Tag Archives: gif

Seasonal Campaign




For China’s annual shopping holiday (November 11), we created a seasonal campaign for ESPRIT featuring supermodel and “IT Girl” You Tianyi. Like ESPRIT, You Tianyi is all about positive vibes, having a good time, and of dancing like nobody is looking. In the same spirit, we developed lighthearted, carefree storytelling that was captured in a playful lookbook video coupled with a series of fun still images showcasing key seasonal looks. The campaign ran via social media and on the brand’s T-Mall online store, helping to drive record sales during the sales period.

我们为ESPRIT品牌在中国双十一购物狂欢节期间的线上活动创作了一条产品系列广告,此次广告邀请了超模 / “IT Girl”游天翼合作。游天翼用轻快肆意的舞步带给人积极欢乐的氛围,这正与ESPRIT的品牌精神如出一辙。基于同样的精髓,我们以轻松愉悦的方式呈现一份趣味十足的产品目录宣传片以及一系列展示季度主打产品的平面硬广。该广告被广泛运用于社交媒体及品牌天猫官店,为其在购物节期间引领销量。

#SongStyle / Your Every Occasion




Staying true to yourself and your sense of style can be tough in our busy lives. There’s work, there’s home, there’s nightlife, there’s ‘weekend casual,’ there’s on the street, in the park, and everything in-between. These different places and occasions present us with too much to think about when it comes to our daily looks.

We collaborated with ESPRIT and Korean A-List Actor Song Hye Kyo to create a FW campaign to inspire everyone’s daily style. In a journey through her ‘every occasion,’ Song shares with us #SongStyle and how she puts together looks for the many occasions life presents us.

The print campaign (shot by Zo Sun Hi) is coupled with a series of fun, animated GIFs and stereographs showcasing seasonal products, as well as a campaign mini-site.


我们与ESPRIT品牌以及韩国知名演员宋慧乔合作打造了一系列给予大家日常着装启发的秋冬季广告。通过她的“每一刻”着装搭配,宋慧乔与我们分享了#乔装十一刻 以及她是如何在不同场合塑造不同造型的。

该平面系列广告涵括了平面主视觉拍摄(由韩国摄影师Zo Sun Hi掌镜)、一系列有趣的动图、立体照片来展示该季产品,除此之外也在官网上有一个相关的活动页面。

Fall / Winter 2016 Knitwear Collection

+101 Denim Campaign


To help LEE celebrate its 125th anniversary and to promote its commemorative, limited edition line of +101 denim, we created a digital campaign featuring local creative culture brand ambassadors. The campaign photography was a fun series of cinemagraphic portraits. The series captures intimate portraits of local creatives “at work” in their +101 denim, of which, only 1250 top / bottom sets were produced and released in China. LEE leveraged the cinemagraph series on a the brand social platforms and other digital media outlets. We also created a set of still portraits and product shots for the campaign.
