In November 2016, Belgium-based filmmaker Sjoerd Samuel Tanghe spent a month traveling Vietnam and filming all that he saw along the way. With over 60 hours of footage at the end of his trip, he put together Vietnam, Land of the Dragon People, a stunning four-minute long short film.
比利时电影制片人Sjoerd Samuel Tanghe花了一个月的时间在越南旅行,一共拍摄了超过60小时的影像素材;他将这些影像剪辑在一起,制作成一部时长4分钟的迷人短片——《Vietnam, Land of the Dragon People》。

Compared to his personal and commercial work in the past, Vietnam, Land of the Dragon People is quite different. “Because of social media, the ongoing trend now is that everything must be summarized in less than a minute,” he lamented. “Some of my other projects might be flashier, bombastic, and full of energy. But for this project, the pacing is much slower. I wanted to show all the things I saw in an authentic way.”
相较于他过去个人与商业的作品,《Vietnam, Land of the Dragon People》有着截然不同的风格。他感叹:“由于社交媒体的发展,现在的趋势是一切都必须被概括在不到一分钟的时间里。我以往的作品可能更为华丽、夸张,且更有活力。但是,这部短片的整个节奏会更慢一些。我希望能以真实的方式呈现出我所目睹的一切。”

Being as it was his first time in Vietnam, Tanghe decided to travel through the entire country, starting first from the south and working his way up into the north. His journey was mostly improvised, barring a few specific destinations. Tanghe was most interested in exploring an authentic side of Vietnam, away from the tourist-ridden locations, and to discover for himself the way of life there. With an open-mind, he sought to travel off the beaten path and experience all that the country has to offer; this included trying out balut, a local Vietnamese delicacy, that Tange says to have been the most memorable part of his trip. He adds: “If you don’t know what it is… please don’t Google it.”

Website: sjoerdtanghe.be
Vimeo: ~/sjoerdtanghe
Contributor: David Yen
Video & Images Courtesy of Sjoerd Samuel Tanghe