dismiss the parts of life that don’t align with their personal values, and to embrace the humanness of our shortcomings in our pursuit of betterment. The two shows are ambitious exhibitions for the young artist, whose street-art aesthetics belie larger ideas.

新的展览延续了他个人首次展览《Life Goes On》的概念 —— 呼吁观众忠于真实的自己,不要刻意回避生活中不符合自己个人理想的部分,而是要明白每个人都会有缺点,我们要接纳这些人性化的缺点,才能成为更好的自己。这两次展览体现了这位年轻艺术家勃勃野心,但同时,他的街头艺术也蕴含着更大的想法。

Chillin’ Boys Club (2017) 45 x 60 cm / Acrylic on wood 《Chillin’ Boys Club》(2017) 45 x 60 厘米 / 木面丙烯
Succulent Love (2017) 45 x 60 cm / Acrylic on wood 《Succulent Love》(2017) 45 x 60 厘米 / 木面丙烯
Environmental Killer (2017) 79 x 110 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《Environmental Killer》(2017) 79 x 110 厘米 / 木面丙烯
Let's Have Some Fun! (2018) 45.5 x 53 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《Let's Have Some Fun!》(2018) 80 x 100 厘米 / 布面丙烯

Zook’s interest in art came at a young age, with hours-long doodling sessions at home. That eventually developed into an interest in graffiti in middle school, when he was exposed to hip-hop culture. The back alleys of Kaohsiung quickly became his canvas. “I’ve never thought of myself as an ‘artist’ though nor did I ever think only an ‘artist’ can create art,” he says. “Art is something everyone can do. Creating art shouldn’t be thought of as a profession.”

Zook 自小艺术充满浓厚的兴趣,常常在家里画好几个小时的画。中学时期,他接触到嘻哈文化,并由此喜欢上了涂鸦,于是高雄的后巷成为了他的画布。他说:“我从来没有把自己当作是艺术家,也不觉得只有艺术家才能搞艺术。艺术是每个人都可以做的事,创作不应被视为一种职业。”

Despite his street-art beginnings, Zook has begun working with a variety of mediums in recent years and now holds a newfound perspective of what “street art” truly is. For him, it’s no longer about making art in the streets—it’s about showcasing local street culture, in all of its gritty and grimy glory, through art.

“I just want my art to be representative of Taiwanese street culture,” he says. “The medium and locations don’t matter that much as long as I can show people what I see and what I’ve got going on in my head.”

尽管 Zook 以街头艺术为起点,但近年来他开始使用多种媒介进行创作,现在的他对于 “街头艺术” 的含义有了新的见解:对他来说,“街头艺术” 不再是字面理解上街头创作艺术的意思,而是通过艺术来展示当地的街头文化,包括其中肮脏和不怎么光彩的一面。


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Instagram: @__zookgogreen


Contributor: David Yen
Chinese Translation: Olivia Li
Images Courtesy of Arcade Gallery

喜欢我们的故事?欢迎关注我们 Neocha 的微博微信


Instagram: @__zookgogreen


供稿人: David Yen
英译中: Olivia Li
图片由 Arcade Gallery 提供

Up Against the Wall 占街海报,地下过招

May 27, 2020 2020年5月27日

Posters and flyers for album drops and music events once dominated the walls and poles of major cities, and each scene cultivated its own personal visual vocabulary. These days music posters are rare, but in a few places the art form is still going strong, and Indonesian rock is one of the scenes that continues to nurture it. A loose circle of artists spanning at least three major cities produces posters in a distinctive style that references vintage comics, hallucinatory imagery, and Communist propaganda.

It’s hard to say how widespread this culture is, since Indonesia is the world’s fourth most populous country, and its people are spread across 17,000 islands and speak numerous languages. But several artists creating poster and flyer art show evidence of a distinct movement. They’re located in various cities, work within their own music circles, and release their work in different ways, yet the similarities are undeniable: their posters often include superheroes, religious and mythological iconography, psychedelic designs, half-tone coloring, gridded layouts, comic fonts, and bad Xerox textures, and, oddly, Latin American elements like Mexican wrestlers and pyramids.

以前,大城市的墙壁和电线杆上经常会贴满唱片专辑和音乐会的海报及传单,每种音乐自成一派,形成独特的视觉文化。如今,街面上的音乐海报已经很少见到,但在某些地方,这种艺术形式至今依然盛行,譬如在印尼的摇滚音乐圈。三位来自不同都市的艺术家以老式漫画、迷幻图像和共产主义宣传素材,创作出风格鲜明的 “街头告示”。

印度尼西亚是世界第四人口大国,其人口分布于 17,000 个岛屿上,拥有多种语言,因此很难定义这种艺术形式在当地的广泛程度。但是,从几位海报和传单艺术的设计师身上,可以看出这种艺术显然已成为一股鲜明的风潮。他们生活在不同的城市,活跃于不同的音乐圈子。虽然以不同的方式发布作品,但不乏有很多共同之处:形形色色的超级英雄、宗教和神话人物肖像、迷幻图像、半色调着色渲染、网格布局、漫画字体和粗劣的印刷纹理,以及令人意想不到的拉丁美洲元素(例如墨西哥摔跤手和金字塔)。

Poster by Ahmad Rizzali 海报设计:Ahmad Rizzali
Poster by Supergunz 海报设计:Supergunz

Many of Indonesia’s most prominent music poster artists are part of Barasub, a Yogyakarta comics and illustration collective. Barasub hopes to host an exhibition or publish a zine about the flyers and posters this year. Previously, they worked with the Yogyakarta gallery Krack Studio on a similar exhibit in 2018, which also featured a residency and art program for local and international artists, helping to nurture the scene.

The late 90s and early 2000s were high points for poster art, and many artists from today’s generation cite that period as an inspiration. Just recently, a curated collection of posters from this time were released in a series of zines called Dinding Ini Milik Kami. Compiled largely from a personal collection of images of Bandung city’s poster art and printed in black and white, it’s a limited but important look into the past.

“For me, that was a golden period. But I do not want to forget the previous generations,” says Chrisna Fernand, founder of Barasub. He says the country’s flyer and poster roots stretch back to the tumultuous period of the 1950s. “Propaganda posters were being made by LEKRA, one of the Indonesian Communist Party’s art divisions. There were several outside artists who were inspirational as well, considering that many countries were experiencing war at the time.” One poster in particular that defines that era is the poster Boeng, Ajo Boeng!, which was meant to illustrate the struggle for justice by the common person. The communists were wiped out by the incumbent government in the 1965 genocide. Fernand also points to the poster art for his country’s films and novels during the 1960s, ’70s, and ‘80s as having important significance to this day.

许多印尼最杰出的音乐海报艺术家都来自 Barasub(日惹的漫画、插画团体)。今年,Barasub 打算以音乐传单和海报为主题,举办展览或出版独立杂志。此前,他们曾与日惹 Krack Studio 画廊合作,在 2018 年举办过一场类似的展览,其中还为本地和外国艺术家提供了驻场和艺术计划,致力推动当地的海报艺术发展。

1990 年代末到 2000 年代初是海报艺术的鼎盛时期,现在许多艺术家都会从那个时期汲取创作灵感。就在最近,一系列名为《Dinding Ini Milik Kami》的独立杂志将这段时期的海报作品重新整理发表,其中主要来自私人收藏的万隆市音乐海报艺术作品,以黑白色印刷,通过数量有限的图片,让参观者重温过去。

“对我来说,那是一段黄金时期。但在那之前,这种艺术已经历过一段时间的发展。”Barasub 的创始人 Chrisna Fernand 说道。他表示,印尼的音乐传单和海报历史可以追溯到 1950 年代的动荡时期。“印尼共产党文宣部门之一 LEKRA 制作了许多宣传海报。当时还有许多国家都在经历战争,这段时期涌现了几位很出色的外国艺术家。”这个时期最有代表性的的海报之一是《Boeng, Ajo Boeng!》,这张海报展现的是平凡人为正义而进行的抗争。在 1965 年的大屠杀中,共产党成员被现任的政府一举歼灭。Chrisna 还指出,二十世纪 60、70 和 80 年代的印尼电影和小说海报艺术在今天也有重要的意义。

  • Swipe to see more from Dinding Ini Milik Kami / 滑动查看更多《Dinding Ini Milik Kami》的海报

One influential contemporary poster artist in Yogyakarta is Dwiky KA. His style, inspired by vintage Indonesian sci-fi, depicts dystopian dreamscapes in warm, earthy colors, where bodies with grotesquely exaggerated limbs writhe in unimaginable contortions. KA got his start in poster and flyer art in 2014 advertising local gigs in his hometown, Surabaya. “The posters at the time were always made with simple digital fonts and collaged objects from the internet,” he says. “I felt this was a crucial problem, because Surabaya has one of the biggest underground music cultures in Indonesia, and it was a pity to not be supported by cool visuals. Good visuals are a weapon to catch the public’s interest, no matter what the event.”

At first, he had to approach musicians, offering to make art for their shows. But by 2017 they were all reaching out to him. A number of other artists shared similar experiences. “It’s a good way for beginner illustrators in need of exposure,” says Dwiky KA. “There are only a few established illustrators who specifically make flyers and posters, but many do the occasional piece for passion projects.”

Dwiky KA 是日惹颇具影响力的当代海报画家之一。他的风格主要受到传统印尼科幻小说影响,以温暖的大地色调描绘反乌托邦的梦幻世界。画面中的人物有着夸张的四肢,以怪诞的姿势地扭曲着。Dwiky 从 2014 年开始从事海报和传单艺术创作,在他的家乡泗水 (Surabaya) 宣传当地的演出。他说:“那时候的海报都是用简单的字体和网上的素材拼贴而成的。我觉得这是个很大的问题,因为泗水有着印尼最大的地下音乐场景之一,但却没有更具个性的视觉艺术来搭配,算是点太可惜了。无论是什么活动,好的视觉艺术都是吸引公众关注的重要工具。”

刚开始,他需要亲自联系音乐家,主动提议为他们的表演创作宣传海报。但是,2017 年,情况扭转了,越来越多音乐家前来找他创作海报。许多其他艺术家也有着类似的经历。Dwiky 说:“对于需要提高曝光度的新人设计师来说,这是个好方法。毕竟只有少数成熟的插画家专门创作传单和海报,大多数人都是偶尔才参与创作一些项目。”

Poster by Dwiky 海报设计:Dwiky
Poster by Dwiky 海报设计:Dwiky
Poster by Dwiky 海报设计:Dwiky
Poster by Dwiky 海报设计:Dwiky

Dolby is an illustrator in Jakarta who works mainly with punk and indie pop musicians. He got his start creating flyers for gigs during college. Dolby uses the clean linework and bold colors popularized by modern digital artists. His work often has repeating patterns that sometimes resemble a tattoo flash card or wallpaper pattern.

Dolby 是一名来自雅加达的插画家,他主要与朋克和独立流行音乐人合作。早在大学期间,他便开始为演出制作传单。现代数字艺术家常见的简洁线条和夸张色彩在他的作品中很常见,同时各种连续重复的图案,看上去像是纹身贴纸或是墙纸图案。

Poster by Dolby 海报设计:Dolby
Poster by Dolby 海报设计:Dolby
Poster by Dolby 海报设计:Dolby
Poster by Dolby 海报设计:Dolby

Another notable artist is Supergunz. His style features cartoonish, bubbly characters bouncing off one another, drawn with stark colors and lines tempered by warm tints. He made his first comic when he was 12 and his first flyer for a festival when he was in high school, but he didn’t focus on poster art until after college. He mainly creates posters for rock, punk, and psychedelic bands, and he includes references to punk and metal visual cannons. It’s also overflowing with skeletons and masks, like the kind used in Mexican wrestling.Supergunz says he appreciates the Latinix culture for its intrinsic worth. “It’s just sexy,” he laughs. “It flows well with our own culture.”

另一位著名的艺术家是 Supergunz。他的作品以温暖的色调为主,其中穿插着鲜艳亮色和线条,搭配顽皮嬉闹的卡通角色,非常夺人眼球。12 岁那年,他创作了个人第一本漫画,高中的时候给一个活动画了第一幅传单,但是直到大学毕业后,他才专注于海报艺术创作。他主要为摇滚乐队、朋克乐队和迷幻乐队制作海报,喜欢引用朋克和金属摇滚的视觉元素,还有墨西哥摔跤中常见的骷髅和面具。Supergunz 非常欣赏拉丁文化的内在价值,他笑着说:“拉丁文化热情而迷人,和印尼的文化很契合。”

Poster by Supergunz 海报设计:Supergunz
Poster by Supergunz 海报设计:Supergunz
Poster by Supergunz 海报设计:Supergunz
Poster by Supergunz 海报设计:Supergunz

Most of the work that’s printed is sold as collectibles or merchandise, but some people still bring it back to the streets. “When it’s one of the shows I’m promoting, I’ll post my work up around town,” says Ahmad Rizzali, an illustrator from Jakarta who goes by the artist name Djali. He got his start making flyer and poster art for his own parties in 2015 and now promotes others’ shows too. He’s even worked on a government campaign promoting dangdut, a local style of pop from the ‘70s. His posters stretch the traditional comic book grid format to new and unique forms using bold colors aged with yellowing effects. He also draws on comic books’ inking styles like hatching and contour lines to shade his otherworldly scenes.

Other artists making similar work include Enka Komariah, 80.slut, Mufti Priyanka, and Riandy Karuniawan.

大部分印刷作品都以收藏或商品的形式出售,但总有人希望坚持将这些海报带回街头。雅加达的插画家 Ahmad Rizzali (又名 Djali)说:“如果是我策办的演出,我会在城市四处张贴这些海报。”他从 2015 年开始为自己的派对制作传单和海报,现在也会给其他人的表演制作海报。他甚至参与了政府推广 dangdut 的活动,dangdut 是 70 年代的当地流行音乐。他大胆地以复古的泛黄底色创作海报,将传统网格漫画演绎成新颖独特的形式。他还利用了漫画的描线方式(例如阴影线和轮廓线)来描绘各种虚构的场景。

其他从事海报创作的艺术家还有 Enka Komariah80.slutMufti PriyankaRiandy Karuniawan

Poster by Ahmad Rizzali 海报设计:Ahmad Rizzali
Poster by Ahmad Rizzali 海报设计:Ahmad Rizzali
Poster by Ahmad Rizzali 海报设计:Ahmad Rizzali
Poster by Ahmad Rizzali 海报设计:Ahmad Rizzali

In keeping with the DIY spirit of the music scene they often promote, artists often work with indie printing studios to bring their posters, flyers, and merchandise to life. “I always work with the printers who are my regular friends in the art scene,” Dolby says. “Some of them are so small their businesses are based out of their homes.”

“There’s a bit of a new generation of independent publishing,” adds Fernand, while listing off a number of printers in various cities, in addition to his own Barasub collective. He’s working to push the scene beyond the world of music, with posters created for even more types of events. “We’re making inroads with sequential art and illustration. Sometimes we combine it with performance art, animation, and short films, too. But the print tradition is something we need to strive to further in Indonesia, especially considering so many of our archival zines and independent publishers are gone now.”

为了保持独立音乐场景的 DIY 精神,艺术家们常常会与私人印刷商合作打印海报、传单和艺术商品。Dolby 说:“我一直合作的印刷商也是我在艺术界的朋友。他们的规模都不大,甚至一些人的工作室就在家里。”

Chrisna Fernand 补充说:“现在有了一些新的独立出版商。”除了 Barasub 团队,他还列举了不同城市的多间印刷商。他正在努力将海报艺术推广到音乐以外的更多领域,为更多类型的活动制作海报。“目前,我们也在尝试创作连环画艺术和插图,并尝试将这些作品与表演艺术、动画和短片相结合。但是传统的印刷艺术更需要我们在印度尼西亚进一步推广,毕竟现存的传统独立杂志和独立出版商已经越来越少了。”

Like our stories? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Contributor: Mike Steyels
Chinese Translation: Olivia Li

喜欢我们的故事?欢迎关注我们 Neocha 的微博微信


供稿人: Mike Steyels
英译中: Olivia Li

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Boasting Rights 身在霓虹,心在故里

May 25, 2020 2020年5月25日

The lyrics of Yoshi24K coast effortlessly, delivered with a sense of flowing motion. In “Boast,” the lead single off his new EP, the New York rapper drives around a nighttime city as the neon lights flicker in tandem with the bright arpeggio keys in the production. 808s bounce and rumble as he raps in harmony with himself, a higher-pitched vocal track hovering in the background. His casual, celebratory mantras aren’t boasting. He’s just catching vibes and leaving behind the struggles he overcame: “I can’t feel the pain no more / When I’m on a plane it’s all gone / Man, I can’t explain what I’m on / Just know that I’m in a whole ‘nother zone.”

信手拈来的歌词,行云流水的 Flow,这一切在纽约说唱歌手 Yoshi24K 嘴里变得如此轻松。新 EP 主打单曲《Boast》中,Yoshi24K 开车穿梭于城市深夜的街道,霓虹灯随着音乐中明快的琶音闪烁不停。在贯穿全曲的 808 鼓点中,他的说唱与背景里的 Auto-Tune 高音相互呼应。漫不经心的说唱毫无夸耀的意图,他只是跟着感觉游走,将自己经历的挣扎抛诸脑后:“I can’t feel the pain no more / When I’m on a plane it’s all gone / Man, I can’t explain what I’m on / Just know that I’m in a whole ‘nother zone’”(当痛苦不再被我感受/好像一切都消失在空中/来不及解释这趟是什么旅行/才知道我已置身于另一个星球)

Select tracks from Yoshi24k:

点击即可试听 Yoshi24k 的部分曲:

The new EP, ALIEN, is a reference to his experiences of growing up in the US as the child of a Japanese mother and Malian father, which always made him feel different. “I grew up with parents from opposite sides of the planet, and it’s really hard to come across that mix,” Yoshi says. “I was always accepted, but at the same time I always felt like I was on my own path.” That awareness of his differences inspired him to find his own style. A lot of people expect New York rappers to stick to boom-bap or Brooklyn drill, but he didn’t want to be stuck in any box. “I’m just embracing it all.”

Yoshi 的母亲是日本人,父亲是马里人,自小在美国长大的他,总是有一种格格不入的感觉,新 EP《ALIEN》(译名:外星人)因此而得名。Yoshi 说:“我的父母来自两个相隔十万八千里的国家,这样的结合并不常见。尽管身边人都蛮接纳我的,但自己的路还得自己来走”当意识到自己与其他人的不同时,Yoshi 开始追寻自己的风格。说起纽约说唱,大部分人都会想到 boom-bap 或 Brooklyn drill,但 Yoshi 不想被局限在任何流派中,“我比较喜欢兼容并蓄,怀抱所有。”

Yoshi grew up surrounded by other children of immigrant parents. “I felt separate in a lot of ways but also the same in many others,” he says. “My mom came here from Japan to work with my aunt and they worked in fashion. My dad was selling stuff in the street when they met. It was like two different worlds.”

In part because of his dad’s Malian roots, Yoshi developed a strong connection with the city’s West African community. He also began soaking up New York’s street culture in all forms, whether it be skateboarding through the boroughs, dancing litefeet on the trains, or listening to rap.

Yoshi 和许多移民家庭的小孩一起长大。他说:“在很多方面我觉得自己是个局外人,但在许多其他方面又觉得和别人是一样的。我妈妈当初离开日本,和我的姑姑一起在这里从事时尚行业的工作。她认识我爸的时候,我爸是一名街边小贩。他们完全来自两个不同的世界。可能因为父亲是马里人的缘故,Yoshi 对纽约西非社群也有很深的归属感。他还开始吸收形形色色的纽约街头文化:踩着滑板穿街过巷、在地铁上跳着 litefeet 舞蹈,当然,还有他热爱的说唱音乐。

2018 was a pivotal year for a young Yoshi, who hadn’t yet discovered his music-making ambitions. One day he was invited to come to the studio with his friend, Sheck Wes. When he got there, Wes was freestyling and casually dropped Yoshi’s first name, Ali, into the hook of the song “Mo Bamba.” (Yoshio, which his rap alias is based on, is actually his middle name.) It ended up becoming one of the biggest songs of the year. Watching Wes in the studio was an eye-opening experience: seeing him create a vibe in the moment, mixing and mastering the track immediately, and even starting to plan the music video before the song was released made Yoshi realize the importance of laying out the groundwork in fulfilling a creative vision from the very start. Seeing it ultimately inspired him to make his own music. “Once I got into the vibe of it, experiencing studio life, working with all the sounds and sonics, playing with the words, it was just like, damn, this is amazing. I fell in love immediately.”

对于年轻的 Yoshi 来说,2018 年是关键的一年,当时的他还没对音乐创作产生兴趣。某日,他受 Sheck Wes 邀请到录音房里玩,当时 Wes 正在 freestyle,时不时将 Yoshi 的名字 “Ali” 加入《Mo Bamba》的副歌中(他的说唱艺名 Yoshi 其实是依据他的中间名 Yoshio 改写而成),这首歌后来成为年度最受欢迎的说唱歌曲之一。录音室里的一幕让 Yoshi 很受震撼。当看到 Wes 沉浸在当下,将即兴创作、混音、制作一气呵成,甚至在发行之前就已经开始构思音乐 MV 时,Yoshi 意识到需要一步步脚踏实地,才能实现自己的愿景。看着录音室里的 Sheck Wes,他也有了创作音乐的欲望。“当我进入到那种氛围,进入录音室的世界,操纵各种的声音和音响,构思歌词,那种感觉真是太神奇了。我一下子被深深吸引。”







That studio visit has also influenced Yoshi’s creative endeavors beyond rap. He runs a creative collective under the name Yen24k, made up of friends he grew up with who all bring different talents to the table. The team consists of filmmakers, skaters, designers, and more. “That’s the crew, the label, the family; that’s everything,” he says. “It’s about all types of art but music is at the core of it all.” Yoshi also co-directs all his music videos.

那次的录音房的经历不仅激发了 Yoshi 的说唱创作,更促使他以 Yen24k 的名义创立了一个创意团队,找来和他一起长大的朋友,融合不同领域的才华。这支团队包括了电影制片人、滑板玩家,设计师等等。“我们是一支团队,一个品牌,也是一个大家庭,什么都是。”他说,“我们会创作各种类型的艺术,但音乐是一切的核心。”与此同时,Yoshi 还参自导自演了所有音乐 MV。

Yoshi has also taken advantage of his rising rap fame to visit Tokyo for the first time. A New York friend who had moved there introduced him to a few club owners and promoters, and he ended up being booked to open for artists like Elle Teresa and Juice Wrld. Although Yoshi had visited family in the Japanese countryside a few times and he felt a deep connection with the culture, he’d never experienced the city before. “I didn’t really have many fans out there, but some people knew me from Instagram since I was a half-Japanese rapper. I definitely want to connect more with Japan, but I also want to connect with Mali,” he says. “Really, I want to connect with the whole world. I want to be global.”

Yoshi 第一次造访东京也是因为自己的音乐。他的一位移居东京的纽约朋友将他介绍给一些俱乐部老板和活动策划人,Yoshi 因此获得了为 Elle Teresa 和 Juice Wrld 等歌手暖场的机会。尽管 Yoshi 又过之前在日本乡下探亲的经历,他也觉得自己与日本文化有着深厚的联系,但他之前从未去过东京,他说:“我在当地没有很多粉丝,但是因为我是半个日本说唱歌手,有很多人通过 Instagram 认识了我。如果有机会,我想更深入地了解日本,还有马里。应该说,我想与整个世界有更多的联系。我想让自己更全球化一点。”

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Instagram: @yoshi24k
YouTube: ~/yoshi24k


Contributor: Mike Steyels
Chinese Translation: Olivia Li
Images Courtesy of Yoshi24k

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Instagram: @yoshi24k
YouTube: ~/yoshi24k


供稿人: Mike Steyels
英译中: Olivia Li
图片由 Yoshi24k 提供

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Urban Striation 几何城市,城市几何

May 18, 2020 2020年5月18日
City Stream / Shanghai No. 8 (2016) 300 x 200 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《城市经纬 / 上海 No.8》(2016) 200 x 300 厘米 / 布面丙烯

Lu Xinjian is an artist on the vanguard of Chinese abstraction. His paintings reduce vast cityscapes into dynamic studies of color and line that explore the relationship between modernity and the natural world. The microscopic detail in his artworks draws viewers in, even as the huge size –  many works are several meters wide –  compels them to step away. This contrast creates a vitality that imposes itself on the viewer.

Lu’s work is elusive. “It’s always nice for me to see visitors discover the surprise behind my paintings. At first, it appears to be a pure abstraction but then they begin to understand the root of the work,” he says. Working with acrylic on canvas, he painstakingly crafts each hallucinogenic painting line by line, color by color, over months.



City DNA / Xujiahui (2019) 80 x 80 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《城市基因 / 徐家汇》(2019) 80 x 80 厘米 / 布面丙烯
City DNA / Yu Garden (2019) 80 x 80 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《城市基因 / 豫园》(2019) 130 x 130 厘米 / 布面丙烯

Lu’s recent paintings, currently on display in a solo show titled Eternal City at Art Labor Gallery in Shanghai, share urban subjects and a vibrant, abstract style. Yet Lu divides them into three distinct series: City DNA, City Stream, and Reflections. The first uses satellite views, the second presents aerial views similar to that of a drone, while the third shows architectural views seen from the ground.

City DNA condenses the dynamic rhythm of the city and places abstraction at the heart of real places in the world. It deconstructs what we see and then reconstructs it in a way that urges the viewer to notice more than just differently hued geometric lines. In Xujiahui, for example, there’s a visceral essence behind the beauty. “It’s very fascinating to play between real and abstract,” says Lu.

近期,陆新建在上海 Art Labor 画廊举办的个展《永恒之城》(Eternal City)中展出了一些最新的作品。这些作品风格统一,将城市场景重塑为活力线条构成的抽象画。陆新建将它们分为三个不同的系列,分别为“城市基因”、“城市经纬”和“倒影”。“城市基因”的灵感是卫星图像、“城市经纬”展现的是无人机上看到的鸟瞰图,而“倒影”则重塑了从地面上看到的建筑视图。


City Stream / Los Angeles (2016) 205 x 145 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《城市经纬 / 洛杉矶》(2016) 205 x 145 厘米 / 布面丙烯
City Stream / Hong Kong (2016) 400 x 200 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《城市经纬 / 香港》(2016) 300 x 200 厘米 / 布面丙烯

City Stream evolves out of the previous series and adds a sense of motion. “City Stream focuses on the perspective of the city and its systems,” explains Lu. “I want to show the movement and energy through dynamic highways and modern buildings.” To capture the personality of the city, he often uses municipal or national colors to imply an identity.


Reflections / Milano Doumo (Interior) (2018) 130 x 200 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《倒影 / 米兰大教堂 (内景)》(2018) 130 x 200 厘米 / 布面丙烯
Reflections / Milano Doumo (Exterior) (2018) 200 x 130 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《倒影 / 米兰大教堂 (外景)》(2018) 200 x 130 厘米 / 布面丙烯

Reflections began as a commission based on pictures of the US Capitol in Washington, DC. The project inspired Lu to take his abstraction in a new direction. “I was very moved by those images. It’s so peaceful when the building is reflected in the water with the moon behind it.” Like the other two, this series explores modernity, globalization, and human consciousness.


Reflections / American Congress in Red (2015) 400 x 200 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《倒影 / 红色的美国国会》(2015) 400 x 200 厘米 / 布面丙烯
Reflections / Weiming Lake (2016) 200 x 150 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《倒影 / 未名湖》(2016) 200 x 150 厘米 / 布面丙烯

Lu studied at the Frank Mohr Institute at Hanze University in the Netherlands, and the influence of the ZERO and De Stijl movements is evident in his work. However, his aesthetic has roots dating back to his childhood in the countryside in Yixing, in Jiangsu province.

In elementary school, a visiting teacher lit the spark for his artistic career. Seeing that Lu had a keen interest in painting, she asked if he’d like to go to art school one day. “It was the first time anyone had asked me that question,” says Lu. “I didn’t know there were universities in the world where you could study art.” The idea of a life of art lingered with the precocious Lu, and he dreamed of becoming an artist. “My parents thought I was crazy!” he recalls.

Given Lu’s childhood surrounded by nature, one might not expect his art to encompass urban forms. Yet his intricate works show the simple ways a child imagines complex systems such as global cities. What Lu does is to reduce these complexities to meticulous geometric shapes and sharp blocks of color, at once visually stimulating and tantalizingly simple.

曾就读于荷兰汉斯大学 Frank Mohr 学院的陆新建,其作品中受 ZERO 艺术运动和荷兰风格派运动(De Stijl)的影响非常明显。但是,乡村生活也对他的美学风格有很大的影响,因为他的童年正是在江苏宜兴农村度过的。



City DNA / Paris No.4 (2016) 400 x 200 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《城市基因 / 巴黎 No.4》(2016) 400 x 200 厘米 / 布面丙烯
City DNA / Pudong (2012) 400 x 200 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《城市基因 / 浦东》(2012) 400 x 200 厘米 / 布面丙烯
City DNA / Beijing No.7 (2016) 400 x 200 cm / Acrylic on canvas 《城市基因 / 北京 No.8》(2016) 400 x 200 厘米 / 布面丙烯

Today, Lu puts on solo exhibitions all over the world, and his work is in collections from Europe to Asia to Australia. His paintings have a certain stillness, a challenge to the ritualized abstract expressionism prevalent in contemporary art. His work pushes at the very edges of abstract art in China and points to pure possibilities for a new beginning.


Eternal City

April 18th, 2020 ~ May 31st, 2020

101 Haifang Road
Jing’an District, Shanghai

Appointment only by phone or e-mail

+86 21 6245 6963





2020 年 5 月 23 日至 2020 年 6 月 7 日

海防路 101 号


+86 21 6245 6963


Like our stories? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Contributor: Misha Maruma
Chinese Translation: Olivia Li
Images Courtesy of ART LABOR Gallery & Lu Xinjian

Like our stories? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


供稿人: Misha Maruma
英译中: Olivia Li
图片由 ART LABOR画廊与陆新建提供

Open Your Mind’s Eye 大开“眼”界

May 13, 2020 2020年5月13日

Chinese Psywaves is a collaboration between Neocha and M-Lab by Modern Sky. Throughout the month of May, we’re going to introduce four Chinese alternative rock groups who are making waves. For them, music is a spiritual sustenance that transcends the boundaries of genre. This week, we’ve got Chui Wan, a band that’s widely considered to be pioneers of Chinese neo-psychedelia. 

Little known to most, there’s a certain kinship between Taoist philosophy and the psychedelic counterculture of the ’60s. Parallels can be found throughout the values they touted: both believed in the importance of expanding our limited perspectives, disengaging from the artificiality of society, and liberating our minds from external influence, to name a few. As pioneering psychedelic rock acts such as Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, and The Beatles topped Billboard charts, these countercultural principles even began appearing in the pop music of the era.

In March of 1968, between the release of Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club and The White Album, the Beatles put out “The Inner Light,” a fairly obscure single that was tucked away as a B-side. The lyrics, penned by George Harrison, are entirely based on a chapter from Lao Tzu’s Tao Te Ching. Other Taoist ideals appear throughout the Beatles’ discography, but this was one of the most unambiguous up until then.

「Chinese Psywaves」系列由摩登天空 M-Lab Neocha 联合推出。整个五月,我们将为你查探四个中国区域地下摇滚乐队的独特波形。在他们的眼中,音乐不会任由形式的条框,精神的养料脱颖而出。本周,我们与成军刚满十年的吹万乐队进行了连线,通过他们洞察东方新迷幻音乐的独特一角。

你可能不知道,上世纪六十年代的嬉皮士运动其实与中国道教存在着一定的联系。在二者宣扬的价值体系中,我们可以观察到相通之处:他们都相信开阔有限视角、脱离社会人为因素、将思想从外部影响中解放出来的重要性。而作为迷幻文化运动的直接产物,迷幻摇滚乐似乎也与道家学说有着说不清道不明的联系。在那些赫赫有名的迷幻摇滚传奇乐队中,譬如 Jefferson Airplane、The Doors 和 The Beatles 等等,他们的一些作品多少都与道教思想有着相似的内涵。曾几何时,你甚至能在六十年代主流乐坛中瞥见这种类似道教的创作思路。

1968 3 月,在 The Beatles 专辑《Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club》和《The White Album》发行的间隔,乐队曾发行过一首名为《The Inner Light》的单曲,该单曲由乐队主音吉他手 George Harrison 编写完成。整首单曲的歌词摘自老子《道德经》的一个章节。尽管在 The Beatles 过往的作品中也出现过类似道教思想的例子,但《The Inner Light》的确是最直截了当的引用。

Oceans and decades away from the roots of the psychedelic movement, Taoism remains just as relevant for a new generation of psychedelic rockers in China. Beijing-based band Chui Wan—whose name itself comes from a passage of Taoist text that suggests beauty can be found in the mundane—is reweaving the thread between psychedelic music and Chinese culture as they dish out their unique take on the genre.

“As a Chinese musician, I don’t need to look to my Western peers, who may want to follow in the steps of their ‘60s predecessors,” says Yan Yulong, the frontman and guitarist of Chui Wan. “In our interpretation of the psychedelic sound, we only need to look to our own culture.”


Listen to some select tracks from Chui Wan’s White Night below:


In 2012, Chui Wan’s inaugural album, White Night, was released to critical acclaim. From the infectious surf riffs of the intro track “Swimming” to the wall-of-sound guitars and guttural bassline of “Tomorrow Never Knows,” Chui Wan debuted an impressive range that showed the world Chinese neo-psychedelia wasn’t to be taken lightly.

Despite roster changes since, Chui Wan’s subsequent albums, the self-titled Chui Wan and The Landscape the Tropics Never Had, were built on a similar aural vocabulary, though each added a new lexicon of sounds. The band’s latest release, Eye, is perhaps their most ambitious to date. The album—backed by the experience of three LPs and multiple world tours—demonstrates a newfound sureness of footing as the band treads deeper into uncharted sonic and lyrical terrains. On “Primitive Reverberation,” Yan forgoes lucidity for a series of “ehs” and “ohs” uttered at varying inflections or stretched out in a single lungful of air; in “Just Beginning,” looping synth stabs give way to an unexpected outburst of distorted guitars and a few delicate notes of Japanese strings; on “All Tomorrow’s Flowers,” bassist and vocalist Wu Qiong closes the album with a lullaby that promises a better tomorrow—and if the band’s musical evolution is any indicator, with passing time, things do seem to only get better.

Neocha recently caught up with Yan, bassist and vocalist Wu Qiong, and drummer Wen Zheng to discuss the new direction they took with Eye, the importance of artistic collaboration, and how life in China influences their music.

2012 年,吹万乐队在兵马司厂牌下发行的首张专辑《白夜》,受到如潮好评。从第一首歌《游泳》中令人沉醉的冲浪摇滚吉他音效,到《明日未知》中噪音墙和咽喉深处的贝斯线条,再到《另一种爱》如一副山水画铺开在听众面前。吹万乐队初次亮相,便令人印象极为深刻,映证了中国新迷幻音乐不容小觑的实力。之后,吹万乐队如法炮制出《吹万》和《热带从未有过的风景》两张作品,同时每张专辑都会有新的元素融入。

2019 年,乐队最新发行的全长专辑《》,可能是吹万有史以来最具野心的作品。经历了前三张专辑积累的经验,以及多场世界巡演之后的感悟,吹万乐队更加深入地涉足未知的音域,歌词和演唱方面也有了更多的突破,开创了乐队新声音的大陆。在歌曲《原始回响》里,等感叹词代替了歌词部分,闫玉龙抑扬顿挫的唱腔弥漫在空气中;你还会在《刚刚开始》中听到飘绕往复的合成器旋律,同时歌中编入的失真吉他和日本弦乐器也令人前一亮。专辑在贝司手吴琼吟唱的一支摇篮曲《所有明天的花朵》中结束,表达了对美好明天的展望 —— 乐队把新声音的种子埋在地下,未来的花朵会开得更加响亮。

在本次采访中,Neocha 和吹万乐队聊了聊他们在专辑《眼》中呈现的新方向、专辑中的艺术合作、还有传统道教与音乐之间的联系,一起来看看!

Listen to select tracks from Chui Wan’s Eye below:


Neocha: Let’s talk a bit about the latest album, Eye. What were some of the inspirations behind it?

Yan: The title is inspired by perception and mysticism. The album as a whole is related to the memories and lives of the band members; it’s a subjective exploration of our sensory experiences.

In terms of sound, the recurring folk influences of past albums have taken a backseat in Eye. We wanted to get even more experimental. There’s also a lot more emphasis on lyricism and vocals.

Wu Qiong: I was inspired by close acquaintances and my relationships with them, in all their complexities and simplicities. Memories also play a big part. Lyrically, English poet Percy Bysshe Shelley and Chinese poet Gu Cheng were big influences.

Wen Zheng: “Eye” represents seeing oneself with absolute clarity; it means peering through the window of the world.

Neocha: 在专辑《眼》的创作过程中,你们受到了怎样的启发?

闫玉龙: 新专辑名称的眼是指观察力和神秘学。但整个专辑算是描绘乐队成员们的日常生活状态吧,当然也可以说是主观的所见所闻和感叹。


吴琼: 身边人复杂而单纯的关系吧,和一些难忘的瞬间。歌词创作受到了雪莱和顾城的影响。

文正: “眼” 代表了认清自己,看见世界的窗口。

Neocha: Chui Wan’s music always seems to be wrapped in a sense of nostalgia. Is this something intentional? With passing time, do you have a new perspective on the topic of nostalgia and memories? 

Yan: Memories are important. They’re proof that we’re alive. Whenever I think about memories and life, a poem by Edith Sodergran comes to mind. In it, she muses on the loneliness of existence: we enter this world alone, and we must also leave alone.

To me, my younger years were my best years, musically. During that time, I’d say 80% of my time was dedicated to music; everything seemed so carefree. People say that getting older makes you wiser, but I feel like I’ve only gotten lazier.



Neocha: Descriptions like cinematic and filmic are often used to define Chui Wan’s work. How do you think this is achieved?

Wen Zheng: Every time we’re jamming out or working on a new song, it feels like my drumming is in dialogue with the melody. There’s a tangible exchange of emotions, with every member of the band adding to the conversation with their instruments. Whenever I get lost in that moment, that’s when I begin seeing visuals.

Neocha: 吹万的音乐往往会勾起人们对过去的回忆。这是你们在创作中关注的主题吗?随着时间的推移,这样的主题发生过怎样的变化?

闫玉龙: 拥有回忆是非常重要的事情,只有它能证明我们还活着。连索德格朗都说:“没有多少大海的沙砾知道,我是独自而来的,将独自而去。”


Neocha: 曾有人形容 Chui Wan 乐队的音乐是富有 “画面感” 的,这一点你们是怎么做到的?

文正: 每次在延伸创作动机时,感觉像在用鼓与旋律对话。我们能感觉到彼此之间的情绪,每个人互相用音乐交流。彼时彼刻,脑海中就会浮现一种场景。

Neocha: Having undergone multiple roster changes between White Night and Eye, would you say the band’s original vision has changed?

Yan Yulong: Every person who’s been a part of Chui Wan has been an indispensable part of the band. They’ve all contributed their unique talents and energy to our sound. As a quartet, every member is of equal importance. This collaborative mindset is what’s helped us shape our music.

With the new addition of guitarist Wu Dong, he’s bringing his own creative energy to the table. Aside from just music, he’s also an expert in making DIY instruments. I’ve always wanted to work with him and develop a new effects pedal. There’s a lot to look forward to. But no matter what, the most important thing for the band has always been to make music that every band member enjoys.

Wen Zheng: Every new member is a new variable in the equation. Though we’re all equally motivated to create good music, but the emotions of each person is completely different.

Neocha: 从《白夜》到《眼》,乐队经历过人员的变动,为乐队带来了哪些新的元素和期待?乐队创作理念发生了怎样的转变?

闫玉龙: 在之前在乐队中一起共事过的伙伴们,每一位都为 Chui Wan 带来了音乐上的能量,贡献出自己的才华。四个人的乐队,缺一不可,只有达到这样的程度才能做出好的音乐。


文正: 每一次新成员的加入都会是一种新的元素融入。同样的创作动机,每个人的感受都是不一样的。


Neocha: The band worked with director Ju Anqi on the music video for “Gentle Blinding Love.” What was that like?

Yan: It was great. It was effortless. When we were shooting the music video, our band members only had minimal input. I’ve always believed that support and trust are important parts of a collaboration. This holds especially true when working with someone who I admire and respect.

During the shoot, we just listened to Anqi. The band was only a supporting cast in fulfilling his creative vision. The only thing is, I’d say we could’ve improved on our acting skills. Hopefully, we can do better next time.

Wen Zheng: The concepts we had in mind were quite in sync with An Qi’s own ideas. We respected his expertise and gave him the creative reins. Our complete trust in him made the collaboration pretty straightforward.

Neocha: 去年,乐队与导演雎安奇合作了音乐 MV《缱绻温柔》,你们的合作过程怎么样?

闫玉龙: 轻松愉快,简单有效。在影片的创意中,乐队仅提供了少量的意见。对于我们欣赏,尊重,且已经充分沟通过的合作艺术家,支持和信赖是最重要的事情。在拍摄中,影片一直围绕着雎安奇导演的构思在进行,而乐队的工作就是作为演员在剧组中协助完成整个拍摄计划。希望作为演员,下次可以表现的再合格一些。

文正: 我们与雎安奇的很多想法一拍即合,大部分听从他的安排,因为他更专业。我们很信任他,所以没遇到什么困难。

Neocha: On the topic of collaboration, you’ve worked with collaborators worldwide, such as Rusty Santos. Have these collaborations changed the way you approach your music?

Yan: You learn a lot when collaborating with others, and it can bring your own flaws to light. Take for example, when we work with Rusty Santos, he’s always bringing new ideas to the table. Whether it’s recording or mixing, there are always new things to learn. It’s always fresh and exciting. We also now have a better understanding of how every country, every city, and every individual even has their own taste in music. These diverse tastes mean experimentative—eclectic even—sounds can flourish. 

Wen Zheng: With Rusty’s input, we included a lot of stringed instruments in the album. He offered a tremendous amount of creative insight that we wouldn’t have thought of ourselves.

Neocha: 你们在过去有很多国际上的合作,包括专辑《眼》也是与制作人 Rusty Santos 合作。这些合作对你们的音乐创作有什么影响?

闫玉龙: 合作的同时,也能学习到很多东西,意识到自己的不足。像每次与 Rusty合作,他总能拿出新的东西。包括录音和混音中每一天的进展,都是新奇有趣的。


文正: Rusty 为我们的作品融入很多管弦乐的部分,为我们提供了很多意想不到的创作元素。

Neocha: There’s a fluidity to the band’s brand of psychedelic rock that in itself is in line with Taoism, and the band is named after Taoist text. What’s the connection between Taoism and your music?

Yan: As many people know, the name Chui Wan comes from Lao Tzu. He wrote, “When the wind blows, every sound may be heard therein.” To us, that represents spontaneity, and it’s a poetic interpretation of what the band is all about. One thing to note is that what we focus on and create are—of course—contemporary music. In both life and music, our ideals should try and align with contemporary schools of thought, but at the same time, it’s good to look to the past for inspiration and wisdom. Right?

Neocha: 乐队的作品具有一种流动性,这与道教的流动性思维不谋而合。道教和吹万乐队有着哪些联系?

闫玉龙: 乐队名字”吹万”,来自于庄子。“风吹万窍”,随机性。从某种角度来说,这也是一种挺浪漫的自我解读。我们所关注和创作的,肯定还是当下的音乐。但其实不论是在生活还是音乐中,我们的内心也都更需要那些符合于当下世界的哲学观点论述。但与此同时,也多少会从前人那里寻找些灵感和慰藉,对吗?

Neocha: This year marks the 10th anniversary of the band’s formation. As veterans of Beijing’s underground music scene, how would you say it’s evolved? And for you guys, what are your aspirations going forward?

Yan: Wow! Time passes way too quickly. To be honest, I don’t think I’m as in touch with Beijing’s current underground music scene as before. As for the future, I just want this pandemic to end.

Neocha: 今年刚好是乐队组建的第十年,有什么特别的感想吗?这些年北京摇滚场景发生了怎样的变化?未来乐队还会有哪些令人期待的元素出现?

闫玉龙: 觉得时间过得好快!我变得不太了解北京地下音乐场景了。目前来说的话,就是希望疫情可以早些过去吧。

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Weibo: ~/ChuiWan
Soundcloud: ~/Chui-Wan


Contributor: David Yen
Chinese Translation: Pete Zhang
Photographers: Hai Shen She, Fu Jing, Wang Yishu
Images Courtesy of Chui Wan

喜欢我们的故事?欢迎关注我们 Neocha 的微博微信


微博: ~/ChuiWan
Soundcloud: ~/Chui-Wan


供稿人: David Yen
英译汉: Pete Zhang
摄影师: 海参摄、负鲸、王轶庶
图片由 Chui Wan 提供

Glamour Shots 复古写真大作战

May 11, 2020 2020年5月11日

Some photographs are so full of joy that they’re infectious. Take the portraits of the studio Glamour Shots, in Seoul: you can’t look at the grinning, costumed people without cracking a smile yourself. Groups of students, families, couples—everyone is smiling ear to ear as they surf on old VHS tapes, battle a feline Thanos, or pose as Bob Ross. And there are pets. Pets everywhere.

首尔摄影工作室 Glamour Shots 的人物写真总是充满趣味性,并有一定 “精神污染” 的功效。盯着照片上那些夸张的人物造型和咧嘴的面庞,你很难不去放声大笑。成群结伴的学生党、家庭成员、情侣……他们在录像带上冲浪、与 “灭霸猫” 作战、或是像美国画家鲍勃·鲁斯一样作画,有人嘴角上扬,有人强忍笑颜。对了,还有很多家庭宠物,比如猫猫狗狗,这些别致的小家伙在他们的作品中随处可见。

“At first, we just wanted to take these kinds of pictures for fun, especially with a dog or cat,” says Bora Lee and Daewoong Han, the couple behind Glamour Shots. “We didn’t have our own pet because it’s a pretty big responsibility. But one day we found a dying kitty in the alleyway that we adopted and nursed back to health. We named her Horang-e, and she became the inspiration for this whole project.”

Bora Lee 和 Daewoong Han 是 Glamour Shots 的两位主理人,他们说:“最初,我们只是想拍一些好玩的照片,尤其是小狗小猫的照片。我们自己没有养宠物,毕竟你需要对它们抱有很大的责任感。后来有一天,我们在巷子里看见一只奄奄一息的小猫,我们把它带回家,帮它调养生息,并取名叫 Horang-e。正是她让我们有了拍摄这个项目的念头。”

Lee and Han’s clients often bring along their own pets, too, who frequently pose as villains, hovering menacingly over their humans. Glamour Shots relies heavily on Photoshop, but the clients bring many of their own props with them. “They come up with their own themes. We’ll get some keywords or references and go from there. When they come in for picture day, we explain the full concept.” Then they offer direction to help clients pose for the shots. “Think about your mom, or your cat, or the food you didn’t finish when you had to evacuate your imaginary home. Follow those feelings.”

Bora Daewoong 的客户经常带上自己的宠物来拍照。照片中宠物们往往扮演邪恶的角色,它们虎视眈眈地盯着人类。作品的后期通常需要进行大量的 Photoshop 处理,但客户也会带上很多自己的道具。他们都会自己先想一个主题,然后我们根据主题延伸一些关键词。拍摄日当天,我们会为客户讲解整个拍摄的概念,帮助他们在镜头前摆出正确的姿势:想想你的母亲、或者是你的猫、或是你临出门前还没吃完的食物,跟着这些感觉走。

Images similar to these, replete with cheesy backgrounds full of lasers or floating castles, were common in US department stores in the 1980s. Glamour Shots brings a knowing, campy eye to their portraits, and they always go over the top. Still in their twenties, Lee and Han are a little too young to have portraits like these taken of themselves. “This was more like our parents’ type of thing,” they explain. “At first we were just exploring the understated humor of vintage family photos and American movie posters. But our clients wanted more fancy and colorful images and pushed us to where we are now.”

这类照片往往拥有拙劣的舞台背景,充满了激光和城堡等贴图元素,带有一种八十年代复古的感觉。Glamour Shots 的人物照片有一种刻意的做作和浮夸,复古风格的照片看上去并不像是才 20 多岁的 Bora 和 Daewoong 会拍的照片。他们解释说:“这些照片看上去更像是我们父母那个年代的人会拍的照片。起初,我们只想通过老式家庭照片和美国电影海报的风格来传达一种幽默的态度。但是,因为客户想要更多花哨和彩色的元素,就慢慢变成了我们现在的风格。”

A little more than half of their clients are artists and musicians, and they all find their way through Instagram. For now they rent a studio whenever they have clients, but with the income they’ve earned from the project, the pair have begun construction on a permanent location in the hipster neighborhood Euljiro. “It won’t just be a photo studio, though,” they say. “We also want to host things like magic shows, small concerts, and art exhibits.”

Glamour Shots 一半以上的客户都是艺术家或音乐人,他们都是通过 Instagram 等社交平台找到这个摄影工作室的。目前,有客户的时候,Glamour Shots 就会租用一间工作室,而随着拍摄收入的增加,两人已着手开始在艺术文化街区乙支路上筹建自己的工作室。“工作室不只是用来拍摄,我们未来还希望举办魔术表演、小型音乐会和艺术展览之类的活动。”

Like our stories? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

: @glamour___shots


Contributor: Mike Steyels
Chinese Translation: Olivia Li

喜欢我们的故事?欢迎关注我们 Neocha 的微博微信

: @glamour___shots


供稿人: Mike Steyels
英译中: Olivia Li

The Spirit of Tattoo 皮下汗青

May 8, 2020 2020年5月8日

“Those with long-leg tattoos are ready to start a family.” — Siamese proverb.

Until the mid-twentieth century, it was common to see men in north and northeastern Thailand with their upper legs covered in dense tattoos. Today, however, the tradition has fallen by the wayside, and these tattoos remain only on an aging population of men between 80 and 110 years old.

To document the dying tradition, Thai artist and photographer Charnpichit Pongtongsumran spent five years searching and photographing the last of these tattooed men, a journey that’s culminated in The Spirit of Tattoo. In the first chapter of the three-part series, Sak E-san, Pongtongsumran focuses on the tattooed men living in northeast Thailand, a region also known as Isan. While he set off to document the fading art form, the series has also become a moving portrait of their pride and spirit.

“刺了大腿文身,即可成家立业尔。” —— 暹罗谚语。

在二十世纪中叶之前,在泰国北部和东北部,许多男子的大腿上都会刺满密密麻麻的文身。时至今日,这一传统已被人们所遗忘,现在,只有在一些 80 岁到 110 岁的男性身上还能看到这样的痕迹。

为了记录这种传统,泰国艺术家和摄影师 Charnpichit Pongtongsumran 花了五年的时间搜索并拍摄了这些刺着腿部文身的幸存者,最终组成《The Spirit of Tattoo》(《文身精神》)系列。该系列分为三部分,在第一部分“Sak E-san”,Charnpichit 着重拍摄了泰国东北部依伞(Isan)地区的文身男人。他在拍摄这些濒临消失的传统艺术时,也是在用影像重现他们的自豪感与内在精神。

Shot in natural light against plain backgrounds, Pongtongsumran’s black-and-white photographs have a certain timelessness. The men are posed still, wearing only loincloths held by strings around their waists, as was common in the past. They expose their tattoos in their entirety, an intricate patchwork of floral patterns and mythical creatures. The wrinkled skin and bent posture of these old men are juxtaposed against their tough demeanors; they look dignified and reassured, casting penetrating gazes at the camera.

“These men used to be farmers,” Pongtongsumran says. “Now, most of them are manual workers, making wicker baskets and other handicrafts. They usually move slowly, as older people do. But, as we prepared for the photos, they became energetic.”

Pongtongsumran was born in Isan but moved to Bangkok at an early age with his parents. He doesn’t recall his time in Isan, except for the strong bond he had his grandparents, who were also farmers. In a way, this project helps him to reconnect with his long-forgotten roots.

Charnpichit 的黑白照片都是以纯色背景,自然光拍摄,有一种经典的格调。照片里的男人只用布遮住下身,在腰间用绳子系住,这是他们以前常穿的一种服装。腿部的文身全部暴露出来,布满错落有致的花纹与神话角色图案。老人布满皱纹的皮肤、佝偻的身态与他们透露的坚韧个性形成对比。他们直直地望向镜头,看上去既骄傲而又自信。

“这些人以前都是农民,现在大多数人都变成了体力劳动者,制作柳条编织篮和其他手工艺品。”Charnpichit 说道,“因为上了年纪,工作时动作也比较慢。但是,每当我们准备拍照时,他们就立马变得精力充沛。”


The beginning of the project was discouraging. People told him that the tattoos were common in the past, but that they had disappeared. Often, when he caught wind of someone with these tattoos, he’d end up discovering that they had already passed away.

“Once, I heard about a man who had the tattoo, but when I went to see him, I found out that he had died a month before. Another time, I traveled to meet three men, but when I reached their village, one of them had already passed away, and I ended up attending his funeral,” he says.

刚开始着手进行这个项目时并不顺利。Charnpichit 得知这种文身在过去很普遍,但是现在已经销声匿迹。每次他打听到有这些文身的人时,最后往往会发现他们已经不在人世。


The sense of urgency was heightened by the fact that these men often still live in remote villages. Sometimes help from the local governments was required to reach them. Once he finds a tattooed man, the process of shooting arranging travel can take up to two weeks, and it was rare to find more than two men with leg tattoos in a single village.

It also happened that, sometimes, family members didn’t know about their father or grandfather’s tattoos since it was always covered by clothing. It wasn’t out of shame though. “These men didn’t think of their tattoos as something special anymore,” Pongtongsumran explains. “They were proud to discover that they had a national treasure in their bodies.”


有时候,就连这些男人的家人也不知道原来自己的父亲或祖父有这样的刺青,因为它们总是被衣服遮住。这倒不是出于羞愧,正如 Charnpichit 所说:“这些男人以前已经不觉得自己的文身有什么特别,但现在反而会以此为荣,因为这代表着民族既往的传统瑰宝。”

In the past, having this kind of leg tattoo was a symbol of honor for the man in the region. Aside from being a mark of their ethnicity, it was also a rite of passage for boys around 15 years old, a voluntary act in which they could prove their manhood, bravery, and patience by enduring long hours of excruciating pain. They’d lie down on a thin mat while a tattoo master, using his feet, stretched their skin and hand-poke tattoos with large, steel needles. The pigment was a mixture of soot and bile from tigers, bears, and buffalos—which gave the ink its deep, enduring blacks.

Leg tattoos also had courting purposes. From that age on, boys had to attract the woman they would marry, and these tattoos were a way to do so. But out of all the men Pongtongsumran photographed, only one appears alongside his wife, hand in hand. In most cases, either one or another had already passed away. “It felt like a wedding photo,” he grins. “They were so proud of it; no one ever photographed them like that.”

早先时期,拥有这种腿部文身对当地的男人来说是一种荣誉的象征。这不仅代表着他们的种族,也是 15 岁男孩的成人仪式。通过这种自愿的行为,通过忍受长时间的痛苦,证明自己的男子气概、勇敢和耐心。文身时,他们会躺在一张薄垫上,而师傅则会用脚撑开他们的皮肤,用一根粗粗的钢针刺戳出图案。文身的颜料是用老虎、熊和水牛的深色胆汁混合而成的,可留下深色、持久的黑色刺青。

腿部文身也代表着许婚年龄到了。从 15 岁左右的年纪开始,男孩要开始吸引他们想娶的女人,而这就是追求女性的一种方式。但是在 Charnpichit 拍摄的所有照片中,只有一个男人与妻子手拉手一起出现。在大多数时候,夫妇中的其中一名已经去世了。他笑着说:“那感觉就像是一张结婚照。他们很喜欢这张照片,因为从来没有人给他们拍过那样的照片。”

When asked about the fate of the tradition, Pongtongsumran admits that he isn’t optimistic. “It’s a delicate matter,” he says. “Young people may want to get similar tattoos. But the old masters are gone forever, and no one’s left to teach the new generations. The materials and methods have changed, and the meaning behind it has also changed. It’s not the same thing.”

当被问及如何看待这种文身传统的命运时,Charnpichit 承认自己并不乐观。他说:“这件事其实很无奈。也许有年轻人想要刺类似的文身,但是已经找不到拥有这种手艺的师傅了,也没有人可以教给下一代人了。文身的材料和工艺已经变了,其含义也随之改变了,再也不是同一回事。”

Like our stories? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Instagram: @jb_charnpichit


Contributor: Tomas Pinheiro
Chinese Translation: Olivia Li

喜欢我们的故事?欢迎关注我们 Neocha 的微博微信


Instagram: @jb_charnpichit


供稿人: Tomas Pinheiro
英译中: Olivia Li

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A Haunted Mind 不要温和地走向那片黑暗

May 4, 2020 2020年5月4日
LAHAT TAYO MAMAMATAY (2018) 77.5 x 77.5 cm / Mixed media 《LAHAT TAYO MAMAMATAY》(2018) 77.5 x 77.5 厘米 / 混合媒介

The oil portraits of Lynyrd Paras are studies in distress. Aggression and tension are unmistakable in the smeared faces, screaming mouths, cryptic words carved into the surfaces, and black nothingness that sometimes covers half of a canvas. Even the frames are not immune to the Filipino artist’s wrath and are often painted over or sawed into pieces.

菲律宾艺术家 Lynyrd Paras 的肖像油画作品深入探讨了痛苦的情感。污迹斑斑的面孔充斥激烈的情绪与张力:呐喊的嘴巴、表面印刻的秘文、占据半块画布的黑色空无……甚至连画框本身也像在发出愤怒的嘶吼:画框四分五裂,颜料也溅出画框之外。

Untitled (2017)
Untitled (2017)

For Paras, this work is a therapy of sorts. “There’s a feeling of freedom when I paint,” he explains. About six years ago, he  struggled with crippling anxiety and suicidal thoughts. “At one point I wanted to die, and because of that, I painted whatever I felt like. I think my art benefited from it.” But even after recovering, his art remained just as dark. What was different was that it became a darkness that he could harness and command. “While working, I’m the boss of my painting. I can control the canvas. It can’t dictate what I do to it.”

对于 Lynyrd 而言,创作的过程是疗愈的过程。他说:“作画时我会有一种自由的感觉。”大约六年前,他有着严重的焦虑和自杀倾向。“我曾经一度很想了结生命,在那种情绪下,我毫无保留地把自己的想法画了出来。可能这也是我能画好作品的原因吧。”然而,康复之后,他的作品仍然保持着这种黑暗的风格。不同的是,那变成了是他可以驾驭和控制的黑暗。“下笔时,我就是这幅画的主人。我可以控制画布的模样,而不受制于他人。”

KISS KILL KISS (2018) 82 x 77.5 cm / Mixed media 《KISS KILL KISS》(2018) 82 x 77.5 厘米 / 混合媒介
NOBODY DIES UNTIL YOU FORGET THEM (2019) 46 x 61 cm / Oil on canvas 《NOBODY DIES UNTIL YOU FORGET THEM》(2019) 46 x 61 厘米 / 布上油画
PUTAKPUTOKPUTA (2019) / Mixed media 《PUTAKPUTOKPUTA》(2019) / 混合媒介
WAG MO KO KAAWAAN WAG WAG (2018) 65.5 x 68.5 cm / Mixed media 《WAG MO KO KAAWAAN WAG WAG 》(2018) 65.5 x 68.5 厘米 / 混合媒介

Paras grew up in Manila, but because of his mental illnesses, he relocated to Laguna, a province to the east of the city. There, he has fewer distractions, which allows him to focus on his art. But with his face tattoos and all-black attire, he often stands out. “The local churchgoers don’t like me too much,” he says with a grin, flashing his metal teeth.

The aggression Paras unleashes through his art isn’t for everyone, and he’s alright with that. “People used to say it was too depressing, too personal; even today, I think collectors don’t show my works at home. They just store them away,” he laughs. “You can’t please everyone.”

Lynyrd 在马尼拉长大,但由于严重的心理问题,他搬到了位于马尼拉东部的一个省,拉古纳(Laguna)。那里没有太多干扰,他可以专心投身创作。但他脸上的纹身和全黑服装,还是常常引起他人的关注。“当地那些虔诚的信徒都不太喜欢我。”他咧着嘴笑着说道,露出抢眼的金属牙。

并非人人都懂得欣赏 Lynyrd 在作品中释放的愤怒,但他并不介怀。他笑着说:“以前人们常说这样的画太压抑了,太个人化了;即使是现在,我想大概也不会有收藏家会在家里把我的作品挂出来。他们最多只会将它们藏起来。但毕竟,你也不能取悦所有人。”他说道。

BLACK CLOUDS ITIM (2017) 46 x 61 cm / Mixed media 《BLACK CLOUDS ITIM》(2017) 46 x 61 厘米 / 混合媒介
FUCK OFF (2019) / Mixed media 《FUCK OFF》(2019) / 混合媒介
SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES (2018) / Mixed media 《SMOKE GETS IN YOUR EYES》(2018) / 混合媒介
ITIM BUGA APOY SA MATA (2019) / Mixed media 《ITIM BUGA APOY SA MATA》(2019) / 混合媒介

The recent success of the art scene in Manila is undoubtedly a boon for artists’ careers here, but Paras is worried that it stifles experimentation, that artists too frequently stick to doing what sells. “People are very talented now, since it’s very easy to learn with technology and to access tools,” he says. “But you really had to dig to learn before all this. There used to be very few galleries. It’s good for artists’ livelihoods, but it’s not necessarily good for nurturing true creativity.”  

近年来,马尼拉艺术界蓬勃发展,这对当地艺术家的事业来说无疑是一件好事,但 Lynyrd 担心这会扼杀实验性的创作,艺术家反而会倾向于创作更好销售的作品。他说:“现在的艺术家都非常有才华,可以借助各种科技,也有很多工具可以用。但在创作之前,每个人都应该先进行深入的挖掘和学习。过去这里的画廊很少。现在的情况是,艺术家谋生更容易了,但真正的创造力却未必能培养起来。”

ALL BITE NO BARK (2019) 46 x 61 cm / Oil on canvas 《ALL BITE NO BARK》(2019) 46 x 61 厘米 / 布上油画
I CAN SEE YOUR BLACK HEART (2019) 76 x 102 cm / Oil on canvas 《I CAN SEE YOUR BLACK HEART》(2019) 76 x 102 厘米 / 布上油画
THE FUTURE IS NOT FOR SALE (2018) / Mixed media 《THE FUTURE IS NOT FOR SALE》(2018) / 混合媒介
FUCK UNICORNS FUCK EVERYTHING (2019) 76 x 102 cm / Oil on canvas 《FUCK UNICORNS FUCK EVERYTHING》(2019) 76 x 102 厘米 / 布上油画
LICKED TO THE BONES (2019) 76 x 102 cm / Oil on canvas 《LICKED TO THE BONES》(2019) 76 x 102 厘米 / 布上油画

At age 37, Paras has been painting longer than many of his peers in the Philippines, creating counterculture artwork long before the local gallery scene started blooming. “I think I’m lucky I found myself before the internet,” he says, adding he hopes younger artists will look beyond the art bubble. “Don’t look at other artists’ work, look at the world. Get firsthand information. Take inspiration from your surroundings or yourself.”

现年 37 岁的 Lynyrd,步入这一行时间大概比菲律宾的许多同龄艺术家都要久,早在当地画廊兴起之前他就已经在创作反主流文化的作品。他说:“我觉得自己挺幸运的,能在互联网兴起之前找到自己的创作风格。”他希望年轻的艺术家不要把目光投在市场泡沫上,“不要只顾着看其他艺术家的作品,而是去看世界,获取第一手的信息,从周围环境或自己身上寻找灵感。”

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: @lynyrd_paras


Contributor: Mike Steyels
Chinese Translation: Olivia Li

喜欢我们的故事?欢迎关注我们 Neocha 的微博微信


: @lynyrd_paras


供稿人: Mike Steyels
英译中: Olivia Li

Bangkok Block Party 曼谷街区的青年庙会

April 30, 2020 2020年4月30日

The kids had been there since noon, just hanging out, waiting to catch a performance that didn’t start until eleven p.m. that night. They flooded the Bangkok Block Party with a single mission: to catch a rare live performance by Korean rapper One in their hometown. “They were all Thai kids,” says Nick Supreda, who first put on the block party three years ago. “I walked up and asked why they were there. I just had to know.” The moment was just one high point in a weekend full of them.

This year’s block party, held on January 31st and February 1st, brought together club music, disco, rap, and rock, each on its own stage. The festival aims to give Thai artists international exposure and to bring the world to Thais. And it’s not just music: it has street art, street food, streetwear, and more, all under the same joyful banner.

大批的年轻人从中午就开始聚集在这里,等待着晚上 11 点才开始的表演,他们来参加 Bangkok Block Party 的目的只有一个:看韩国说唱歌手 One 在曼谷难得一遇的现场演出。该街区派对至今已举办三年的时间,首创人 Nick Supreda 说道:“来这儿的都是泰国本地年轻人,有时候我会去找他们聊天,去了解他们想法。” 此时此刻,好戏才刚刚上演。

今年的街区派对分别在 1 月 31 日和 2 月 1 日举行,提供包括俱乐部音乐、迪斯科、说唱和摇滚音乐表演,每种音乐流派分别设有单独的舞台。该活动旨在让泰国艺术家获得更多国际上曝光的机会,同时将世界不同的音乐风格在泰国推广。这个活动并不局限于音乐,在热闹欢乐的气氛中,同时呈现街头艺术、美食和时尚服饰等不同领域的元素。

The 2020 edition also featured a lot of everyday objects, piled together in a way that became a spectacle. One stage was set up in a street vendor’s food cart, surrounded by towering stacks of colorful plastic chairs. Another stage featured giant cardboard cutouts of roosters and Thai trucker-style designs, while still another was covered with hundreds of vintage tees. “This year’s theme was ngan wad,” says Supreda. The term roughly translates to “temple fair.” “Up north they do these events to raise money in the countryside. I wanted to bring it to the city so Thais wouldn’t forget about it. They’ll do stuff like sell vintage tees for a dollar. So we went there and got a bunch to decorate the stage.”

在 2020 年活动的布置上,许多日常物品被拼凑在一起,设计上显得十分抢眼。其中一个舞台以摊贩餐车的主题搭建,周围摆满高耸的彩色塑料椅子;另一个舞台上则摆放着硬纸板做的巨型公鸡和泰式卡车图案;还有一个舞台上摆满了数百件复古体恤。Nick 说:“今年的主题是 ‘ngan wad’(庙会)。在泰北的乡村,人们常常会举办庙会筹募财富。而之所以将这种传统的形式带到城市,因为我不想让这些泰国传统文化被人们遗忘掉。在乡下的庙会上,复古体恤有时只卖一美元,我们买来一堆,给舞台做装饰。”

Six years ago, Supreda moved from California to Thailand to explore his roots. “I was raised in America, but I was adopted and wanted to learn more about where I came from,” he says. So he packed his bags and took a leap into a new life. When he first arrived in Bangkok, he knew no one. He opened a small bar that only fit 20 people. “There was no parking, no restroom, it felt like a container,” he laughs. “I had no background in this, I’ve been learning as I go.”

六年前,Nick 从加利福尼亚回到泰国,追寻自己的文化根源。他说:“我是一个在美国长大的领养孩子,但我一直渴望了解故乡。” 于是,他收拾行装,在泰国展开了新的人生篇章。刚到曼谷时,他人生地不熟。他开了一家小酒吧,里面只能坐 20 个人。他笑着说:“那里没有停车场,没有洗手间,感觉就像是一个集装箱。我在这方面没有任何经验,只能一边做一边学习。”

Nick SupredaNick Supreda

When he was offered a space in the popular Thonglor nightlife district, he jumped at the chance, leaving the container behind and opening club Blaq Lyte, where he made his name. “It was on the second floor, above a restaurant, and to enter you had to go through the kitchen. We had no signage. On the first day, we shoved 600 people into a space that only fit 300.” Although the police and reporters both came, and his blue hair made the evening news when he was arrested, the opening was an undeniable success. Blaq Lyte drew a mix of foreigners, local art kids, and industry types, and it soon became the afterparty spot for big musicians who flew into Thailand to perform. A similar crowd goes to the block party.

后来,他在热闹非凡的通罗(Thonglor)夜生活区找到一个新的当铺 —— Blaq Lyte 俱乐部,结束了 “集装箱” 式的酒吧时期。“俱乐部位于二楼,下面是一间餐厅,你必须经过餐厅的厨房才能进入俱乐部,那里并没有标牌。开业的第一天,我们在只能容纳 300 人的空间里接纳了600个顾客。”后来警察和记者纷纷赶往现场,那晚 Nick 被警察带走时,他的蓝发出现在了当地的新闻中。但这次的开幕活动无疑是成功的。Blaq Lyte 吸引了来自世界各地的游客、本地年轻艺术家和各个行业的人士,很多到泰国演出的音乐人在演出结束后都会到这里来聚会。这些人也往往是参加街区派对的主要人群。

The kitchen passage that led to the entrance Blaq Lyte 之前通往 Blaq Lyte 入口的厨房走道
The small restaurant that operated beneath Blaq Lyte 之前 Blaq Lyte 楼下的餐厅

Although the club has closed up shop, Blaq Lyte continues as a promotional company that operates out of Supreda’s living room and employs seven staffers, all formerly DJs at the club. The block party is where he pulls together all the friends he’s made over the years into one place to celebrate. “We throw it in January, which is the slow season for performers,” he says. “We’re just like, ‘Hey, want to come hang out and perform in Bangkok?” 

如今,虽然这个俱乐部已经停业,但 Blaq Lyte 仍作为一家活动公司进行运作,并有 7 名员工,办公地点就在 Nick 家的客厅,员工是俱乐部之前的 DJ。在街区派对中,Nick 将多年来结交的朋友们召集在一起。他说:“我们在一月份举办活动,一般表演者在这个月都没什么活儿。我们会问他们 ‘嘿,要不要来聚聚,顺便在曼谷表演一下?’”

Bangkok’s rap scene has also exploded in the past couple of years, and a collection of underground rappers have rolled onto the mainstream stage, earning millions along the way. A number of them are regular faces at the block party, and Supreda has been working with them since before the boom.

“There’s a lot of beauty here in Asia. I want to help Thailand and help develop the scene,” he says. He also wants to expose Thai audiences to Western creative movements. “It’s a developing country, so it’s still growing. That gives me the freedom to try things out, to figure out what’s right and wrong. I’m still just trying to help out.”

在近几年,曼谷的说唱场景获得了蓬勃发展,许多地下说唱歌手纷纷进入主流舞台,开始大噪名声。他们中的许多人都曾是街区派对上的熟悉面孔,Nick 在很早前就一直在与他们合作。


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: @bangkokblockparty
Facebook: ~/bangkokblockparty


Contributor: Mike Steyels
Photographer: Joyce Chen

Chinese Translation: Olivia Li
Additional Images Courtesy of Blaq Lyte

喜欢我们的故事?欢迎关注我们 Neocha 的微博微信


: @bangkokblockparty
脸书: ~/bangkokblockparty


供稿人: Mike Steyels
摄影师: Joyce Chen

英译中: Olivia Li
附加图片由 Blaq Lyte 提供

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Digital Mimicry 你与艺术之间只差一块屏幕的距离

April 27, 2020 2020年4月27日

On a Sunday afternoon in mid-April, MadeIn Gallery, on Shanghai’s West Bund, held its first art opening since it closed in January as part of China’s nationwide lockdown. The crowd was smaller than usual, and everybody wore masks. The gallery space, however, felt larger: only a few finished pieces, along with empty canvases, hung on the walls. The exhibiting artist, Ding Li, rehearsed a few brushstrokes on an unfinished piece in front of the absorbed audience. Everything was filmed and live-streamed on Zoom for those who couldn’t attend.

四月中旬的一个周日下午,在长达三个多月的全国封禁终于解除之后,位于上海西岸艺术中心的没顶画廊(MadeIn Gallery)终于举办了首场展览开幕式。观众比往常要少,每个人都戴上了口罩,但画廊却显得更大了:仅有几幅成品挂在墙上,与之一同呈现的是其他空白画布。在看得入迷的观众面前,参展艺术家丁力正挥动画笔创作。现场的展览被拍摄下来,并在 Zoom 平台上直播,与无法亲临现场的观众一起分享。

Named after the opening date and the gallery address, April 12th, No. 106, 2879 Longteng Avenue, Ding’s show displays recent works from his abstract portrait series that feature his trademark thick brushstrokes. Since he moved to the gallery in mid-March, he has been painting onsite and working with the curators to create a show that reflects our strange times.

“Like most artists, I don’t feel comfortable being watched while I’m working. I also have techniques I don’t want to reveal,” Ding says. “But I think that, given the present situation, we can’t resist doing so. The current crisis has made it more necessary for artists to be in front of the public and online.”

At a glance, it seems that Ding works on his paintings with a digital toolkit because of the tube-shaped lines that form his anthropomorphic compositions. He recreates the visual impact of digital art, especially the simple graphics of primitive 3D modeling. He even recreates flaws such as blurriness, distortion, and empty spaces between his lines.

丁力的这场展览《4月12日,龙腾大道 2879 号 106》以开幕日期和画廊地址命名,用他一贯充满个人风格的厚重笔触向观众展示了他最新的抽象肖像作品。自从三月中旬丁力将工作室搬至画廊空间,就一直在现场创作。通过这场展览,他与策展人希望激发人们思考现今这个光怪陆离的时代。



Angela Baby at Juan-les-Pins Beach (2019) 160 x 130 cm / Oil on canvas《朱安雷宾海滩的天使宝贝》(2019) 160 x 130 厘米 / 布上油画
Young Man 4 (2018 - 2019) 160 x 130 cm / Oil on canvas《男青年 4》(2018 - 2019) 160 x 130 厘米 / 布上油画
Young Woman 77 (2019) 160 x 130 cm / Oil on canvas《女青年 77》(2019) 160 x 130 厘米 / 布上油画
Female Teacher (2019) 160 x 130 cm / Oil on canvas《女教师》(2019) 160 x 130 厘米 / 布上油画

Ding began experimenting with the aesthetics of digital graphics in 2017, when he painted several untitled pieces that were utterly isolated from the world of recognizable forms. In these studies, we see his multiple layers of vigorous brushstrokes, color gradients, and the defused blurred effect of spray cans. The more digital resemblance he seeks, the more intricate his craftsmanship becomes.

丁力从 2017 年开始试验创作这种数码绘画风格的画作,当时他画了几幅无题作品,这些作品与可识别的成品作完全不同,在这些前期实验作品中,呈现出多层的笔触、渐变的颜色,以及喷漆的模糊效果。数码绘图感越要逼真,他使用的绘画技巧就越要复杂。

Untitled 55 (2017) 116 x 93 cm / Oil on canvas, spraypaint《无题 55》(2017) 116 x 93 厘米 / 布上油画、喷漆
Untitled 23 (2017) 30 x 20 cm / Oil on canvas, spraypaint 《无题 23》(2017) 30 x 20 厘米 / 布上油画、喷漆

Ding’s foray into portraits didn’t happen until 2018. His layered lines and color contrasts, either in bright tones or in grayscale, now create the impression of three-dimensional faces. The effect is fun, soothing, and haunting, all at once.

He paints his family and acquaintances, as well as people he knew in childhood. Nondescript titles like Teacher, Graduate, and Old Lady offer viewers only a vague idea of his subjects’ identity. “By giving them names and titles, I hope to emphasize the essential position that these figures hold in our society,” he says.

丁力从 2018 年开始创作这个肖像作品系列,层叠的线条,以及用明亮彩色或灰调形成的色彩对比,勾勒出立体的面容,呈现有趣、平静和令人难忘的画作。


Young Man 25 (2019) 160 x 130 cm / Oil on canvas《男青年 25》(2019) 160 x 130 厘米 / 布上油画
Auntie (2019) 160 x 130 cm / Oil on canvas《阿姨》(2019) 160 x 130 厘米 / 布上油画
Young Woman under Neon Light (2019) 40 x 30 cm / Oil on canvas《霓虹灯下的女青年》(2019) 40 x 30 厘米 / 布上油画
Young Woman 9 (2019) 80 x 60 cm / Oil on canvas《女青年 9》(2019) 80 x 60 厘米 / 布上油画

In a corner, we see his studio equipment piled between two unfinished paintings. A large wooden board is clamped to a lab table; on top of it lie a mess of materials: used brushes and paint tubes, dirty tissues, solvent and water-spray bottles, turpentine, and a few cups of coffee. There’s also a Marshall speaker and flatscreen television standing on an easel.

Ding uses the screen to display references for his paintings since he also looks for photos of people online. His fascination with the digital world goes beyond its visual aspects: he admires the internet’s openness and interactivity and aims to reproduce these traits in this exhibition.

“I want to demystify the artistic process,” he says. “Artists and galleries need to learn and adapt to these changing times and give the audience a chance to appreciate the process, as well as to ask questions. In the age of screens, the way we work as artists needs to change.” The exhibition and his paintings work in unison: his style imitates digital tools that, in turn, mimic traditional painting tools.

在展厅一隅,他的工作器材堆在两幅未完成的画作之间。一块大木板夹在实验桌上,上面摆满了各种绘画用具:用过的画刷和颜料管、纸巾、溶剂和喷水瓶、松节油,还有几杯咖啡,一个 Marshall 音箱,画架上还装了一台平板电视屏幕。



In the age of social distancing, this seamless interplay of online and offline experiences has become a temporary norm for artists and art institutions striving to keep their audiences engaged. While virtual museums and online exhibitions don’t replicate the thrills of live viewing, audiences seem to prefer a more intimate, informative, and interactive form of consuming art, through live-streamed performances, online studio visits, and Zoom conferences.

As China emerges from the crisis, Ding Li and MadeIn Gallery are experimenting with the possibility of a new dynamics in art that engages the viewer throughout the process of creation.

To keep up to date with upcoming exhibitions or works from Ding Li, visit the MadeIn Gallery website.




Like our stories? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


Contributors: Tomas Pinheiro, Colin Yang
Chinese Translation: Olivia Li
Images Courtesy of MadeIn Gallery

喜欢我们的故事?欢迎关注我们 Neocha 的微博微信


供稿人: Tomas PinheiroColin Yang
英译中: Olivia Li