We created a Chinese New Year campaign for Beats By Dre to celebrate the Year of the Monkey. The campaign theme of 感官新启 encourages us all to “Open Up” our senses and curiosity to new thoughts, to new ideas, and to new influences in order to “See It All,” “Hear It All,” and “Say It All” in the new year.
The keystone of the campaign was a product design collaboration with internationally renowned artist James Jean to create a custom headphone. The campaign also featured storytelling support from Chinese celebrities and tastemakers Jing Boran (actor, representing “See It All”), Ouyang Nana (cellist, representing “Hear It All”), and Rosie Yang (singer, representing “Say It All”).
The campaign ran in greater China and other Asia markets, with product available online and in-store throughout Asia.
为迎接中国传统猴年的到来,我们为Beats by Dre 品牌创作系列广告。广告主题“感官新启”激励我们在新的一年敞开心扉,打开好奇地迎接新的挑战与机遇,看心中所想,听心中所愿,说心中所念。
这支广告片的主角是与国际知名先锋艺术家James Jean合作设计的限量版耳机。该系列广告同时还邀请到井柏然 (演员, 代表”See it All”), 欧阳娜娜 (大提琴演奏家, 代表”Hear it All”), 杨凯琳 (歌手, 代表”Say it All”)来讲述与这款限量版耳机之间的故事。

The product design collaboration showcases James Jean’s signature style in a special edition “Year of the Monkey” Solo2 wireless headphone. The concept behind the design is an unexpected play on the traditional story of The Three Wise Monkeys who “see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.” Jean turns the classic proverb on its head – exploring the way we see, hear, and communicate in a modern context. His three monkeys are no longer unknowing; they can see it all, hear it all, and say it all in an instant. They are awakened, empowered, and curious. Hidden in a camouflage of flowing, white-hot flames, the monkeys’ senses are open to the energy and inspiration of a new age.
这次推出的 Beats x James Jean 猴年特别版 Solo2 Wireless 耳机设计,展现了艺术家 James Jean独特的个人风格。这次 James 的创意来源于谚语故事中“三不猴”, 分别代表 -“非礼勿视, 非礼勿言, 非礼勿闻”, 而他在设计中将“三不猴”彻底颠覆, 用自己的方式进行重新诠释。在他的设计里, 三只猴子不再是无知无视无闻。三只猴子的好奇心被唤醒, 各种感官被打开, 从而获得源源不绝的灵感。2016年五行属火, James 也以火隐喻灵感, 而感官新启的三只猴子也分别隐身其中, 闪耀着创意之火, 创世之趋。
Product Packaging Design

For the campaign we also created 15 and 30 second animated spots, campaign key visuals featuring product and brand ambassadors, a series of short films featuring brand ambassadors, a 15 second spot that aired in New York City’s Times Square jumbotron screen, and a special packaging set for premium product seeding.
我们为该系列广告也创作了15秒及30秒版本的动画,广告主视觉,产品代言人广告大片, 系列产品代言人广告短片,及一支播放于纽约时代广场的15秒广告大片,还包括一套限量版产品包装设计。
Campaign Spot (30 Seconds)
Campaign Spot (15 Seconds)
New York City / Times Square
Print Campaign Key Visuals

Jing Boran / See It All
Ouyang Nana / Hear It All
Rosie Yang / Say It All
感官新启 / Open Up, featuring Jing Boran, Ouyang Nana, & Rosie Yang
Apple In-Store Event / James Jean